
Diplomats INFP

Poetic, kind and altruistic people, always eager to help a good cause.

'May I have my name changed to FreedomTickler u200bplease?



Foot Ox - Alone in the Cabinet Though our lives are not what they once were, I will find you a love-milking memory For some lover lacking in all the wrong places Far too personal to say...

I need this time so, so much. On weekends, my ESTJ stepfather forces me to get out of bed at 12pm every single day. When I wake up, I just want to lay there peacefully and think, while I slowly draw...

Oh God why...

Plus, coupled with low self-esteem, an INFP will probably brush off what seem like romantic advances, or just get stressed worrying over it.

In all seriousness this is how it's done. The best way to secure an INFP is to just go up to him/her, pick him/her up (although if it's a girl you'll probably get rape charges, so don't do that) and...

This whole page is '10/10 would read again.'

Will I have to revoke my Membership Badge? Surely a tyrannical mother and her insatiable yearning for good graduation pictures is an excuse enough.

The hair... http://i.imgur.com/SpOtut1.png ...was cut. Entirely against my will. This is my final haircut, ever. I will never cut my hair again. It will grow and grow and once I'm a dirty...

I dunno if an INFP's opinion is welcome, or if it's even valuable given the fact that I'm a virgin, but I view casual sex as completely terrifying. I think even sex with a partner would be extremely...

Ahh... I see. Hang in there, bro.

*Pastes the entirety of The Little Prince*

You know, lately I've felt this way too. I think I'll eventually be a hobo-junkie, singing songs and punching an acoustic guitar while high on heroin at a railroad track, weighting for the freight...

Shit, people can flirt by accident?

My first is Words of Affirmation. I never really gave this much thought, but it only makes a lot of sense. I feel that I always need to be encouraged, and admittedly very few people in my life have...

This is why I don't own a phone (sorry if that sounds pretentious as fuck).

This. But in all seriousness, good job on speaking to your supervisor about it. If Liz does continue to show up to be a jerk, given that your supervisor knows, any sort of reactions or what have...

awww yeahhhh. Why thank you. I try to convince my parents it rocks too, but it's rather difficult because of (insert typism bullcrap here). In all seriousness though, that's the very problem. I...

http://i.imgur.com/Pdt9WaJ.png  Should I cut my hair yet?   This is last time's for reference (three months ago):  http://i.imgur.com/s7RiqE5.png

infp son tho

I've honestly thought about this too, and it may just be my severe inexperience because lolseventeenyear-oldvirgin. I've never been attracted to males; I mostly find them repulsive to be honest,...

At times I wish I could do this. It'd stop me from eventually being a vagabond. I wouldn't worry about it too much; I think a lot of our values just make for metaphorical temper tantrums when trying...

My peers think it's weird too. It doesn't make any sense to me. Like...I would you know...insert myself there, but if I was asked to look at it or touch itwith anything else for more than ten...

I'm attracted to women, but vaginas creep me out. ...This is a legitimate confession.



I hate to admit it, but I think I'm the smother-er. I think it's because of my enneagram type as 4, and I disintegrate into a 2 easily when I see one of my loved ones sad. I have this painful itch...

I can genuinely love this band. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oE9zlnGun7E

I can agree with a lot of what you're saying; however, I'm completely oblivious to any sort of attraction that those may feel for me (ENFJs and INTJs included; definitely not ESTJs). It could be a...

Thank you for your reply. I suppose that I should find comfort in the fact that I'm not the only one, but whenever I observe the system I feel so much disgust it's unfit. I hope I can eventually...



4w5, 5w6, 8w9. The 8 could be a 9; I'm unsure which is more me. The description for the 458 tritype fits me perfectly.


Eh, well, when it comes to getting 'teh ladies' I'm pretty terrible at it. I mean, it's overly-cliche to say just be yourself but I honestly think it's the best way to go about it. This is because...

I wouldn't even think anything of those people, other than absolutely insignificant to how rad you are. You've got your heart, and I can tell it's a good one. You let your heart beat--even if it's...


Fair enough; your point of view is completely valid and respectable. I've still no gripes over the way it was presented, but that's just me.

For whatever reason it bothers me immensely. I feel so out of place not having socks on. Feet are strange things to me. I only take my socks off when I'm sleeping. Dassit. Even during the summer...

I can see your reasoning behind this, and it makes sense. But I wouldn't neccessarily call it pointless. I mean, the goal was to gain information on SFs to better understand their working styles. It...

I can certainly respect the fact that you want to lessen the usage of stereotypes. In all seriousness, that's an admirable thing to do. But in certain cases (much like this one) it's not so much...


I'm an INFP, and I got Bard. I usually like to play Agent, though.

Holy dear sweet Jesus, will your next response feature trollfaces and X is doing x, your argument is invalid pictures? In any case, she's just seeking advice. I don't really understand why the...

That's a very interesting perspective. Thank you for sharing it with me, and for your reply.

Thank you for sharing that with me. It meant a lot.

Holy shit boys'n'girls. I finished ONE OF THE ASSIGNMENTS. AND I DIDN'T EVEN DO IT RIGHT. PLUS IT'S ONLY 3:48AM!!!11111!1!1

Not gonna lie, I laughed really hard over that. In a good way. Thank you. Thank you again for your added support and given resources. It's probably necessary for me to let go of these...'