
Diplomats INFP

Poetic, kind and altruistic people, always eager to help a good cause.

'Dude, you just get need to get laid

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gspaoaecNAg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=paNiEdFTvuA check this out, you don't need words to be funny.. starts at 46 seconds ...

Do you find yourself letting your emotions get the best of you and making you act in anti-social, self-destructive or embarrassing ways? I'm not talking about impulses or addictions as much as...

I totally missed out on a few relationships when I was younger because I wasn't ready for someone that was actually ready to love me. I was instead blindly attracted to girls who brought out my...

I have always been intense when it comes to romantic relationships, you could say I'm allornuthin. I will say, partly as an excuse, that my parents are still together and happy (lucky I know) and...

guilty bystander

Everyone is lying to you, nothing is what it seems, those who are supposed to protect you are your worst enemies. Also, soy isn't even good for you...

*are you choosing to be single? Yes and no. I have passed up a few opportunities for dating but not for love, if you know what I mean.. I would love to meet more people, but right now there are...

I think all casual sex is inherently bad. When you sleep with someone you get the same oxytocin rush as a mother does seeing her newborn baby for the first time. It's an involuntary pair bonding...

1) I'm a Plumber's Apprentice, aka master of the plumbing arts. I get to wear my own clothes- including cool ninja ski masks when its freezing cold, I write my hours instead of clocking into a...

Just got my purple belt in Jiu Jitsu #:-0 Used to be big on cross country and other non-team sports..

I would stockpile twinkies and hand them out to survivors after inviting them into my blacklight zombie bunker for a retro NES Megaman tournament.

Intruiging but me specifically? ... Cocknocker #:-)

I consider myself kind of a conspiracy buff, I have been obsessed with them for the last decade at least. While I do believe a lot of things that most people would consider outrageous, I do not...

I tend to become bored with girlfriends who aren't both idealistic in some way, you know, dreamy and wishful and stuff, and also a bit intellectual. Not like academia intellectual, I mean like, not...

PressTV - Mothers of all Palestinians must be killed: Israeli MP

There is nothing new under the sun, It's the way of the world and this has been happening since the beginning. We like to pretend that we are more evolved from past generations and do not want to...

Listen to John Lennon's lyrics and try not to cry https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eDVkkwl6aJo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POBw_tY88pw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zA9Otsxj9yw These...

Dude, I love this thread! Not only do I freaking love sad music and feel like it's a total sign of my INFP'ness (drama queen), I love repeatedly listening to some of the most obscure, weird,...

The best relationship I have had was with a woman 7 years older than me, she was awesome. I wouldn't really consider myself mature, but there is something about me that can't stand younger people...

Do most women dislike us for our femininity? Is it true they want a big, macho ESTJ? I don't think many women dislike our feminine characteristics, but it is something that they are not...

Oh man, this is a subject I have struggled a lot with throughout my life, especially after finding out I was an INFP. I used to think there was something wrong with me and I really was missing...

Don't do it, it will destroy your soul. Me and some other peoples made two fake okcupid accounts, one of an average guy with bare bones description, and one with an average girl with the same...

It's all bullshit, and yet there are still people everywhere who sincerely believe in it. Humans have quite a capacity to delude themselves. There are no miracles, and if god or the devil exists,...


Too much honesty, I see more and more how I am kind of an asshole (:


Witty Knitter Heck yeah, I love it, and not just for the reasons I mentioned. Even people who aren't super empathetic or even interested in other people seem to enjoy the work. It is pretty...

I had the wonderful opportunity to go back to school this year as a physical therapist assistant student. I love it. Everything I am learning about is practical. My biggest beef is learning theory...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7jGbtIdOZ-M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_61s62WKVio I wish we had Swedish police in America.

A thread where I get to talk about myself? That’s my favorite subject!! Take a walk with me, we are steadily approaching that mysterious island of manly INFP knowledge known only as Allornuthin…...

Yes, it is my favorite thing to do at movies to annoy my friends. Sometimes movies are so predictable and stuff, it's lame. I think foreshadowing and all the rest should be a little more subtle,...

The only thing that has ever gotten me to lose weight is exercise. The whole counting calories thing just doesn't work for me, I am too impulsive and would need to be terminally obese to have that...

AGGH!! So tired of people telling me this like I'm an infant! Don't they understand that humans aren't even logical beings? You have to understand that we cannot feed our souls with some pragmatic...

rocknroll_lover Man, it's the exact same reason why I posted the other video. Hearing him describe himself as an alien, and doing weird stuff like walking around the street banging a drum and...

That rug really tied the room together..


Most of the INFP men I have gotten to know in real life, including myself, seem kind of hard to get close to. They are universally friendly, seem to enjoy all kinds of people, and sincerely want...


When women don't want to be engineers, it's not because of some man, or men in general, but because of some more complicated social issue that could be solved. My problem isn't with women...

I have absolutely nuthin against anyone, feminist or otherwise, who sincerely wants equality and fairness and is down to debate in a respectful way. That makes me question my own assumptions about...

Of course, most feminism isn't evil, and a lot of people dislike it mostly because it's intellectual and a little bit overwhelming and confusing to the uninitiated, hell it has it's own unique...

I am against the idea that all men contribute to and defend rape culture. I don't like being told that I am responsible for the very rational fears you might have walking down the street at night. ...

Rant Alert! I feel very strongly about this subject, so I have a lot to say. Plus, most everything I believe needs a lot of clarification, because it is easy to be misinterpreted when it comes to...

notfunny Thank you! (:# I think what drove me most to post on this thread, other than existential dread that I might be alone the rest of my life, is the desire to just have my own pain and...

Iria: Zeiram the Animation! Iria: Zeiram the Animation 1 - Watch Iria: Zeiram the Animation Episode 1 Stream Inuyasha Berserk, except for last episode Ninja Scroll/Akira/Ghost in the...

Unfortunately I think rejection will be a big issue to me for a long time to come. I have these, even though I was in a good situation, I had a hard time getting along and feeling accepted. I...

*facepalm* My cause is to change the status quo, from war, financial fraud, propaganda, control and hatred to, you know, actual solutions to the world's greatest problems. Ever since 911,...

So you are saying that criminals in your country usually carry an illegal firearm, but that the law keeps people from being shot because no one has any guns? I'm convinced that the only people who...

Gun ownership is something we need to protect ourselves against our government. It isn't about hunting or target shooting, gun ownership is a right to self-defense and for the protection of our...'