I can't stress what a struggle this has been for me, and it still is. I have wasted 4 years of my life doing absolutely nothing but over thinking everything. I wish I'd just decided on something and...
Heh, even I wouldn't date myself! I'm like the most boring person alive...
It really sucks being alone! I have never really cared about love, my inexperience with dating, or the fact that I have always been single... But now it suddenly hit. It is like I've finally realized...
I feel braindead. I spent the whole day staring blankly at whatever lay before me, and/or sleeping... I couldn't get myself to do anything, even though I had so much to do. I hope this doesn't...
Oh... ._. I thought I was the only one with this problem, and I was not wanted here anymore... So this was PerC's way of kicking me out.
Border Collie The Achiever You've heard about this second-place ribbon thing, but really don’t ever plan on getting one. Not a chance. Highly competitive, you keep one eye on the Best in Show...
What am I doing with my life? Seriously.
I feel detached from the world again, it wont be long 'til I shut myself in again.... I swear the same thing has been happening for last 4 years now. How do I put an end to it? I want some guidance,...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! Question to discuss: What would Broda say? Broda = Bro Yoda You: Hello, I'm a man cow Stranger: Hello man cow Stranger: I'm Stranger: a...
http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lupua79pv81r0teido1_400.jpg This cycle is endless for me... Will I ever learn?
It seems like I am more concerned about losing my possessions, if I were to commit suicide, rather than my family or friends. I keep thinking NO! I can't kill myself! I bought this and that... I...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rltMQ8IDVA0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PaXslpx3MWY&list=PLCAC85E8533903C61&index=43&feature=plpp_video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSKRffDyWog ...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VisKkedFZjw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKiXGXpxZYI
Trying to decorate the Christmas tree, but I keep getting distracted....
I'm scared of losing my innocence (I don't mean my virginity-.-')... I'm scared of moving forward, and stepping into the cruel reality of adulthood. Technically, I'm already an adult... But, I still...
I wish I could escape... or just disappear. Forever!
I think I'll skip school tomorrow, too... It has been two weeks now anyways...
I have avoided writing anything in any of the threads here because I feel really stupid whenever I (try to) write something... I spend hours trying to express my thoughts and feelings, and do my best...
Day wasted sleeping...
Hopeless and lifeless. I feel like giving up (actually, I have already given up) on school, my future, and life altogether. Now, all is left to do is sit and wait for death.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dU7GoCKSQfg Hated the song at first, but now I'm kind of addicted.... Always happens with me when listening to Marina... :/
http://data.whicdn.com/images/16768455/rage-comics-ashley-v_large.jpg http://data.whicdn.com/images/15951411/302034_171971096221586_100002260907440_360877_1178349470_n_large.jpg...
...When you spend more time talking to the mirror than actual people. Maybe that is just me, but I spend hours in the bathroom in front of the mirror making up conversations, imagining myself...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N701JYnjaMs Words are not enough to describe how much I love this man and his music!'