As I'm sure everyone is well aware, Christmas, far from being the season of good will, usually acts as an interim for the purging of vitriolic scorn and resentment amongst families. As I might have...
WOAOAAO you should have listened, There is someone here inside, Someone I thought had died so long agoaoaooooooo, OOOOOO the time has come for my dreams to be heared, They will not be pushed...
Yes, I'm guilty of that. Does anyone else here start fantasising about the sort of life you'll have with them and wonder what your children will look like, and how you'll decorate your home and what...
I freeze. GASP....CAN'T....BREATHE. It sucks that the only people I can flirt with are the ones I don't fancy.
Girl Crush: This woman is enchanting. Adam Ant. Enough said.:blushed:
I had to respond to this as it appears to be an exact description of my own anxieties. Ever since I discovered my MBTI type, I've been rather sceptical of it's description and whether or not I can...
I haven't owned a mobile in four years, partly because I have no-one to call (like most people here, I'm a bit of a lone wolf) and partly because I think they coarsen the nature of human interaction....
''Where are the songs of Spring? Ay, where are they? Think not of them, thou hast thy music too,—'' - (To Autumn), Keats
I sympathise with you. Most of my immediate family are thinkers and I resent the way they disregard emotional sensetivity as a weakness. I believe that our affectibility gives us many strenghts -...
My Fi is very important to me so I tend to be drawn to Feelers more than Thinkers. In fact, dominant thinking types turn me off and leave me cold. I can't understant their detachment. Don't even get...
In spite of all my scepticism, that does sound lovely.
Part of me has always rejected the idea of formalising a relationship by signing a document. Surely the love you share with your partner should be validation enough? Mabye this is because I'm a very...
1. William Wallace - Braveheart. 2. Boromir - Lord of The Rings. Such a tragic hero, immensely flawed, who is aware of the badness within him and hates himself for it, but through his...
Every morning I step into the universe with a sprightly sausage. The sun kisses my cheek but the very next moment strikes me down for failing to comply with building regulations for replacement...
Like most people here, I'm better with faces. In fact, I took a face recognition test a while ago and scored 100%. I don't have much of a linguistic brain. It's very ocular. My mother and I recently...
We're like two peas in a pod aren't we? :laughing:
My god, I can second this! I'm 21 and most people assume I'm 16. I once got ID'd for buying a bar of Bailey's chocolate.
Inverted snobbery infuriates me. Just because I have certain standards does not give someone the right to assume I'm ''up myself''. For some reason, I repel people upon introduction. I get this a...
To be honest, I don't see why small talk is often praised as a ''valuable social skill.'' Sure, it can help break the ice, but beyond that, it just seems like a barrier that people hide behind...
I know I'm being greedy! In order:
I had to respond to this. I'm confused! I've taken so many MBTI tests and I always score INFP. However, I'm not at a great place in my life at the moment. My shyness sometimes manifests itself into...
Izzie, You strike me as a very deep thinker who isn't afraid to delve into the darker aspects of human nature. You've managed to conquer the narcassistic trap many inrtospecters fall into. You're...
Lately, I've been questioning my ''introversion'' and wondering whether it has been cultivated by my shyness and therefore, not an innate longing to be alone. As a child, I was very loud and...
I'm not into beastiality, but I remember having huge crush on Baloo (Jungle Book) as a kid. I also got hot under the collar for Gordan the steam engine from Thomas the Tank:blushed:....
I was wondering if anyone here hasn't taken the conventional academic route, i.e - a bricks and mortar university? I had the chance to go to university when I was 18 (I''m 21 now), but I'm glad I...
To find my soulmate. To find yours is to be the richest person in the world.
What a beautiful picture :happy:. I don't mean to sound corny, but you have a lovely smile.
Why does our culture revolve around drinking (in the UK at least)? I'll drink now and again, but I don't really like the taste. Actually, I don't like the PROCESS of drinking, I much rather CHEW...
Exactly. There are no guarantees. Just because you have a degree in a ''reputable'' subject, doesn't mean you're set up for life. You may as well go with a subject you love and then at least it...
A really annoying incident happened a few months ago. I was walking along a quiet country lane, minding my own business, miles away in thought when I saw loads of sheep coming towards me. They were ...
I know, for some reason, I thought it was next to Hay-On-Wye. Then I counsulted the map. O dear! Spooky about the waterfall though. It can be really annoying walking along those narrow country lanes...
I'm from Powys too! But then again, it's a big county. I'm from Brecon. You're photo looked a bit like the path that leads to some beautiful secluded waterfalls near where I live. They're nestled in...
Yes I know, I know we have to be ''practical''.... ugh I hate that word:laughing:. This may seem odd Fallout, but I just read your profile (potential stalker alert!) because your avatar picture has... choice....don't think so!:laughing: It's purely out of interest. I was in the job centre this morning and explained that I wanted to go back to college to study philosophy and...
Hi Fallout. Your post sounds very inspiring. Its interesting you said you're studying psychology, I'm contemplating doing Philosophy with Psychology.
I don't know why I'm designating this question exclusively to the INFP thread (my posting patterns have always been slightly incestuous - I like to ''stick to my own'' :laughing:), but I was...
God, I know where you're coming from. My fear of rejection fuelled my avoidant personality to the extent that I completely retreated from the world. It's been a slow process getting back to normal...
Definately not everyday. Even on special occasions, I don't plaster it on. Just foundation concealer, eyeliner, mascara and mabye some lipgloss, which is nothing compared to some girls. If I decide...
Both realists and dreamers have their flaws and attributes. Dreamers, although talented visionaries, can find it difficult to make their dreams into realities. Realists risk turning their skepticism...
I FUCKING HATE the phrase ''IT'S A WRAP!'' headlining promotions on wrap around dresses and fajita recipes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, from personal experience this combination has never worked. My brother seems very much like an ESTP and I find his arronance astounding. I'm not trying to marginalize all ESTPs, my brother...
Christ, I just read my previous post and think I need to lighten up! Go on then, I'd be a rich Edwardian lady dripping in jewels and punctuating my life with glasses of champagne!:laughing:
Upstairs Downstairs. I'm watching it now :happy:.
This is a tricky one because the past was not a good place for a woman. I'm fascinated by medieval and tudor history and often daydream about living back then. I'm attatched to romantic notions of...
I'm sorry, but you sound very blinkered. How can you make such grandiose generalizations about the human condition? If life were as simple as you made out, the world would be a very dull place...
It was a bit of a relief to discover that I was a HSP. I always thought there was something wrong with me. These are my results from the test on that website: I am easily overwhelmed by strong...
I'm OBSESSED with medieval and tudor history. I could talk for hours about the reformation. I'm also glued to period dramas. My sky plus planner is overflowing with episodes of Upstairs Downstairs.
Exactly! Easy mistake to make.