I confess that you do nothing these days but bring me down. I considered our friendship to be something precious, but you certainly did not. Trying and hoping to get back what we once had does...
Thank you, however have tried option 1.. oh god have I tried option 1. It doesn't work, I am being whiny and annoying apparently. In fact that's the reason that this person has fallen out with me, my...
What do you do when someone that you care about very much wants nothing to do with you? When you have to see them being sweet and kind to others but they have long since stopped being that way with...
It freaks me out if anyone talks about peoples insides or something. I'm extraordinarily squeamish. Also raw meat, it's all bloody and disgusting. I just wont touch it if I can at all help it. ...
Paul Cezanne http://i241.photobucket.com/albums/ff235/firegoddesslily/A_Cezanne_Autumn2.jpg John William Waterhouse ...
I have a habit of constantly twisting my hair, whenever I'm bored or deep in thought or even during conversation. I also grin uncontrollably when I'm nervous, which is very inconvenient as it can...
personally have always struggled with confidence. I was always very shy, though I have gotten over that for the most part. Getting older helps lol. Still I am still far from being a confident...
I personally like my user name but if I did change it I would likely go back to my old user name that I used to use all the time, Firegoddesslily. Purely cos it was just a lot more unique than the...
http://i241.photobucket.com/albums/ff235/firegoddesslily/DSCF1481.jpg Well in my bag I have: Purple Gloves (it's still cold here) Purple Purse Phone Key and memory stick Tissues A pink pen...
I don't know if we are gonna do anything today, it's still early lol. But my fiance is Irish so we really should. It's just a shame we are still in the U.K and not in Ireland yet cos then we would...
Whenever I have money I want to spend it and I find saving really hard. I also have a hard time resisting the urge to buy something I like in a shop. When I was younger I even got a little in debt...
Antoni Gaudi http://medj.com.au/wp-content/images/spain/Spain-Gaudi_2006-05_25_resize.jpg http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2097/2316572748_3b5bb6b37b_o.jpg Salvador Dali ...
Actually my sister is one of those fake and insincere people. She is always talking about how we should do stuff together and all that but when the time comes she apparently never has the time....
I am very emotional and I have a hard time controlling my emotions actually and I almost always act on them, that's a big issue for me. I also have very little self control, I tend to act on...
I think people are often more honest online. Cos if someone online judges you negatively it almost doesn't matter because they are not really in your life. But if that person accepts you they can...
Fly me to the Moon by Josephine Wall. I love her she's my favourite fantasy artist. http://www.mysterium-jewellery.co.uk/image.php?type=T&id=681 The Faerie Suzanne by Julie Bell, another great...
I feel quite depressed right now, have been feeling like this for a couple of days actually. It's not a new thing, just something that comes and goes from time to time. I have the Elfen Lied...
I confess that my feelings are somewhat delicate. If someone doesn't reply to a message I sent them for a very long time (if at all) I tend to wonder if I have said something wrong. Or if perhaps...
Ah, I see what you did there :tongue: ... She? She is me :happy:
LOL, do you mean 42?
I'm sorry, what is the point then? :happy:
Some say there isn't :tongue:
Just something I've been thinking about lately. Not the most up beat topic i know but it kinda fits my mood today. So what is the point of life? We're born, we have children and then we die,...
How is this thread mostly for guys, that's what I want to know? I'm a girl and a gamer. I like to play RPG's bother western and japanese. Like Final Fantasy, Tales of Vesperia (and other games in...
The first movie is the worst one. Well Breaking Dawn might be worse lol, I haven't seen it. Twilight might not be the best book in the world (ok no question it's not :tongue:) but it's a hell of a...
One of my sisters came around today, it was obvious that she had been drinking. Ix92d say she was drunk actually, but she denied the fact of course. She basically made me get dressed so she could...
I confess that I actually LIKE Twilight, not so much the movies but the books (though I think the last one let the series down). I'm not one of those crazy Twilight fans that are obsessed with...
http://www.dailycuteness.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/02/44334153_3e9114058d.jpg http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_gTJMEP-c2fo/Sa1_pNnYa8I/AAAAAAAAKr0/DY6_QxIXRU4/s400/cute-cats-23.jpg...
http://cdn2.mixrmedia.com/wp-uploads/girlybubble/blog/2011/04/1.jpeg http://www.original.dailycute.net/images/cutefix/cutecupcakes.jpg...
I'm very sentimental too, I get extremely attached to material possessions. Not necessarily expensive things I just get emotionally attached to things. Like not very long ago my BF accidentally...
Wait, why is Mario going off with Daisy? Where's Peach? :shocked:
I've just gone and got myself upset on a forum I frequent. I somehow got myself into a stupid arguement over nothing important. The other person was being very rude and I almost felt like she was...
A few more of my photo's. http://fc03.deviantart.net/images/i/2003/41/9/0/Rainbow_Scene.jpg http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs21/i/2007/277/d/8/Footsteps_in_the_Sand_by_firegoddesslily.jpg...
Some of my photography. http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs20/i/2007/277/8/d/Powers_Court_Waterfall2_by_firegoddesslily.jpg...
http://www.dodaj.rs/f/l/87/3aBmZ9JD/1/2-l.jpg http://www.epidemicfun.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/beautiful_nature_16.jpg http://www.bestqualitywallpapers.com/Nature/Azalea.jpg...
http://www.josephinewall.co.uk/surreal/soul_of_a_unicorn.jpg http://fantasygalleryart.com/library/NTBlueNocturneNTP-235.jpeg http://pixdaus.com/pics/1261129344bLXr9JH.jpg...
We're not all the same, even amongst INFP's there are a lot of different personalities. You don't have to be like everyone else. Just be yourself :)
I confess that in social situations that I don't want to be in I use my shyness (or rather that fact that people know that I'm shy) to my advantage. I know that people don't always expect me to talk,...
Yeah my BF wants her to be a tomboy if we have a girl, I think that she would probably be a bit of a mix. When I was a kid I liked all that girly stuff but I also liked climbing trees and a few...
My family's like that, when I told them I was exercising to lose some weight I swear you would have thought they had just found out I was anorexic the way they carried on. I know I'm not exactly fat...
I really think that I need to start writing my posts up in Microsoft word, as due to my dyslexia my posts are often riddled with mistakes. Spelling and otherwise.
A lot of men do seem to prefer straight hair for some reason. I have naturally wavy hair and I like it like that, I think it looks kinda cute. But when I was in college I had my hair straightend...
I feel the same way. My BF and I are trying for a baby and I want a little girl so badly. It only occured to a little while ago that I might only have boys. Its not that I don't like boys, its just...
Sometimes I just feel so inferior to other people. At these times I think that if I was only a little smarter, prettier, or more talented I could be more confident and therefore just a better and...
I know that movie just upset me so much, I think that it was the saddest movie I have ever seen. My heart always goes out to children in movies but I've never seen a movie involving kids as dark as...
Mine are: Dragon Heart Schindler's List Up (the beginning of the film) Moulin Rouge Marley and Me My Girl (when she read the poem) P.S. I Love You Romeo & Juliet (the ending)
Aelthwyn. You shouldn't have to put up with that but as you do. I know this sounds terribly old fashioned but you could always try boiling the kettle for washing dishes. Thats what my BF dad does as...
In this world does it feel like being sensitive is something to be ashamed of? I was just at my mums yesterday and we were talking about movies. She started to talking about Life is Beautiful and how...
No, not really any type of mistake is fine. Just the stupidest thing people have ever done, whatever kind of thing it was.
What is the stupidest thing that you guy's have ever done? The stupidest thing I ever did was love someone who was undeserving. He was my first love actually, and at first the relationship was...