
Diplomats INFP

Poetic, kind and altruistic people, always eager to help a good cause.

I second this, especially if we're not emotionally healthy or in a healthy environment and Hollywood is so not a healthy environment. I'm known in my family for my mini rages and it totally stems...

Leigh Anne - ESTJ , her husband ESxp, S.J. EnTP, Collins ESFx, Michael xxFx

A majorly unhealthy estj, 3. She's a bit of a sadistic narcissist so typing is not so easy cause I don't want to insult estjs &/or 3s XD. She reminds me a lot of Mother Gothel from Tangled. All I...

The Incredibles Mr. Incredible: ESxx Helen Parr: ESxJ Dash: EStP Violet: IN?? Syndrome: eNfp gone bad? Mirage: iNFj

I say istj, though isfj living on the negative side is a strong possibility. An isfj I used to know liked being though of as nice and sugary sweet but I think I was one of only 3 people knew she was...

*ponders if the people were trying to tell me I have no personality whatsoever* LOL

Do you think Big Macintosh is an isfj? I ask because people I know keep comparing me to him and I'm all O___O, cause he isn't no infp and I am a Feeler type to the core. I know infp and isfj can get...

I saw that and went WHAT?!? Rarity an intuitive? I can see Zecora being some sort of NF though. An infp who went all dark side and then came back would be so very, very emo. I'm certain the girl's in...

Lucky! Is there any infps on this show? Or at least an infj. :(

A weak E or I, but the rest is very SFP.

What about the Cutie Mark Crusaders ? Sweetie Pie Applebloom Scootaloo They are so cute, but I sometimes wanna strangle them for how much trouble they cause.

What are your thoughts on Armstrong's sister? ENTJ? ESTJ?

I though you thought that Aliena was ESTJ post rape? Pillars was definitely not pro ESTJs. XD

How do you see Belle extroverted and an 5w4? ( Though those slight differences could explain why I only agree 90% when people compare me to her.) I can see Beast being a isfp, kinda see the 4w5. I...

Kaylee an ENFJ? I claim River as a crazy infp! ......I do not care that she is probably an intp. I accept my insanity in place of reality. :P

AGREEING. I don't see Liz a healthy version of an NF and I'm an NF and I can very, very inconsiderate. She could also be a infp, the Lydia (Beetlejuice) version of infps.

If he's extroverted, he's a weak extrovert. I'm thinking he's infp or isfp. When I think enfp I think Robin Williams & Drew Barrymore. I never really noticed but he and I have the same mannerisms and...

How is she intuitive?

Will - infx Kate - isfj or isfp

You guys got me addicted to this show! I agree with Pinkie Pie being a ENFP & Fluttershy being a ISFP.

I definitely saw xnxj in him. I've seen him typed intj on a few forums.

Agreeing with istp for Flynn. I see both enfp & esfj for Rapunzel, weird I know. I'd love to see how people see Rapunzel as enfp &/or esfj. She is hard to type considering her situation.

Kim's an introvert. I didn't believe it myself until you see her reactions to throwing a party and she really isolates herself with her Blackberry. Her mother forces Kim to be extroverted. The rest I...

Soul -istp Maka- istj Black Star - very much a promoter type - estp I see Liz as more the introverted type. Tsubaki could be isfj, of course everyone seems more J around Black Star. XD

Cool thread! I hope someone does Much Ado About Nothing & As You Like It!

What about the movie/mini series versions? 1999's Mansfield Park, 2007's Persuasion, & 2005's Pride & Prejudice took some ( okay on MP alot) liberties on their personality. Which characters do you...

Any idea on April's type? I didn't like her at first but she's grown on me. She's definitely a feeler.

Wash seems more enfp and Kaylee seems more esfp. I also think Simon is more introverted.

Celine is a enfp or esfp

I see Mei as enfp or esfp. I agree and see Al as infp.

I see Winry more as a ESFJ or ENFJ. How do you see Ed as isfp?

I want to see this movie badly. I was trying to wait for it to come to the cheap theater near me, but for some reason knowing Rapunzel is an NF makes me not want to wait.

I'm a huge introvert, but if it's a one on one conversation then I'm very open and talkative. My former therapist noticed how I'm painfully quiet in group therapy sessions, but come out of my shell...

I actually think Olive is more an infp or intp. She's does stuff that is very much a feeler. Her lies and cover ups stem from wanting to please others or help others. She falls for their sad stories....

I'm inclined to think Huey is more INTJ than INFJ, though he could be balanced there. I love Jasmine & am an INFP, so I'm a bit biased there. I agree with Riley's type too.

Josh- estp Donna-esfp Danny- xnfj Jed Bartlet- entj Abby Bartlet-enfj Zoey Bartlet - xxfp Charlie- istj CJ-enfp Will-intj Kate-istj

How is Ron an N? Any guesses on Ben & Chris?

Peter from White Collar

I agree with Chuck being ENFP, I just love her and her wardrobe!

I agree with Andy as an ESFP, he's not very introverted. April INxP, hard to say really.

I would love to claim Gloria as an NF, but....remind me how she's intuitive.

I love this show and the new characters. Ahsoka - ESFP? Bane - ESTP or ENTP Duchess Satine - ENFJ ?

Beautiful 1987 film. I'm curious about the characters types Maurice: maybe infx Alec: esfp or isfp Clive: xstj http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iD5TBJHJxC0&feature=related

I think Catherine is ENTJ or ENTP, I think. Catherine=HBIC , there's her type! :laughing:

Rachel McAdams's Irene is ESTP or ENTP, at least to me.

Thank you! Has anyone tried these with the enneagram

Can some try to type this one pretty please: Sun: Leo Moon: Aquarius rising: Libra

Annabeth- ESTJ or ISTJ

isfj, I think.

How is Michael intuitive?