
Diplomats INFP

Poetic, kind and altruistic people, always eager to help a good cause.

'45016 urh sorry uh. couldn't resist.

all of you enfjs, please collectively marry me.

When an ENFJ is interested in you, you will know it. :D enfjs are my favorite for this reason.

she seems to have a similar vibe to this girl. i can't tell if she's infp or infj, actually. (she seems to like lists and talking ideas out loud too much to be a Ti user. but. she claims.) ...

40386 but look at those eyes... i think dogs are excellent spirit animals. :) (AH. REPOST. DAMN.)

puppy-thesmalldogbreeds.jpg but look at those eyes... i think dogs are excellent spirit animals. :)


It's almost seems like more people like ESTJs than ENFJs!I can't say I've ever really connected with one. These are certaintly the most dedicated relationships in my life, but they can be bland......

I really love the enneagram. There are a bunch of great books on it-- if you feel like it's something you want to learn more about, I have to say that is the best way to go. :)

Both of those, and your description sound quite a bit like me... ISFP sounds like enneagram 9 and INFP sounds like enneagram 4.I'm definitely E9, though so that makes me confused with this... I...

Hmmm. Well. People wear me out, and I usually need a lot of alone time after I've been with them. I vote I. The N/S concrete/abstract thing is hard for me... I would probably take an abstract...

I think this is really hard to type because its seems like you have a clear idea of who you want to be/ how you want us to type you (that would make me think Pi, but...). The strong directive toward...

what happens if i bump my own thread? i just want friends... i'll type you back... let us all love and assist one another in this wonderful process of personal growth... i'm being hyperbolic but...

I don't know if I am one of you but it's likely so heeeyyyyy erryboddy. i may be seeing more of you soon.

I think I'm kind of feeling the satirical anonimity for the moment. (...look at this pretentious college girl...) but, i'll head over there if it ever gets to be too much... which it probably will.....

I feel like I just got lots of hugs. thanks everybody. :p

I agree. I'd vote some sort of NTJ.

oh my goodness... these are great.

if you're looking for some help distinguishing between 9 and 6, you might want to do a youtube search. a bunch of really good videos have come up interesting from 'goconscious'. there are also some...

Hi, everone! I'm new... definitely an introvert and most likely a feeler, but I don't know what kind... I just posted in 'what's my type.' just sayin' hi. Anyone wanna be friends?

You sound a bit like an ISFJ to me... there's a lot of empahsis on the familiar an dthe comofortable, but also an emphasis on the others, FE-style.

Anything music related, as long as I'm not playing with people who see music as a science. I hate when people play an instrument and learn every scale and every piece of musical theory but they have...

I'm throwing in my vote at ISFP-- lots of Fi, definitely Se (number 8, your response to the photo.) I'd just say, don't listen to the people on this forum who are demeaning to ISFP's...

from what arrow said... have we thought isfp?

piglet seems to be quite controversial.... but i kind of peg him as an infj.

entj sounds reasonable! he would have a more expressive countenance if intp. he's probably a 3? not an 8?

Hi, everyone! I've spent some time with personality theories (particuarly the enneagram) but am deeply bewildered as to what my own mbti type/ functions might be. I have a couple of things in mind--...

Consider how stressed you are about this as well. Sometimes the 'obivious' thing is the right thing. It's easy to over- analyze.'