
Diplomats INFP

Poetic, kind and altruistic people, always eager to help a good cause.

'Yes that is fair enough, however I do have attachment to the place and it will always remain my home.

I have lived in the same area all my life. So that's my home

Awh, what lovely welcomes! I'm glad to be one on you guys!

I started off sure I was an INFj, then I began to doubt that. When I took the test originally I was under stress so I wasn't myself. so then I start thinking if I wasn't an INFJ I must be and...

I relate to aspects of both of your personalities , in some parts of both I don't relate to Areas where I am more like you - I definitely do not fan girl I care for people I can be indecisive...

I can relate to this actually a lot. I am a perfectionist but not in all areas of my life, only in areas which i have an interest in. For example, I am known to be artistic so If I am doing anything...

that was an interesting read, thank you for posting ! I can actually relate to both do in parts. Inferior Se A common focus, particularly for INTJ and INFJ women, can be an aspect of their...

CCCF what am i ? :)

I usually type as INFJ, but sometimes especially on cognitive function tests I type as ENFJ. Im starting to wonder if this could be true, I definitely relate to FE SO what do you think sets you...

have you done any cognitive function tests? did you get the same result ? do you doubt your type?

I haven't figured it out, just first impression doesn't seem like INFJ or INFP to me, I could be wrong of course. Between the two I would say INFP but I don't see that either, I would need to look...

I don't see infj or infp

Feminine. Definitely.

Last movie I watched was Frozen. Before that It was paranorman Before that tinker bell and the pirate fairy. Before that frozen again. Then frozen again. Can you tell I have little girls :)

Thank you so much for taking time to do this, I really appreciate it! When I took the enneagram test (the one linked on personality cafés home page I got 4w5 5w4 1w9. I'm going to look at the link...

I'd like to add I get IEI in socionics and enneagram 4, usually 4w5 5w4 1w9

I'm just really struggling to relate to any of these. I don't think any of them correlate to an ennegram 4 or a socionics IEI either. I don't see entp or ENFP as I think my SI is either dominant or...

I am starting to doubt weather or not I am INFJ. When I do cognitive functions tests My highest scores are generally NI and SI here is a few recent results Ni (85%) Si (70%) Ne (65%) Fe...

What do you think about infp? It has si fe ni, The others don't seem right to me. I don't think I'm an extrovert, I don't socialise or anything like that. My life revolves around my family and...

I have difficulty finding places I have never been or places I have only ever been driven too (thus not paying attention) But I will ALWAYs find my way home, from wherever in the world, I don't even...

This is pretty deep so please be ready to have your mind blown ! It's my name... And the year I was born...

Here's another ************************ (24.7) average use introverted Sensing (Si) ****************************** (30.1) good use extraverted Intuiting (Ne)...

Thank you ! Here are some of my scores Your results: Te (Extroverted Thinking) (35%) your valuation of / adherence to logic of external systems / hierarchies / methods Ti (Introverted...

I would love to know what people would type me as. I always type as an INFJ. ( infp socionics ennegram 4). When I take the conjutive functions test though I don't always get INFJ sometimes it's not...

I am in a relationship with an ESFJ for 4 years. When I met him I was I a bad relationship with the father of my children. The father is now in jail for a long time. We were friends and it...

Awh dammit!

I lol'd! Q. Why did the plane crash ? A. Because the pilot was a loaf of bread

Q. Why did the monkey fall from the tree? A. Because he was dead.

[QUOTE=William I am;6391458]I think you misspelled P-ness. My P-ness is awesome. Everyone should feel it. 122370

I think that is common among intp's

Infj and I suffered from annorexia nervosa. Although I don't suffer from OCD I do have an obsessive personality. I get very obsessed/addicted to things. I got addicted to weight loss and took it...

Awwh cute ickle angry foxykins

Hello penguin you look like a wolf

Cause I n f p stands for I never feel penis And people don't like people who don't feel penis

Entp stands for Every night trips penguins And I like penguins So I don't like entps

If you were the only male, when the time came for your children to reproduce they would have to do so with a half brother/sister and that's probably going to lead to disabilities, not a good start to...

A huge comet is headed straight for earth, you have been given the job of choosing 3 people to save. You and the three people you choose to save will board a spaceship and start a new life on a...

There isn't anything I would like to see more than a dilating cervix image in a beautiful green lawn. Please post pictures when you're done!

Yet no money in the world could get me to move elsewhere !

Dad- ESTJ Mother- ESFP Siblings in birth order Brother ISTP Brother ISFP Me INFJ Sister INFJ (though I think INFP she insists in FJ)

If you love rain you should move to Ireland, I honestly don't remember the last day we had no rain at all.

You need to do that, then you need to do artistic shapes in the grass once it has grown. Ejaculating penises are preferable 121634

You have sad eyes, I don't mean that I a bad way. They are sort of endearing!

You're very pretty!

I have never been dumped nor have I ever officially dumped someone. How do I manage this? I do this thing were I am a passive aggressive coward and try to make them want to dump me by acting like a...

I don't know any male INFJs but I cannot imagine finding a male version of me attractive. In fact I think people work better together when they are different types, I come up with ideas, my...

Irish as far back as there have been irish in ireland. INFJ

As an INFJ mother, I really don't care for anything expensive. I love when my daughters make me things, it means more to me. I mean they are only 4 and 6 so they couldn't afford to buy me anything...

ESTJ -wolf My dad is an ESTJ and I would say this is accurate, he is very family orientated, very strict, intelligent, can be aggressive, strong and loyal. ESFP- puppy My mam is an ESFP she is...

Favourite would have to be Elsa, she is brave and strong. She loves her sister so much that she is willing to hide away from her in fear of hurting her again. Tirana cause she works her way to the...'