'I have this really strange fear of shiny jewelry (metal). Especially necklaces, but I really dislike shiny jewelry in general. The presence of it makes me sick, for some reason. I'd rather wear my...
Hurray for women! I totally agree with you about everything. Especially about hair! I love lots of hair on both men and women. I find it generally appealing. I also love women who are prone to arts...
For the last eight years or so, the chorus of this German cold war classic have been my ringtone: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zaz_NN0KFNc What a lovely tune.
I start and end new and exciting projects on a weekly basis, I think. Reading this thread, it's sort of comforting to know that I'm not alone.
I love dancing - when I'm not dependent on any choreography. I'm terrible at controlling my body. I'm a terrible dancer, really. I dance all the time, though. Usually when I'm home alone, or with...
I have a lot of friends studying at various film schools, and I usually get to compose music for them when they're making documentaries about strange middle aged men. Here's some of the work I've...
I like most eras, but I'm particularly found of music from 1965-1975. And 90's indie.
I recently made this musical theme for a documentary a friend of mine is making. It's a documentary about a peculiar blind man with a bike. Meg og en sykkelmaskin by Andreas Gregersen on...
Even though I didn't wear my glasses, I scored a 10. WOOHOO.
39803 This would be perfect.
I work as a freelance actor and musician, and I often feel the same way. I can go wild on stage, with absolutely no artistic or social inhibitions. But thats not ME, that's just my work, my art. And...
I had the same username in my early teens, when I was a member of a message board for guitar geeks (I was a guitar geek at the time). It's a part of my surname. I chose it then because I wanted to...
Whoops! Double post, my mistake!
I had an obsession with his music a couple of years ago, and i still love it. I think both his music and lyrics are great, and quite original. I've got nothing against his performance of his ...
I think that the good girls prefer bad guys-thing is just an overall impression. And I don't really think it's correct. Yes, I know girls who prefer bad guys, but the most good girls I know...
This is me, holding a bunch of bananas: 33065 This is me, hiding inside my hoodie: 33066 And this is me dressed up as a drunk captain, playing my grandfathers old accordion: 33067
When sharing my unpredictable way of thinking with others, I often feel quite misunderstood and alienated. + I tend to gesticulate and make weird noises when I'm trying to describe my abstract...
I used to be more shy when I was younger. I'm still shy sometimes, but now I'm usually more reserved, especially around people I don't know that well. They usually think I'm shy, though, because I...
I've had an ISFJ roommate for about a year now. Known him for nearly three years, though. We usually get along great, and our friendship has grown a lot during the last year, as a result of being...
I'm 5 years old. Plus another 14.
You Don't Know What Love Is - Chet Baker
Don't you think that would be a little too mean?
It feels unfair when posers are getting attention for their fake uniqueness, while my truly unique qualities are being ignored ('cause they don't come off as unique in a.. fashionable way). Unique...
My favorite music is original/innovative, and usually very melodic. Genre doesn't matter.
I tried being in a relationship with an ENFP once. It seemed to me like I pretty much bored the hell out of her. (connieculkins post sums up that experience, and my general experience with ENFPs...
As far as I've experienced, ISFJ girls are nice. But sadly, it's hard for me to make deep connections to them. Although they're really sweet, I think an INTP female may be a more favorable choice for...
Michael Jackson? Hmm.. I've always thought of him as an ISFP. I guess Elliott Smith was an INFP. And I'm pretty sure Brian Wilson is and INFx. (Not that sure about the P/J-thing, though.) Edit:...
I fake a lot of smiles, just to make people think I'm as happy as I actually am (I use to look sad, even though I'm not). When smiling naturally, I only smile small, toothless smiles.
Okay. My nearest family.. hmm?.. My mom is an ESFJ. (Very weak E, though.) She's quite annoying, a bit overly protective, and do often criticize my unconventional and abnormal behavior. She's...
I am the one who thinks everything is kind of humorous. I am the one who feels sadly unique. I am the one who makes people feel appreciated. I am the one who loves everyone but myself. I am the...
last.fm! :happy: I also listen a lot to CDs and vinyls, and I can't be bothered register everything I listen to. Anyways: gromkaka?s Music Profile ? Users at Last.fm
I have one older sister. She's four years older than me, and an INFP too. INFP sisters are awesome.
And btw, WiscoExplorer: If you really want to learn how to play the piano, why don't you do it? I started playing for about a year and a half ago, and I've never had a piano at home either. I just...
Most memorable class? Hmm... I think that was my music classes during 9th and 10th grade. My teachers were incompetent, and for some reason, they didn't knew how to teach music. The class had to...
Oh! Never seen this one before. Lovely video, lovely song. (Kind of made my day complete:laughing:.) I'm really looking forward to Volume Two. Btw: I liked the little skip at the end as well.
It seems like the bullies have always wanted to bully me, but I've somehow always managed to scare them away. Here's an example I'm quite proud of now (I did this at the age of 10): I've always...
Oooh! I can relate to that. Alcohol makes me more productive in that way too. I also get less afraid of sharing my ideals with the world around me (and that may be a positive thing). Besides that,...
I used to see 'shadow people' all the time, when I was a kid. I sometimes do it now too (I'm 18). I've always been told they were nothing more but my imagination. This is a nice topic, btw....
Green, then orange.
Sadly, not. But I'd love to. :happy:
Top 5 Bands: The Beatles Belle and Sebastian Of Montreal Elliott Smith (counts as a band) Pink Floyd (in the sixties) Top 5 Songs: God Only Knows - The Beach Boys Over The Rainbow - Judy...
Honestly... My sense of humor is generally random. I often laugh at people who points at random stuff. And I laugh at pictures like this:...
Nice short film. (I love the voice of the teacher, btw :cool: )
I'd really appreciate to contribute musically. I can play guitar, bass, and some keys. I can also sing, to some extent (if you're not bothered by my Norwegian accent :tongue:). At least, I can do...
It's hard to choose, but here's five from the top of my huge list: Belle and Sebastian - If You're Feeling Sinister The Beatles - Magical Mystery Tour Pink Floyd - The Piper At The Gates of Dawn...
These types tend to be somewhat normal looking, but often have bad taste in clothes. Lovably superficial. :proud: If this class system thing wasn't meant ironically, it's frightfully scary.
Agreed. I used to post there too.
Oh, I LOVE staying up at night. Everything I think, and everything I do at night, is 'better' than the stuff I do at daytime. I don't know why, but the night feels so much better in general.'