Hi beautyfromashes! I am one :). (I am not a registered counsellor though, my professional background is actually in social work). I've also volunteered in the area prior to working...
I have been described or could imagine others see me as: kind, eccentric, funny, silly, self-absorbed, gentle, quiet, 'too nice', a 'good person,' reflective, intelligent, insightful, pessimistic,...
https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/78/9c/09/789c0907de5a22e8245739102931af5f.jpg https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/bf/b3/c4/bfb3c46c71e74e1c0d71c2e66fe54d20.jpg ...
https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/c3/55/a9/c355a9bb920484f5c6a6aded88839fed.jpg http://cdn.trendhunterstatic.com/thumbs/dreamlike-world.jpeg ...
Hi @Christopher Robin Thanks for posting this--you're showing a lot of strength in getting this out here in the open. I can imagine that is difficult, especially since you are saying your family...
I'm feeling proud. I'm a youth mentor and my mentee (little sister basically) is showing a lot of independence and strength in her life transitions. I really like the experience of watching people...
For the most part, I like being single. I've always been someone to value having the opportunity to develop who I am and to figure my life out. I like to have the space to do that. It's something...
Thank you too alive! Great idea :smile:
I'll go :joyous:. Something I admire about myself is that I see the positive in what can be seen as 'dark' situations. Or, rather I see the shades of gray in life's difficulties so I am able to...
I think it's okay not to know or spend some time figuring it out. I recognize though that there's a lot of pressure--I certainly felt it at the time. There's also the potential to pursue both in...
I wouldn't. I think people should be free in their individual emotional expression and that there should be less stigma surrounding the less favourable ones. Also, I'd say there's a lot of...
I swear I mostly listen to these while thinking of certain people in my life :playful: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cqz713hhz1Y https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-TE_Ys4iwM And...for...
https://scontent-sea1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10388213_10152800736523290_6645909841706261228_n.jpg?oh=4837fe39db25933398f1e59904ed23a6&oe=56053C96 ...
I learn best through reflection—basically when I’m given (and when I give myself) adequate time to process information. Also, I learn best when I am personally connected to my work and learning...
Just my opinion but your friend doesn't necessarily sound high-maintenance to me. Perhaps self-conscious by what you have described but I don't know if I see this as being 'high-maintenance.' As...
http://www.creativespotting.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/leaf-cut-art-by-omad-asadi-1-600x648.jpg ...
To me it is getting insight into how people become or became who they are. Basically, how people can 'show' themselves through small actions. I really like those sorts of subtle expressions or...
http://mediacdn.snorgcontent.com/media/catalog/product/a/c/acuteanglewhite_fullpic.jpg http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41OqMTGM7ML.jpg ...
I'm pretty inattentive to detail when it comes to grammar/syntax/etc. I'm also pretty unaware of the placement of objects... That being said I am very attentive to detail in some ways. I am...
Close/long-term friends: INFJ(s), ExFP, ENFP, ESFJ, ISTJ(s), ESTJ Other friendly people (either those I feel I have lost touch with, who are newer to my life, who I see every once-in-a-while, or...
Thanks for sharing :). I can relate to being called an introvert or extrovert depending on the circle I am in. And, yes, I meant how you see introversion...not necessarily in terms of good/bad but I...
I'd say it depends which personality type you identify with (not what others tell you) :). Ultimately, people are on a continuum of personality so I don't think persons of any type should be...
I'd woken up early, and I took a long time getting ready to exist.--Fernando Pessoa Life is never made unbearable by circumstances, but only by lack of meaning or purpose.--Viktor Frankl ...