
Diplomats INFP

Poetic, kind and altruistic people, always eager to help a good cause.

'Too much of anything is a bad thing. In my experience, denying yourself of every simple pleasure can be just as damaging as abusing every simple pleasure.

GMOs are to blame for most food allergies.

Do you get a enough exercise? What's your diet like? An unhealthy lifestyle can definitely contribute to (and even cause) the types of issues you're describing. If you're physically healthy, I...

Are you Jewish or regular?

Water, water and more water.

I would suggest letting him come to you. The fact that you keep trying to talk to him might make him think you really do have feelings for him, which might be pushing him away even further.

I've been called a pervert many times.


I say 'ice tea' I spell it 'iced tea'

Only if their username shows that we have something in common.

https://38.media.tumblr.com/ffaa807b63046418924ea2740f78db5e/tumblr_mpyi69BmpV1s6q95yo3_250.gif https://31.media.tumblr.com/4793ff03f0af5b0824c057807b3016ba/tumblr_mpyi69BmpV1s6q95yo7_250.gif ...

If a man sees an attractive woman who he doesn't know, how is he not going to objectify her? He doesn't know who she really is. It doesn't mean he doesn't want to eventually get to know her, but...


I have a love/hate relationship with weed. When I'm not smoking it all day, every day, it's quite beneficial. But I always manage to fuck up that balance because I enjoy it so much. I have to force...

I like him.

You're having a hard time empathizing with people because you're emotionless, and it's resulting in selfish, sociopathic behavior. Psychedelic drugs may be your only hope.

Trolling, if done right, is an art.


I absolutely adore this man. Truly one of the greats.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7O8AI_0F1ts Pride should be reserved for something you achieve or obtain on your own, not something that happens by accident of birth.


https://31.media.tumblr.com/e1931c8fda79df0e90a03e58bc52a5aa/tumblr_n6jguq8HkQ1rlf90ho1_500.gif http://37.media.tumblr.com/84118e4212d17ebbb5523f6a6a89f3ef/tumblr_n5otlqMwkd1rbcubso1_1280.jpg ...

Our delusional way of thinking is what makes us human.

INFP - cosmiccapricorn.tumblr.com

Get a job.

Fasting is fucking awesome, but I haven't done it in ages. The longest I ever went was 7 days, and I felt amazing for a long time afterwards. Giving my digestive system a break gave my body the time...

I generally don't like conflict, but there are times when it excites me if I know I'm in the right. If someone is regularly pissing me off, I usually hold back until I can't take it anymore, which is...

I don't like the idea of abortion, but I'm also not against it. I guess I'm pro-life but not pro-telling people what to do with their bodies. INFP.


I smoke weed daily, and I'm an INFP.

does everyone have hpv

It probably has something to do with privilege and vanity. People hate that shit.

Chinese takeout. :kitteh:

I've been feeling more anxious than usual as of late, which is why I'm listening to some Eckhart Tolle atm. I already feel a lot better.

I don't believe in death.

Awww shucks! ^_^

Rest in peace, Coconut.

Did you know all the water molecules you drank today have probably been in some creatures bladder at some point before?'