
Diplomats INFP

Poetic, kind and altruistic people, always eager to help a good cause.

'I think he is wonderful. He embraces sustainable economics, human rights, drug legalisation, peace in the world and much more. I agree with him on that people have the right to discriminate against...

I like William and Kate....I'm forever loyal to them. :D In July they are visiting California!!!

I have. It is such a beautiful place. So whimsical and imaginative! :) The fog is so cool.

It is terribly romantic to be sad.

I like the fox as well. :)

The Cambridge dictionary defines the word gender as such: the physical and/or social condition of being male or female Notice it says physical Historically in Western Culture is has been known...

No, it is the same exact thing. That is my opinion though, you are entitled to yours. :) I know I'm not being polically correct or anything but my conviction is that your gender and sex is the same...

I am not being ignorant. I believe that sex and gender are the same thing. You are entitled to your opinion, of course! :) Artists and Carpenters are totally different things than natural elements of...

True, but aren't they defying nature? They don't accept their natural gender. Nature gave everyone either a penis or a uterus to identify their gender. They don't accept themselves...:|Gender isn't...

I like clothing like this: Comfortable, Vintage inspired, and Stylish: http://s7.landsend.com/is/image/LandsEnd/403165_X611_D1_LGH?op_sharpen=1&rgn=0,0,2000,3000&scl=5.882352941176471...

My style: Classic, Vintage inspired, Stylish, and comfortable...:)

I think you ENFP guys are awesome, fun, creative, and hilarious. I am never uncomfortable around ENFP guys. :D I just get annoyed when ENFP guys invade my privacy when I need to recharge....:)

http://vacationtraveleurope.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/english-country-cottage.jpg http://www.countryfarm-lifestyles.com/images/cottagedoor2.gif...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Bb6KX55JoE I love the feelings I get when I listen to this song....:) I love Miriam Stockley! enjoy! Some of you may recognize it. It was the ending credits song in...

It's the same here! I used to have a rabbit and now can no longer eat Rabbit meat....:

|What part of the Wine Country? Out of the whole wine country I think Sonoma is the most pretty. I can always imagine I'm in Southern France there...:)

Welcome!!!! :-) I love your username!

Welcome!! :D

I'm not an INFJ (INFP here) but I liked writing stories very much as a child. :)

But everybody was a kid once! Do you not like yourself? I think it's sad and hypocritical many people don't like kids. Being homeschooled, I grew up with four other siblings. Many people think WOW...

I want kids sometime in the future. Having children would be a way to pass down my values to the next generation. I read somewhere that INFPs and INFJs are natural parents. :)

I am a 9 (the peacemaker)

That certainly was beautiful! thanks for sharing. Now I want to go to Spain (that's where it was filmed). :-)

I have, but I have my doubts whether it is real. :D Photoshop does many things you know...:D Of course, if one does actually happen to be that hairy they should shave. Since probably 99.7% of men are...

Jesse Bradford...that's why my profile pic is him. http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2121/2546561625_e50da2dbbc.jpg

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-qi17C9t-AjU/TWBh28qoNwI/AAAAAAAAI1g/iOBfS6yd8zI/s1600/english_village.jpg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zYPkH8gPDps

When I was a teen, my extroverted mom would always complain about how absorbed I was in books and reflection. She wasn't mean though when she said it. She just didn't understand it, being an...

I love Golf. I grew up playing it. I like golf because there aren't any annoying coaches saying WORK AS A TEAM!!!. Golf appeals to my introversion, I suppose. I can do it by myself and perfect by...

I hate it when extroverts don't like it when you want to leave the party. They're like Why aren't you having fun? then they think you're depressed or something...lol!

That definitely would be great experience. Perhaps Europe or Japan. That would be fun. :)

English....:D I'm still not 100% sure what I'll do with it yet. Something in either writing or teaching. :)

Well, I cleaned my room (LOL) :D

To impress your friends you can say you have an avid interest in Anthroponomastics-------that's the study of names. :D

welcome infjmom! =)

Welcome! I'm a junior in college myself. :)

Welcome! :D

cleaned my room

I'm a native English speaker. I'm fairly fluent in Spanish and have a basic understanding of German. I would love to increase my fluency in German and Spanish sometime. :)

I know, the same thing happens to me. :| Stupid Google!!

going out to coffee with my girlfriend :)

True love of course!

I'm listening to some random 70s song that my sister, in the other room, is playing on her cd player....:)

I know an ISTJ who writes novels....they are very realistic. :D

I dreamt that I was a celebrity. It was so depressing....would never want to be famous!

and some more.....:) http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_5XVL10kAmD0/TGian0F9EeI/AAAAAAAAANM/UFCd4Uhw6vM/s1600/Reading+in+a+field.jpg http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lhtdr4Sfxl1qgodmlo1_500.jpg...

Hi Fionnuala! welcome to the forums! :)

welcome! :D

fun. amazing. epic.

I have several favourite verses but I really love Proverbs 3:5-6 5) Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. 6) 'In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he...

My ENFP friend is very bouncy and energetic. It is such a tonic! :D'