
Diplomats INFP

Poetic, kind and altruistic people, always eager to help a good cause.

'Oooi Jully_Beans! Bem vinda ao PerC! Ok, nĂŁo sei se eu cumprimento vocĂȘ em portuguĂȘs ou em inglĂȘs :frustrating: Have a great time here, see you around!

I don't know anything about it too, I don't even know where to start. I'd also appreciate some introduction. The Enneagram focus more on getting to know what are the motivations for your actions,...

Maybe the wings are determined by different hormones or other substances in our body? Maybe there are no such things as wings and they are just a convention? I really don't know. I'll just wait for...

Haha it's cool! I really like seeing different point of views, especially since it's impossible to know what really goes on in the other type's minds. Maybe my experiences just haven't been the best...

The enneagram actually has been through some tests for scientific accuracy, and is going pretty well on that. Scientific Proof for the Enneagram The Enneagram is currently in the stages of...

The 2w3s are the ones who attract me the most. I've never been in a relationship, but I dream of those strong arms holding me and whispering don't worry, it's gonna be okay, I'm here with you...


I hate having to come up with usernames, they are never the right ones :laughing: I would like to change my username to Hartbits, which is not so different from my current username since...

Thanks Mr. Bear!

Thanks Sily! I don't know where to start hahahaha :laughing:

Thanks! I just read a bit about INFP and it was quite accurate. I guess I'll have to read more to find out my type!

I don't usually like introduction posts but I can't expect everyone to know me already, sooo... Hello! I'm 18 years old, and I'm from Brazil. I've actually been reading a lot here in PerC but i...'