
Diplomats INFP

Poetic, kind and altruistic people, always eager to help a good cause.

'Most recently, I had a picnic and examined the small plants on the ground closely. They were pretty. And I was like BLAH I don't want to do ANYTHING but the plants are nice. and after about...

I tend to do this too. The way I've found to help is the realization that the future does not exist yet. It just DOESN'T. The concept of the future exists, but concepts are generally off - just...

heck yes. lately I've been finishing them though as they tend to be art projects these days...

I love using Te, and then I love the fact that I love using Te! The joy of being INFP: we get a natural high off of optimization! Seriously. Life would SUCK if I had to optimize things but...

For me, Fi and Ne are sooo so so so blended. Let me figure out how to explain this... Okay. So listening to a song - Go Do by Jonsi - brought up the image of a burbley fountain in the...

I needed that reality check, ha....thanks.

J, I think - putting people into drawers, or boxes, violates some of my deeply deeply deeply held INFP values. Ironic, because one of my best friends is an INFJ. It used to be S - and then I...

I started out as Comp Sci, realized that I did NOT WANT to be doing that forever. So I switched to English, with a Literature concentration...I liked that just fine, and I still do love literature. ...

I LIKED THAT BIG LONG LIST A WHOLE FREAKING LOT. Here are mine, bolded and capitalized according to hierarchy (more important ones are bolded, SUPER important ones are bolded and capitalized,...

Starfish fishing, anyone? A girl sitting in a crescent moon, fishing for starfish... I don't think I like the idea of totems per se...but I know that I deeply connect with elephants and...

He's AWFUL! I had to read articles about him for a seminar called Christian and the Arts...dear heavens. Twenty idealistic college students offended to the CORE by his RIDICULOUSNESS. he says he...

LOVE that song...tallest man on earth is one of my favorites. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6HjT4SQKJI we have always known that we could do anything also the quality of the music is...

1. Are any of you as disgusted by most reality TV shows as I am? YES. Although, for me, it shows up in the fact that I hate hate HAAAAATE Thomas Kinkaide (the painter of light guy with the...

http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs248.ash1/17551_399316390370_745260370_10354794_3197343_n.jpg An INFP friend and I - I'm the one with the sweatervest. you can totally tell we're...

.....that sounds vaguely sketchy... But yes. Apparently, my favorite thing to do ever is to have more things to do than I have time to do them in, and then try to fit them together like a puzzle,...

Kids, for positive. And I have a beautiful acoustic cover of Time to Pretend...

even my INFP friend calls me crazy, ha -- I've discovered that my intuition, if I let it run away with me, will indeed drive me crazy. I think the way I'm operating at the moment - letting my...

I have one close-ish ISFP friend - we get along great when we take the energy to try (there's vast amounts of awkward that have to be ignored, heh). Share a lot of the same values, artistic...

One of my closest friends is an INTJ - he TOTALLY has a squishy center, and it doesn't really take that much to get to it. You can see it kind of a lot. (his roommate especially - he would do...

A couple variations on my simple poem earlier. The world is large. Beautiful too. In waves of yellows, greens, and blues dots of violet light up the sky more than I seem - my soul's outcry...

Has anyone else noticed that when Ti goes wrong, it goes way wrong and ends badly? that happens to me a LOT. Fi and Ne and Ni have their work cut out for them keeping it in line.

the world is large. beautiful too. layers behind. layers all through. more than I seem. and so are you. indigo green. purple and blue.

this poem is possibly the most intense thing I've ever written. After All, Rome Wasn't Built In A Day: a meditation on self-discovery conniption commotion contrivance convenience worries...

HA. Hi, shadow self. I'm you sometimes. But I haven't been you in a long time. Helpmate comes from a VERY BAD translation of Genesis 3. The real term is ezer kenegdo; ezer means help, and is...

oh hiiiiiii there, self. I thought that was MY brain. Sometimes Ti gets things way wrong. but Fi usually catches things. I use Ti pretty naturally, though, I don't always realize I'm doing...

I agree with every word here (except for the part where I used to test as INTJ rather than INTP...my Te is mostly gone for good these days tho). Good to know it's not just me.

My cognitive processes are always Fi Ne Ni Ti...does anyone else have a relatively high Ti? I like mine. It gives me the bit of rationality I need to realize I'm being ridiculous and gives me an...

Aaaah. See, when I try to do that kind of thing - he was talking about wasting time, and I was like OH YES. I do that! I'm trying to be more intentional about how I use my time! - he...

Your external iNtuition needs other people in order to do its job. Many of my most profound realizations come as I talk to my good good INFP friend. I think it's because you have to get your...

I'm realizing more and more that I have really random values that I find really important. The biggest three right now are self-discovery, completeness (as in being your own person, without needing...

OHHH you sound EXACTLY like my INTP best friend who I KNOW he would understand more things if he would just talk about it but he doesn't want to because he doesn't understand! It's such a struggle...

The saying-stuff-out-loud-to-understand-it thing blew my mind when I realized it...lol The chameleon thing = picking up people's patterns of speech/mannerisms while you're talking to them.

So my INFP friend and I have been talking more-or-less nonstop since she got back from Lithuania a week ago. We've had some profound realizations about ourselves that I thought I would share...

I really identify with the groups thing, I had one group in high school and that relationship was really empty. Eventually I got close with some friends from work, and those are really really...

hmmm, nobody seems to be responding. (And I feel like I posted this thread months ago....time is currently being really really strange for me.) We've decided that the wall is a wall of...

I do that as an INFP as well. Only recently realized it.

I grew up as an NP child of SJ parents; I tested as INTJ a lot when I was still living with them, because I had to try to be organized a lot. I'm still so bad at Se and Si and Fe, so I was never...

I tend to find that the functions I understand the best are the FiNeSiTe ones for the INFP, even though according to the test I use Ni, Ti, and Fe more than I use Si or Te. Does that resonate...

I would say xNFP, definitely - the having a hard time finishing things is something I struggle with as an INFP. Do you find yourself forcing yourself to be intentional about the things you do,...

Note that I tested as INTJ until I got to college, where I realized that I was, in fact, an INFP. Sometimes these things don't become really clear until you have a little bit of time and space to...

I know one particular ESFJ who has a REALLY strong wall up. It's so concrete - you exchange hellos and then you hit it. My other NF friends have noticed it as well, and we don't understand it at...

I find interior design appealing myself, as an INFP - the idea of creating a space that is both beautiful and reflects myself....mmm. I would say, go for it. But those are the words of a 19 year...

Sounds like ESFJ to me. Definitely Fe...and the remembering sounds like Si, which is ESFJ's secondary function. My ESFP friends are a lot more all over the place in general than my ESFJ friends.

I agree with these ones. Also: Your highest goal in life should be to understand yourself. If you cannot understand yourself, how can you hope to understand others?

A bit more handwriting: http://photos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs128.snc3/17551_378618830370_745260370_10131686_4073556_n.jpg I will add more in a bit - facebook is pretty unreliable, lol ...

I hereby revive this thread, because I like creeping on people's handwritings. And the SP's were showing off theirs, and it made me jealous. ...

Hi! Welcome! I love my ENFP friends - they're fantastic.

Oooooo, I want to know the answer to this too. I've mostly noticed the present moment vs. big picture difference between myself and my ISFP friend...he gets crisisy about small non-big-picture...

I was like what the crap? nothing like MGMT! and then those synths kicked in. good sounds. +1 A few I missed last time: Vetiver Greg Laswell Anni Rossi The Seedy Seeds

My INFP self asks, Is it working? Do I understand myself better? Good words. (also I like the term existential crisis.) I'll talk to my INFJ friend about a lot of things, but then I'll...'