
Diplomats INFP

Poetic, kind and altruistic people, always eager to help a good cause.

'I'm in High School still, but I'm hoping to go for a psych major and become a Therapist or Psychologist or Psychiatrist or which ever one you get to help people out the most in. Understand people.

Sixteen. One month into a four month relationship. I felt great about it afterwards, kept on doing it with her until the the end (and a bit after) of the relationship. After I ended the relationship...

The period of time where it was cool to sit in coffee shops and read Earnest Hemmingway and F. Scott. Fitsgerald in France.

Yes, both are usually dominated by Jungian archetypes in some form. Also, a religion is an overlying group of beliefs that people follow, while a mythology can either be stand-alone or part of a...

When helping someone, I try to validate their feelings. I want to make them feel normal, I also try to help solve whatever is bothering them step by step, maybe asking questions to figure out exactly...

But i am so alone. EDIT: That was supposed to be in all caps to make it humorous. Now it looks sad. BUT I STILL MEAN IT

It wouldnt be 'real' if there were two people. In any case, the INFP in question probably wouldnt even believe they were with two people at once. They'd rationalize it somehow I think, or feel...

a;fdjga;dnf;b sup.

It can be a little overwhelming at times, but you guys rule so it's ok haha.

I never said that, nor even tried to imply it in any way. I was just wondering WHY is all. There are just so many questions pertaining to god that I would really like to know the answers to, I really...

I've done this too. I met a boy a while back, and things just clicked. Within a half an hour of talking, we were sharing our secrets and concerns with eachother. This lasted about a week, then there...

I was very sensitive as a child. I have a big, loud, Italian family, so whenever we'd have a get together I'd just want to GET OUT of there. I also ended up breaking down at a lot of birthday parties...

No matter what type the Joker is, he probably had Borderline, Sadistic, and Anti-Social personality disorders. I'm not sure why I typed this...

INFPs vs INFPs in arguments. What would come about if two INFPs infringed on eachothers deepst values? Does anyone know this experience, and if so, what happened to each person or party?

But is your view of god teaching us or experimenting with us? I'm not sure what you meant. What would he be teaching us if the garden of eden was so great? After all, we could have just stayed there....

I would LOVE to go to one of those Westborrow Baptist Church protests with a sign that says GOD HATES FIGS. I wouldn't be able to keep a straight face in front of all those crazies.

I'm an INFP, what is logical analysis?

The dark side of the forc-- er... INFP beckons...

I can be cynical too, you're not alone.

Here's something I've always wanted to know... Why did Jesus hate fig trees so much? I mean seriously, I like figs! He just went ahead and cursed a fig tree just because it wouldn't give him...

INFPs probably had a part in the creation of all the great RPGs the world knows.

Thank you OP :D Almost everyone I know is an ENFP, you guys rule! I probably would never do anything exciting with other people if it weren't for you guys, and the emotional sharing is great too. ...

I'm always afraid of approaching people for help and stuff too, don't worry about it, I think it's a shy thing. As for contacting people first but they never contact first in return, that's probably...

I always RREEAAALLLYY want to express my feelings, but I never do. Is it shyness? I don't know. Is it being afraid of attachment? Maybe? Probably not. I don't know, but I guess I like keeping things...

Well, I mean, outside of popular behaviors seen in most INFPs... I think it would be very easy for an INFP with its morals shattered and their dom Fi to become a cynic and hate everyone. Haha, not...

My dad is an ENFP, almost all of my friends are ENFPs, so I was just wondering.... What do you guys think of your INFP friends or parents or anything? What do you notice about them?

I originally just put the number 2, but the site told me my post was too short. 1 + 1 = 2 in a math sense. In any other sense, you'd have to know the context and what you're adding together in...

Not really, depression and such usually just leaves me braindead creatively. Oh well, I'll come around

Music. I think I'll just take the whole experience and others like it and put them into the creative blender.

I read a bit about limerence on Wikipedia. Seems about right, but maybe mine is not as sexual as it is emotional. I don't know...

Many of you have probably experienced this, but I want to know how you feel afterward/end up dealing with it. So, I became infatuated with this girl recently and kind of flirted with the idea of...

Oh man, I get lost in my own head all the time. I try to help other people as much as possible, but it's hard when I have to balance with keeping my emotional integrity stable >_<'' Sometimes when...

Atmosphere rules. He has to extroverted though.

Xbox Live- CrimsonxIrony I play lots of stuff, Halo: Reach, Call of Duty, Need for Speed, Sims 3, GTA 4.

Procrastinating on my homework. Gay. Painfully single. Listening to post-rock. Apathetic towards school. Wanting deeper friendships than I have now. Wanting perspective. Using this to...

My Mom is an INFJ and my Dad is an ENFP. Don't really remember much of my early childhood with all of us together because they divorced when I was 10, but I turned out pretty well haha. Me and my dad...

Preceptions of sexuality are quite false in most cases. There isn't just gay, bisexual and straight, but there's an entire spectrum from one side to the other. In fact, the group of people who...

Blargh, let me try again... Here you go: Manners Demo.zip

I don't think people should consider race a factor for anything anymore. Seems kind of outdated to me...

I make Karl Marx look like Karl Marx. That test pretty much told me I was an anarchist. Up the pvnx.

^My brother took the same route, but as a musician lol

Scientist. I didn't know what kind as a kid, but I just couldn't stop asking questions and learning. I had this insatiable appetite for knowledge.

Is there one? For example, I am an INFP, and I grew up in a houshold where my mom was an INFP and my dad was an ENFP. My brother turned out an ESFP. Any correlations with you guys? My parents are...

I grew up in a very musical setting, my dad being an avid guitarist. I took up percussion in 5th grade band after my brother had been doing it for four years, and I've been a drummer ever since. Took...

swingbeatnik I should really look into it. It'd be a great way to stick it to my step-dad haha :P

Here's an awesome article on archetypes and pretty much on self-expansion and finding the true self through understanding those functions. ...

Really, any type can go with any type. My understanding of types is that they don't dictate how people act, they dictate how people see the world. A good analogy I've heard is that type is a colored...

Oh jeez, my attention span is not this long. Will check it out though. EDIT: REALLY interesting stuff! I had to stop at 17 minutes because the Daily Show will be on soon, but I'll be sure to...

Wait, so they really have CCTV surveilence in the UK? That's really fucked.

Oh damn. That's pretty ironic.'