
Diplomats INFP

Poetic, kind and altruistic people, always eager to help a good cause.

'Math is a prison. It has RIGID rules that cannot be violated. At least at precollege levels it restricts your freedom to do anything extraordinary to its strict boundaries. INFPs are desperate to...

What makes you think I am kidding? Didn't you express a strong and confident attitude? Aren't you sure of your excellence?

Wow. your attitude on achievement is admirable. What's your philosophy on life? Please share. I need much help in this and you have just the right blend of confidence and sensibility.

Also, Sirius Black is to me a perceiving introvert. Just noticing little things, you know...

I have to tell you, as a physician I tried acting like an ESTJ and for a while because it is expected by followers when you are a leader. But one who is not a born ESTJ (or perhaps born and early...

Hey guys, just to add in - all of you share 99.god knows what goes here)... % of your DNA. None of you are rare. You are all pretty much the same in most ways that count. You think, feel, funcion,...

Dear Sirius, I am not you and you know yourself best. But please allow me to suggest that you are not an ESTJ. There is nothing wrong with ESTJ, countless things that are right, and ESTJ is a very...

As a grown-up INFP I have mixed feelings about people picking on people. Younger me knows much pain from mistreatment by more responsible and heavy handed others (including many STJs). Older me...

Addressing emotional upheaval with logic is like eating soup with a fork. Using emotionality when logical (albeit uncomfortable) solution is apparent, is like opening a tuna can with your teeth. We...

You can say: I care even more about your well-Being than about your well-feeling. Please let me know if you are interested in hearing things that are difficult to hear but may be substantively...

Hmm.. That is brilliant. Two sensors at odds with each other, may not be comfortable running away into their imagination to avoid conflict making conflict inevitable. Also, two intuitives may leave...

much parenting seems to require kindly and gentle ESTJness. For me it takes much effort but I think it's worth it.

Heart Felt Truth!

I sit corrected.

Toilet cleaning is honest work. Gives the room a fresh feel and symbolic of a well cared home where a soul can breathe and thrive. INFP congruent. Making someone good for something - INFP...

INFP head in the clouds. Nice.

I wish to summate a bit: as an INFP (and I find myself sure to be that type) I've found great joy in understanding the viewpoint of my polar opposite (essentially) countertypes, E/ISTJ. I know that...

Yes but nonetheless do you have suggestions on softening up the STJs? This may be too vulnerable a thing to ask for.

I grapple with this. Istj's are very close minded and yet also almost always correct in their area of expertise. The are so logical they perhaps forget they are humans living and working with humans....

People are incredibly irresponsible most of the time. However, when it does not hurt others, it is respectful to let the be so.

As an INFP I would love to add to this string. I admire xSTJ for being incredibly useful to themselves and others on a practical (rubber meets the road, brass tacks, food on the table, money in the...

That idealist chapter is ideal (pun neither intended nor unintended). Do elaborate on the superpowers you find most, well... super. Always good to check out the other's arsenal.

Oh I see it's just color. Never mind, just the source please

Didn't post, could you resend the chart please and where you found it? Thanks! Ps I think the original chart makes enormous sense after careful examination.

Nature is, well... alive. That's just awesome for us. It breathes, it grows, it feels, it blooms, etc... But unlike people to younger male INFPs (to whom people are scary weird creatures from outer...

Can you repost the table - didn't work this time. Thanks!

[QUOTE=Impavidus;9725554]Was this question directed at me? I couldn't tell you. I just have a vague recollection of when I first saw that table posted in another thread and the discussion...

Can you explain the process? I want to believe the results but as you know garbage in garbage out so need to be sure before I believe what table suggests. Much thanks.

playing with it, I certainly find many parts that make sense, but that would be true if someone likeminded made up numbers that made sense to them. So yes, curious about the origin of the data and...

c'mon hardcore rational folks, chew this up and show us your stat prowess, I am truly at a loss at the moment. Overwhelmed by inconvenient feelings! thanks, :)

a quick calculation shows none of the rows or columns add up to 100%. So all the MBTI types add up to ~70% (if etypes 1-9 are summed for each specific MBTI) this makes sense - a 70% reporting rate...

This is wonderful! Are there metrics on the sample size and how the data came about?

[QUOTE=Michael Ford;8886121]Let our nerd powers combine! Dude! Captain Planet is McGyver, in look and method. Fascinating.

Math maybe much harder for you than most people. However it may be the only way to do what you are meant to do, what will make you feel truly alive, what will actualize your creative feeling...

We do rule the world. The world within ourselves. The world that matters.

A spot everyone can relate to, and for this we all owe him to bring it up for discussion.

Stay strong and above it all. Be a 9....

Great comments here and much to learn. Your problem is universal really, you just had your mom say to you outloud (which I bet she at least somewhat regrets considering it strained your...

Welcome, OrionElf. We are different species (I am an INFP) but I am a fully trained Spock. Waking up to my own self has been a joyful challenge. I get your point of view despite our natural...

This thread is awesome. reading with great interest.

You feel at a loss. There is a man who learned 2 thousand years ago that once you feel you need nothing in life and life is nothing, you can discover that life is everything and it is yours to live...

My father is a Sarek, emotions firmly bottled up. I am thus Spock. I love my dad deeply and tell him often (I must remind myself having learned from spock's mistakes, and because I feel little...

Likeminded people taught you who you are. You've become a teacher of others. This process or growing and helping others grow is heaven. So more precisely, heaven was a gift from the internet to...

I spent much time frustrated over my instability of interest and mood. I found only one approach that works: GIVE IN. But wait! Doesn't that make you inappropriate and irresponsible? Only if you...

I believe INFPs are born that way. INFP isn't practical in the real world to try to learn or adopt instead of your own personality. No one is taught to be an INFP or tries to become an INFP if...

I believe INFPs are born that way. INFP isn't practical in the real world to try to learn or adopt instead of your own personality. No one is taught to be an INFP or tries to become an INFP if...

honey mustard. enantiodromia.

This is truly valuable. When people are hit by misfortune, and lack tools to access their soul for guidance and recovery, they go on a thinking and emotional frenzy and completely exhaust...

Interesting perspective. Cynical and I understand you really feel strongly about it. What field are you in, if I may ask?

Conscious love is mutual empathy shared by two people. It comes in every form. Once each realizes the other understands, there is resonance, amplification, transcendence, in a word - love. ...'