'awhh shoot---- I wanted to know about your girl issue
Have you ever had to kick someones butt in order to get a point across~?
I like T-Rex because of their small arms in relativity to their body. I heard from someone that if they ever fall down they can't get back up for that very reason.
They're sometimes cool to watch and stuff
Naww I don't understand the pay-off you're proposing about the wish of not loving in exchange for not having to deal with letting go, sounds like a selfish concept
I sometimes become emotionally unavailable to people that I feel hurt by yea definitely //coping mechanism or having standards//
I have feelings and sometimes they are strong
It couldn't be just your friend that is annoyingly close minded, it's probably typical about all the INFPS to share such a flawed characteristic. //closeminded//
#you're an introvert~?There's something wrong with you and you're wicked weird and your introvertness bothers me and i'm going to draw attention to you and point it out for everyone because you are...
Same- I'd like to download it.
My fiance always wanted sex after marriage and one night this week we got drunk and had sex and now she wants space and some separation and i feel terrible for breaking her. smooth right
gt- Lights vV mw3,reach
I don't like it :/ and don't own an account. -Found it to be disharmonious in the direction I want to go/be.
absolutely. All upon how the individual perceives my traits. Happened today where I was treated as an incapable child by one of my peers. I'm like, uhmm I'm soft-spoken and reserved- not stupid.
Wanting to post but not being comfortable with it. You're already making strides to change that by bringing it out on the table and confronting it. You're in the right direction, stay adamant^^
juicy confession, nice -I'll never look at you the same way again.
Hmm I'm thrown off by your previous response then.
*Feels misunderstood by your response* I'm not ready is a common phrase I sometimes say when rushed, going out in public, or to an event. I didn't mean it sexually ;^^
ahh I'm not ready. I agree with @bromide 's viewpoint. I feel similar in her perspective
Where is everyone going??
I'm in cosmetology to become a hair-stylist. Something I can be creative and artsy in. I enjoy the work
If you enjoy your work I'd expect heart failure not to be an issue. That may be the key deciding factor -I had that predicament when I worked in retail wearing a uniform taking orders....
I find it more liberating in the sense of being able to gain an understanding from it. -all about how you as an individual perceive it (half full: liberating) (half empty:limiting) you could...
It's like: feel guilty, have regret.Think about how you shouldn't do it. Then do it again in a couple of hours anyway. desire is powerful ^^
Improve seems positive and healthy, where as fix seems negative and demeaning.
I'm running around defending the bomb spot, my teams dead (dropped like flies) It's me vs 4guys. Spray one guy down. Bullets flying around me, pop out- finish the rest of my clip into a sucker....
I was smoking clove cigars for a year. cycle was- *Crave, Smoke, feel stimulated, then feel guilty afterwards. Regret.*
For me - knowledge works wonders. Just expanding your mind and learning can prove to be majorly beneficial.
The title of the thread fits my feelings on it well. I think it's a harmful structure. Seems like a nice ant farm project though.
I'm not convinced that it is. Looking through the history it seems to actually be out of par with that.
I agree an increase in education would be beneficial although an increase in schooling I believe would not.
We don't need school to gain an education. Believing otherwise seems disingenuous. An example would be Mark Twain. Dropped out at grade 5. Went on to be one of the most renown writers in history. ...
So far I've watched the first one, plan on finishing them. I've always been offended by the school system while I was in it. I feel like I could have been a lot further if vital aspects were...
Me, I am the most arrogant person here. ohhh the thrill
That's a really good question you pose, never thought of that exactly. Uhmm I'd go on a smelly spree
The way we have the tendency to be less assertive than others, and how many of us choose not to flaunt ourselves out can exemplify being underestimated. I like to think that we have a subtle...
doesn't that cancel each-other out ???
To add to the previous posts: you may be allowing others to hold too much weight.
When I'm around someone who is destructive I sometimes lose myself by paying too much attention to that person. Getting lost in the moment. Example: My sister comes home, then gets all grumpy-...
Other infps. You guys are great for inspiration
I respect him for branching out and distinguishing himself from the other politicians. I don't agree with some of the views he poses, but I don't expect to anyway. He's got some real strongsides...
It must have been important to you to stand so firmly by your belief about the book. So no need to regret it, or repress it. I think it's better that you stuck up for your opinion, that's cool in...
Is that a skunk as your avatar??
people learn differently, sometimes the rigid school system isn't cut out for certain individuals
When I lose my balance. When I have to walk slow. When I can no longer run up and down the stairs. All movement related to me.
-Vampire diaries -South of nowhere -Weeds -South park -lie to me
Holding hands seems like an ancient art, I don't see it much in couples especially in older aged couples. Holding hands is pretty awesome though. -I'd do it!
I think some of us may just value and place emphasis on our N's and the N's in others much more. Not that we dislike the S's but that the S function isn't in the highly regarded position to us in...
1. What makes you want to figure someone out? -If someone uses their eyes in an interesting unique way I'll become intrigued. The patterns of them and angles they choose, looking up, down, gazing,...
Sometimes I feel the need to censor myself where as if I was a female I wouldn't need to For example if I want to say something uber sweet,caring, sensitive, and friendly -I can't say that thought...'