
Diplomats INFP

Poetic, kind and altruistic people, always eager to help a good cause.

'Haha I'm not your sister, but she sounds awesome XD It's good to know that I'm not the only person who does that!

Pinkie Pie: ENFP Twilight: INTJ Fluttershy: ISFP Applejack: ESTJ Rainbow Dash: ESTP Rarity: ENFJ Spike: ISFP Luna: INFP Celestia:ENTJ? Cadence: ESFJ

I'm really tired. Also I'm procrastinating my homework. I hate group projects. My group is filled with STJs who think I'm a lazy idiot. I probably am a lazy idiot. Now I feel guilty for...

Dear ISTP, Stop getting so annoyed when I make up words. -INFP

I don't think you can. But I typed my cats as INFJ and ESFP. So maybe you can to a certain extent. I/E is pretty easy to figure out with pets. So is P/J. But you can't really figure out the cognitive...

I fail at drawing/sketching/painting even though I always have really interesting ideas, but I can't show anyone because of that. I'm not very pretty, I blend in. All of my friends get better grades...

My least favorite type is ISTJ. But they are very practical, down to earth, and are very loving and loyal friends. I can't really fully hate a type. I have two ISTJ friends who are amazing, but I...

My tritype is 479, but I border on enfp. Most infp are actually 459.

My first guess is enfj. But we will never know.

Intuitive: She really doesn't like him. Sensor: Did she tell you that? Intuitive: Umm. No? Sensor: Than how can you say that? Intuitive: Because... reasons? Sensor: *rolls eyes* Two days...

I think you are a 549. It isn't possible to have a 5 and 7. Instead of focusing on tests you should probably try reading all the descriptions and figuring out which ones fit you best. Then once you...

So I'm guessing that the most common for infps will be 459 or something like that. But anyways I'm a 479. If your tritype isn't in the poll then make sure to say what it is, there are 27 tritypes and...

Mom: INFJ Dad: ESTJ Brother: ISTx Me: INFP Now for the rest of my relatives (all on my dads side) Cousin: ISFJ Other Cousin: ESTJ Aunt (cousins mom) : ENTJ

I agree, I prefer for other people to start conversations and keep them going. So most of my friends end up being extroverted.

I don't know if anyone has made a thread like this before, but what would you type the characters from psych? Shawn: ENTP or possibly but less likely ESTP. Gus: ESFJ Jules: ESTJ Lassider: ISTJ...

Fe is more focused on external values, tends to focus more on how the people around them feel. Fi is more focused on internal values and how they feel about the people around them. I know I am more...

I'm infp and I'm not emotionally unstable, emo, depressed, or socially deprived. :proud:

I feel the lack of communication as well. My dad is an estj, and I'm infp. We are opposite types so we have completely different perspectives. He thinks I'm being rude when I'm actually just being...

It's feel a little hurt when people say crap to me, but actions speak louder than words. So if somebody does something to hurt me I will be upset.

No, I'm way to messy and indecisive to be a j, I'm definitely nfp. Im more Fi, according the tests I've taken. I think I might be extroverted though.

So lately I've been testing as less of an introvert, and yesterday one test said I was an extrovert. I've always sort of wished I was extroverted, but I was so convinced that I was infp. I'm still...

I feel offended because the description was pretty inaccurate. I am relatively adventurous, not depressed, I don't hate myself, and I LOVE philosophical discussions. socially unskilled, unable to...

Out of all the types, istj is the only one that fits. I have attempted to type him multiple times and none of the other ones make any sense. Also he has every other istj habit and I have forced him...

For the most part I agree, but Rainbow Dash is an extrovert.

My older brother who is in high school is definitely istj. Except from what I've read sj's are supposed to respect authority, which he does, but he is a bit rebellious. For example in middle school...

Don't. She constantly feels the need to text. I hate texting and I feel guilty when I don't text back. Also, I still see her at school. She's a good person and all, but our friendship is best during...

I have a very close esfj friend. I deal with her by not seeing her very often, but her being very extroverted that is hard. She doesn't understand that I get tired of people, or pretty much anything...

In the beginning of the movie she sort of just goes around town reading and doing whatever she feels like doing. She wants adventure, and is tired of her life being so predictable. She doesn't really...

The fact she was not held hostage by choice does not make her j. Also, she found the good in the beast rather than just deciding that he was evil which seems much more p.

How is Belle j exactly? She seems to be even more infp than I am. I agree with you about the beast though.

I'm having troubles typing one of my friends. Every time I think I have her typed she says something completely contradictory to what I thought. Okay so here are a few things about her. -she...

In general sj's are good people. My brother is an istj, my dad is estj, and my close friend is esfj. They have a lot of annoying habits, but I do like them in general.

9th- enfj 10th- infp 11th- enfp rose- exfp dalek- istj I'm not great at typing but this is what I came up with. Also I think the doctor is a feeler because he almost always finds a way to do...

As an NF I do tend to use swear words more than I should.

I've been looking at the forums a while so I just thought I would start to participate.'