
Diplomats INFP

Poetic, kind and altruistic people, always eager to help a good cause.

'Hi, I'm genuinely interested, what do you gals (And guys if any girls/LGBT have the same question), want from a relationship and how would someone that is just a friend currently win you over and...

I rarely write but recently I've been going through some rough times with my source of inspiration gone so I decided to write a little something based on that, I thought that some of you might like...

For me it would have to be the relationship itself just being in one would feel incredible.

Recently iv'e been crushing on Elle Fanning (Finding her extremely cute). So another question is have you dreamt about a relationship with them and/or put them on the relationship pedestal?

lol Anyone like dubstep?

Hi im 15! goning to be 16 this year cant wait. it would be cool to talk to people my own age on here i get bored and lonely most times dont know what to do at most times if your a gamer add me on...

I think we are prone to depression due to our Introversion and cant be social with lots of people.

Recently I have started making youtube videos with my friends like games and such. Any one else do stuff aswell? I do it because its fun not because i want to be famous. Whats your reason?

Have you ever had a good friend and then suddenly things went bad? Like suddenly they didn't care anymore?, Like they weren't nice anymore? like their entire personality changed. Like you both were...

Thanks for all the feedback. Really desperate because i have never had a girlfriend before and i am a FreshMan in highschool and my parents are divorced and i am going through i really hard time and...

I really don't want to but at the same time the only thing i want in life is love. Which seems to only to be obtained by being a jackass to girls. Any other guys feel this way?

i tend to apologize alot and repeatedly also the same with thanking someone.

im all alone on my birthday i wanted to hang out with AnnonGuy and AnnonGirl after saturday school was over AnnonGuy just didnt talk to me at all and AnnonGirl just got in a bad mood... My friend i...

My Horrible Birthday

I wish my crush would love me.

I did this I found it was the easiest way for me to do it because the internet is the only place i can really do things to express myself. So i did it over facebook and she was offline when i did it...

I love you will you go out with me? Yes. i will go out with you.

So it turns out there is other intelligent life there. We teach them basics and everything and we teach them english erase their memory besides english give them the bible and leave XD. But we find...

Totaly depressed need someone to love me :/

Mine are that the society if the Human Race is going to shit there is no room in this society for me no one likes me i dont fit in and i hate my life. 2. the world will also continue to go to shit if...

So ive just noticed that i have a lot of friends at school but when i go home when i text those people no one texts back. Why are people so rude like this? :unsure:

I cry at almost any sad movie. But i try to hide it...


Why does life have to be so hard???? I hate it so much. I can't find love. Therefore i can't find harmony without it. The only girl i've loved secretly avoids me. Never talks to me outside of school...

You sound exactly like me except for the last part i can't comprehend making another being in my head. It just drives me nuts and i get worse.

I will make a version with a Seizure Warning. lol i put an am sorry pic for my ending quote though.

1.My Crush. 2.Love Itself. 3.Hugs. 4.Video Games. 5.My Family. 6.My Friends. 7.My computer. 8.Google Chrome. 9.This form. 10.Myself.

Maka Albarn from Soul Eater.

For INFPs its hard for some of us to talk to people especially me i'm really shy so i can't get to know people well or talk to anyone. So what are your difficulties??

I only care for the personality of a person i do not care at all how they look as long as their nice and kind that is their true beauty.

I don't like people like that either. And its hard for me to even meet girls because they all judge me. i'm shy and i can't talk to people on my own. The thing that sucks is that i dont really start...

So i've read that the only good compatible types for male INFPs are INFJs. Anyone have any tips on how to find a girl that is right for me? My standards are relatively low due to the fact that i...

It gave me relief to know that there was others like me but at the same time i looked at the relationship part of my personality and it made me sad again because ill always be looking but never able...

I play video games all the time doesn't help at all.

I am a hyper person. and im never ok

I'm confuzzled everyone says to wait till high school to start a romantic relationship but some are saying not too???? what ever happened to young love?

I don't want to be on this world anymore.. i hate life and i feel like the only thing that will make me happy is love and an romantic relationship with someone.... But at the same time i want to stay...

I think i attract nice people? and geeks like myself.

Tired of S.W.A.G hate it its stupid

Simple enough aint it? :crazy: im a guy :P

why is that guy crying? you already asked me that why do you keep repeating yourself? lets talk about something else You don't know how to talk to people Basicly the last one...

My favorite way to entertain myself is to play games on my PC. I rarely watch television due to the fact that there are no good shows on nowadays anyways. Do any of you guy's/girl's have a preference?

I hate my school there are wayy to many mean people and people that are just like SWAG and it makes everybody look like an idiot and it gets me angry. :angry:

Well thanks for the advice. Its hard for my mind to just try to play it cool i'm always nervous and thinking about what it could be.

I wish i could live in the internet sometimes its my safe zone. and its most likely because i find more nice people and friends here rather than real life.

The only reason i know she doesn't like me like that is that i asked her out and she said no but she didn't say it was me she said that she was still dealing with her ex relationship she broke up...

Any one have any ideas for it? Honestly i would like it to be like star wars :D that would be cool yay flying cars and light sabers!!!

I'm so lonely in life. I've never had a girlfriend and i always think i never will. I like this girl alot and shes really nice and so nice that i find her as my closest friend and i asked her out...

Worst Book ever

I have hobbies but they don't really help. :/ I feel emotionally distraught all the time and the only time i felt happy was when i was hanging out with this girl i liked after school and we talked....'