
Diplomats INFP

Poetic, kind and altruistic people, always eager to help a good cause.

'I smoke weed occasionally. It's legal here now.

And all I know is a thing about my life, I can come and go as I please, And if I want to I can stay, Or if I want to I can leave, Nobody knows me. -Morrissey - Jack the Ripper(original...

The smell of hot concrete and smog. Reminds me of home.

I rarely got along with any of my teachers. The only teacher that I got along with was my graphics teacher, Mr. Bailey. He would let me come to his class when I didn't want to be in any of my other...

I would take up pages writing down all the songs that have made me cry. Music is probably the only thing that can bring out the strongest emotions in me.

Combining your anxiety and avoidance scores, you fall into the secure quadrant.

I agree with everything you said. People these days just don't have common decency or manners. I'm the young one and I act more grown up than these people. It's so hard to figure people out these...

I am so fucking irritated. Why is it that I cannot get along with child-less women over 40? Happens every goddamn time. I always end up getting fucked over by them. They start off really nice. We...

Iggy & The Stooges - I Need Somebody http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPyUXb2QwDM

Mac Miller - The Spins Love him <3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyLyK8rLqPY&feature=related

Never have I ever gotten chased by mall security after they looked through the steamed windows of our car.......lol

Quinn as in Harley Quinn. I'm a batman nerd.

I drink once in a while. I love hard liquor, I drink a lot but I can handle myself really well when I'm drunk. Also smoke weed from time to time, if it's something mellow. I've been way too high to...

Burberry Brit Noa Ralph Lauren Blue Chanel No. 5 Sensual Amber Victoria's Secret Dream Angel Estee Lauder Pleasures I love perfume. Those are just a few. I switch it up everyday.

-- Become a bestselling author -- Move back to Southern California -- Get married, have twins -- Travel -- Drive or ride in the Oscar Meyer Wiener-mobile(Always wanted to do this since I was a...

Lad, go with #1, she can wear it with anything.

Where can I find the third ring??? That is absolutely gorgeous!

I absolutely love strange things. Normal things are boring to me.

So I was browsing around and I didn't find any threads like this. For those of you who watch poetry videos, post them here. I would love to watch them and I'm sure others would enjoy them too. Also,...

I want new clothes. I need some desperately. And maybe some high heels :)

Some more... 27334 Matilda <3 27336 27337 My boyfriend, Austin <3 27338

These are some of my older drawings in ballpoint pen. And these are some pics I took with my phone. 27328 27329 27330 27331 27332

The Gift of Fear by Gavin De Becker This book showed me better ways of listening to my intuition, I never not listen to it. Also I can read the signs of danger a lot quicker. I'm more observant. I...

This guy in the video makes me laugh my ass off every time. They try masking his dorky dancing with half naked women. ...

I'm excited yet dreading Christmas. It's going to be hard without my mom this year. My dad doesn't want to celebrate now because my mom is gone. My boyfriend and his dad don't like celebrating...

Bjork vs The Cure - A Hidden Place http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z0FqNQ520q8&list=FL02r0UX4EZvDJ50dfQJqmeQ&index=254&feature=plpp_video

I'm going to seek help for the problems I've been having. Ever since my mom passed away, my anxiety has gotten out of control. Also, my best friend thinks I have bipolar, that would make sense. All...

Things are looking up.

A kind stranger told me I lost my dad in feb. It does get easier over time. It will get better. Those two sentences changed my whole perspective, I don't feel hopeless and depressed anymore. Things...

I am going to start writing tonight. Writing has always transferred my pain onto paper. I never even thought about the counseling, I'll look into it. I was going to church for a while but my...

Reading, drawing, playing video games, music, walking...the usual things I do. I think I might take up writing again. I can't seem to find the proper outlet. I've even talked to numerous people about...

I have so many emotions coursing through me I just don't know how to rid of them or cope with them. I need to find an outlet but the usual ones don't seem to help.

The Human Abstract - Patterns http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xRitJ1m8E1w

My mom passed away at 3:15 a.m. this morning...

I'm sorry for your loss. It's hard for me to be in the same room as her. I start getting panic attacks. I'll hold her hand or talk to her. She's on oxygen now and doesn't talk. I have so many...

I don't want to lose my mom. Even after all the fights we had, I want her to be around. She's never going to be there again and I'm having a horrible time grasping the concept. She wont be there to...

My mom is dying...She's been battling cancer since 95'. The doctors say they can't do anything for her anymore. They put her on pain management today so she wont be in any pain. Now it's a waiting...

Oh we have known each other for at least a month. I would normally wait to come to this conclusion. But no one has ever made me feel the way he does. It sounds insane but he has said hmm, maybe we...

So I am pretty damn sure I have found my soul mate. Our connection is indescribable. It's like a breath of fresh air talking to him. I have been myself 100% of the time with him. And I've never...

Lol you aren't getting many replies because everyone is lurking and being stalkerish. hahahahaha

Echoes of Eternity - Garden Of The Gods http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FyQsj7k8rxg&feature=related

I wish you would make the first move. Everything is out in the open. There's nothing to be afraid of.

The eyes always give it away. For the most part, you can always tell what kind of mood I'm in. I can always tell what kinds of moods other people are in as well, even if they are expressionless.

I hate being late. If I am, it's because I actually forgot I was supposed to be somewhere, and if I'm more than 10 minutes late, I will not go. I'd rather miss out on what it was than show up...

I moved from a city to a small town. I've been here for almost 4 years. I feel trapped. Everyone I seem to run into is an alien to me. I feel like an outcast. I feel like they are on AM and I'm on...

Arkona - Liki Bessmertnykh Bogov http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SgXlUxDGFvU&feature=related

The Violent Femmes - Add It Up http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKns87v96qs&feature=related

Morrissey - Jack the Ripper Type O Negative - IYDKMIGHTKY(Gimme That) GG Allin - War In My Head Blind Guardian - Sacred Worlds The Cure - Fascination Street Depeche Mode - Barrel of a Gun Cold...

We talked. He wanted to come over to my house the next morning. My room looked like a teenage boys room minus the Batman sheets, I would love Batman sheets. I spent 4 hours cleaning the house. He...

Absolute favorite games are Fable 1,2,3. :D Untold Legends: Brotherhood of the Blade Assassin's Creed GTA Series Monkeyball Sacred 2 To name a few. I'll try any game once. I've been gaming my...'