
Diplomats INFP

Poetic, kind and altruistic people, always eager to help a good cause.

'I am not an Intj but I can provide a conversation with one. -Playing a video game with INTJ boyfriend- (This was over headsets) Him: Stay here, I'm going further to get ammo and I don't want...


This response makes me quite angry actually. I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or whatever, I know men have an innate instinct to reproduce but before I was with my INTJ boyfriend he was...

I wonder if my co-dependency stems from being an INFP. It feels creepy to say but I have a boyfriend and he has basically become my life. I've distanced myself from friends, family, goals etc. I've...


I was studying your face trying to come up with words for an expression then realized it felt a little creepy staring so deeply at some stranger through a computer screen haha. I'd say you seem worn...

INTJ + cute animal http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-p__HoPPWnUo/T0iyyEpeymI/AAAAAAAAOvQ/0udx7t5Y5wM/s1600/rainbowMeme.PNG

Thank you :)

Looking back at things like this, things like perC..something I've forgot about and haven't bothered to check in a while. I wonder maybe i've lost a part of myself since then. There was this person...

I don't even know what to say anymore, my feelings are consuming me to the point of physical sickness.


https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/547717_190372351149016_1470194240_n.jpg Trying to be artsy with the angle and effects. Really crappy editing with a free program..pro...

When your INTJ boyfriend tries to calculate how much he loves you on a loose leaf including formulas and the circumference of planets. Hnnngggggg <3

Dammn yoou ! I was about to reply with the same sort of thing! ! hahah anyways you articulated it better then I did so it's just as well

Why stay? The concept of change is chilling. It's the fact i'm Reaching out, both arms fully extended, grasping air. That's all it is...air... filled with the slightest truth of imaginations...

People say i'm nice as if it's a compliment!...nope I'm just a fricken' doormat.


My Cover of a song https://soundcloud.com/kickasskoala/little-house-by-amanda


Happened to me too, man. https://scontent-b-sea.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn2/1235067_174467076072877_1318833246_n.jpg (sorry about horrid quality)

Wow I love that I am no longer blind...I have finally taken off these rose coloured glasses and see a whole new future ahead. Maybe I'll change my hair, change my style something that externally...

This is my soundcloud with most of my music :) https://soundcloud.com/kickasskoala

It could seem like that on the outside, but what looks like winning me over is most likely me naturally being friendly. Within it's a different story..it takes a bit for someone to trigger that...

This isn't a gif but it's so true http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb291/johanan_rakkav/Parody%20Posters/poster_enfp_women.jpg http://i.imgur.com/J5DW4.jpg...

Daydream, daydream and daydream. Maybe if I dream hard enough I can break through the oppressive portal that divides reality from fantasy

Im down. If it's still working..? haha Could someone send me ze link?

@Nezaros That was a fast thank ^.^

This is just too fresh. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWOTdt9Bovk


ESFP https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/5783350528/h6375A1F3/ [/QUOTE] Why does this make me laugh so hard?! I've been laughing for so long Hahah i need help.

This is so accurate haha

INFP http://s3.favim.com/orig/44/blame-cry-hurt-lonely-nina-dobrey-Favim.com-374348.gifhttp://s3.favim.com/orig/44/blame-cry-hurt-lonely-nina-dobrey-Favim.com-374348.gif

Haha! I so want to do this now. I like how the other guy is like 'yea, okay, whatever man' *thumbs up*

Aww Don cover those eyes, you just have to beelieeeve~!  http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m2n31tm4ZH1rteai5o1_500.jpg

My friends are so lucky.

ISTP http://25.media.tumblr.com/20adcd377d7c187a0bbc85e434a7e481/tumblr_mns09zwYi81r39jbio5_250.gif ISFP http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_meigffbRtk1r87tia.gif ESFP...

THIS IS ME. I AM YOU. I still read both descriptions of INFP and ENFP and I cannot type myself.

Thanks I appreciate all the interest. I hope I will be able to keep my blogs interesting haha i'll take your word for that. I'm glad you're glad i'm posting. It's been good being able to vent,...

I've decided that everyone here needs hugs. *virtual hugs*

Oooh I might just try that blogging thing. Yea I was thinking you might be 18 considering the '94' in your username. I don't know why, but even with the '94' i always thought you were older when i've...

A 'thank' just isn't enough for me! I have this strong urge to personally compliment every picture but everyone would get annoyed with my excessive posts :$ Plus my fingers would not be too happy...

When you can barley finish a book because the main character has such tainted morals. It's like when your friend is playing a game and your trying to tell them what to do and how to attack but you...

Thank you, I always took life pretty seriously...I don't know if that's necessarily a good thing since I might go through a mid life crisis living out the care-free, 'stereotypical teenage life' i...

ASDFGHKJL SHADDUP' HEART! Let my mind think for a bit. Geesh greedy heart..

I've just realized I've only ever felt really strong chemistry with ESTPs. Weird.

Yes, it is actually pretty old, wrote it when i was about 13 or 14 so it could be better heh XD . I was rummaging through some of my old poetry and rants. Gosh some of them are cringe worthy :/.....

Obviously while language was still blossoming, people weren't too fond of a certain Richard.

Words upon these lips. Which drive nothing but selfish tears. Skin grazing my empty body. As everything spins in a hovering dream. Will this be the last touch?

One day we will look back on those memories and realize that we don’t remember the color our clothes were..the ones we took forever to pick out, the minutes we had left before being late which seemed...'