
Diplomats INFP

Poetic, kind and altruistic people, always eager to help a good cause.

'Yes. Thats one of the few things that makes me feel so alive :)

You're nice.

Text her, even if you guys are just becoming friends, it's well worth it. If she likes you as a person it probably won't matter to her anyways. It surely wouldn't bother me or lets say it wouldn't...

I'm pretty much in the exact same position right now. Sometimes I feel like the older I get the less people I can relate to, but I'm just trying to accept that that's the situation I'm in right now...

I think that you are beautiful (but it's not about that right now)! As it goes for every other person, your look and personality will always be appealing to some and less attractive to others, thats...

That we are the *rainbow, unicorn, bunny, hugging-type*. Let's be honest - we're not. Well at least I'm definitely not that way most of the time.

I know what you mean, I think that I've been there too. I wouldn't put on a fake persona though, it's just not worth it. 1. because it's gonna make you extremely exhausted (I think that if done...

oh God, you should win an award, so funny

But mostly I hate the way I dont hate you, not even close not even a little bit, not even at all.

Public me: Very calm, emotionless (or at least I look that way), stiff, maybe snobbish sometimes due to feeling very uncomfortable, nice, friendly and polite in a tender and slightly cheerful way...

I've become quite organized and tidy too, havent always been that way though (actually kind of the opposite when I was younger). I just enjoy having my room all cleaned up, it kind of bothers me and...

I get that feeling that I'm a physical being or that the world around me is actually physical once in a while (way too seldom and only for a few seconds in a row). It feels like I get out of the...

Thank you for this post, it has been very insightful, especially this part: these people are convinced this is who they are but if they just took care of their body/mind, they might find out...

Double post.....

Hey, nice to be mentioned :) doing good (Hope it's the same for you)

I think that you've posted so many threads like that already. I feel like you're going in circles and mainly consume other peoples advice in high doses (to be honest I feel a little exploited since...

I've always interpreted that there are two types of happy fours: The healthy ones and the unhealthy ones (counterpassion). By the way I have no clue why following is being brought up again...

IcarusDreams By what I was saying I wasn't talking about a negative life-view at all (I was merely talking about flaws). I think that humans need some sort of validation but not too much either...

Great that you've contacted psychotherapists for support. Happy to know that you're out there in the world somewhere! :)

IcarusDreams Maybe you're confusing beating yourself and others up about flaws (which is obviously not good) with having an objective and respectful look at your negative sides as well (personally...

eyenexepee And I still think that side of yours to see potential in others and wanting to let it shine is very much a One thing. Hm the One that I have encountered so far mostly wanted me to...

kaleidoscope since I'm a four myself, I would be interested to know where the difference between being in the state of the four's counterpassion and a healthy four is (assuming that a healthy four...

Hey, yes that has happened to me too (especially at the age of 16-21), now it's all better (your brain chemically changes all the time in the process of growing-up, especially after 20). I've seen...

Calvaire you're definitely a pretty and a cute girl, at least thats what I saw looking at these pictures

I definitely agree with Napoleon. If someone doesn't give me enough space, I sometimes become automatically desinterested (especially stuff you can foresee like waiting for me each week after a...

I have a school-mate that I suspect of being an ISFJ. She is extremely fun; we end up laughing about lots of things alot (the contagious kind), but it usually turns out that we weren't laughing about...

eyenexepee funny, it has never been my impression that she is acting fake (but it made me think). I feel like she is trying to express that awesome feeling and tries to talk herself into it and...

I know what you mean. This is the case for me too especially at school or when watching movies (I really dont bother trying to remember all the names of the characters and other details, just dont...

refugee I think so too, but is it typical for Ni to talk about infinite possibilities (thats what made me question her INFJ-ness). OrangeSoda Yea, I think she uses Fe too and I've thought about...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9vlanMD374&feature=g-u-u It looks like she uses Ne, some sort of F and J; which could make you think that she could be an XNFJ, but they use Ni. Is this what Ni...

I think that the ice will break when it has to. Dont get me wrong though, I understand your point, just kind of describing my point of view :) I just wouldn't be thinking too much about how to...

Is there a chance that you dont REALLY wanna hang out and just do it because you think you somehow have to do stuff with people because its normal and you feel that you need to learn how to be more...

I think that I'm very prone to just making out (but it's not like I want actual sex with strangers), it's like I dont have the self-dicipline not to because I'm very easily attracted to other people...

I think that statistically INFP's are not even that rare of a type. I can only somehow answer that question by referring to the Enneagram. I mean let's take type 3, The Achievers. They are pretty...

BusinessMan Thanks for letting me know, just got me interested! At least you've had some sort of feeling. Oh by the way this reminds me of a video of this guy I suspect to be an XNTP. It kind of...

BusinessMan Whats her type?

BusinessMan : Awesome! Whats her type?

Yea lots of conversations are awkward because I dont really want to/ have the energy to talk all that much to people yet at the same time I kind of have to talk to the ones I know, so it's always...

When I like someone I'm afraid to show them or even walk away fearing that he might decide that I'm not that great having a closer look at me. I would wish them to stop me though, sounds immature...

Hm okay I'm glad I've made you think. I'm only talking from my own experience though. I'll write you a private message later on because it's kind of personal.

Thanks for your responses guys :) I put some of these books on a list, so I'll research a little more and maybe even buy one/ some of these!

Therapy would be first choice for sure (so be sure to sign up)! In my opinion art is kind of a severe trap for an Enneagram type 4, but maybe thats not the case for you! I'll give you two links...

If so, which one? As for me no effect ever lasted much longer than 3 days : )

I think that we always should remind ourselves to be positive or see the positive aspect of what happened, is or possibly will be. But it's definitely not a good idea to put that pressure on you...

No, I cant really tell (I remember this one case but really didnt suspect anything; I dont think that many people have crushes on me though). The thing is that you usually cant verify things like...

I think number 11 is so powerful: If you looked into the heart of your enemy, what do you think you would find that is different from what is in your own heart? This made me feel sad and opened my...

I think that INFP with INTP is a really good combination. Just to say, I think that every combination of types is in some way challenging (this doesnt exclude same-type constellations). What I like...

Sometimes I wish I was an ESFJ, so nicely normal, sweet and liked by everyone..

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBZ2GwvdIVs I find this to be very deep and precise and pretty much the experience I've had with INFJ's :)

See everything bad that happens as a great learning-experience (and dont worry there is always gonna be something that goes wrong :P). Do things that scare you as whenever there is a chance to...'