
Diplomats INFP

Poetic, kind and altruistic people, always eager to help a good cause.

'9w1 (INFP) Not aggressive at all. I can't even remember the last time I've been angry at anyone (since childhood), maybe passive aggressive at most (disappointed, critical, judgmental, anxious,...

me: INFx (probably INFJ) mom: ISTJ dad: ESxx (I think ESFJ?) I've never felt deep connection with my parents, but we get along fine.

tired of being asleep as dreams pass by without you it's hard trying to live this life it's all just fake like forgetting what it was like

INFP's.. whenever someone gets really close to you, remove your beautiful rose-tinted glasses for a second and just take a good look at the person. It's also important to ask your (close) friends'...

Yep, I can see a lot of myself in that picture.. Here's one of my pics from last year if you want to compare (my eyes are not as pretty though): 102874

Well, yeah but I don't necessarily mean innocent in a naive way.. maybe more like the look in little babies' eyes before their ego is developed, before they even learn to talk. It's childlike but...

I've gotten a lot of complements on my loving eyes and I'm starting to wonder.. Maybe it's this certain clear, intense, warm and friendly, curious stare.. big eyes, open eyelids, small pupils.....

By the amount of butterflies in your stomach ;) Infatuation: sexual attraction, limerence, can be obsessive and irrational.. Liking: friendly, brotherly/sisterly, neutral, platonic..

Here's one definition (although it doesn't include Spiritual Love):   http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/95/Triangular_Theory_of_Love.svg

I thought the Fe stands for feminine? 100690 :tongue:

..or in other words, they have undeveloped Fe :wink:

When it gets very personal When it sticks in your head When you feel it in your gut When tears appear When it changes lives

beets https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/7770925568/h3947CB37/


arses :tongue:

tears  http://www.thethingswesay.com/img/2411.jpg
Welsh   http://wtfcontent.com/img/130201082683.jpg
sales   http://wanna-joke.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/funny-picture-sales-not-that-bad.jpg
rafts   http://cdn.ebaumsworld.com/picture/Mac2311/water-rafting-launch.jpg

You can give up on anything But Love won't give up on you Even if you lose your way Love will find you Be still and silently catch your breath You've been running too fast Give it...

http://d24w6bsrhbeh9d.cloudfront.net/photo/5657293_700b.jpg http://s3.amazonaws.com/rapgenius/1308517744_acf378dbe7370c135f30435ff8645daf.jpg scuba

I personally have no respect for recreational drug use, but I can't say I'm against it. I've never been into drinking that much, I used to drink only 1-3 times a year in my teens and I never...

Ricky    http://brojsimpson.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/rick-rolled-links-header.jpg
me too.    shell  http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-GteAoEBEJIc/TvYQEfRVIEI/AAAAAAAARk4/SXd7gE52l94/s400/Shell.png

selfy (aka selfie) https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/7589560832/h1D40672A/

Elfie   http://www.mommyrambles.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Screen-Shot-2013-12-05-at-9.55.45-AM.png

As a fellow INFJ with sleep problems, I would NOT recommend weed (or any drugs).. For some INFJ's drugs can make things worse, by (possibly permanently) increasing brain activity and stress/anxiety...

Demon :kitteh:  http://d24w6bsrhbeh9d.cloudfront.net/photo/azb8Yvz_700b.jpg

steak https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/3219451648/h5D515BA2/


I've searched for my Self through spirituality, but the spiritual growth seems to be an endless process. It feels like it's going very slowly and in small steps, but every now and then I recognize a...


I might have been depressed for many years without even knowing it. Looking back, I've had some of the symptoms of depression since my early 20's, but I didn't really think about it because in some...

stabs Yeah, sorry.. I just had tohttp://www.wordforge.net/images/smilies/troll-face-meme_tiny.png (I won't do it again)

goatse    http://pichars.org/store/4436_original_tumblr_ln3t7w7zfo1qb5gkjo1_400.jpg

I'm the shadow of your pain, holding you against me tightly, so you could hear me calling. You're the still waters of my sadness, flowing deep inside me, in a stream of whispers. The...

http://thechive.files.wordpress.com/2012/09/cat-claws-baby.gif%3Fw%3D376 what are these entp babes up to...? I mean, yeah we luv you too ;)

lots of similar quirks.. - quiet sounds/beatboxing with my mouth, or tapping rhythms with my fingers - twisting and flipping a pen (or some other object) in my hands when I'm...

i'm not attracted to you, i'm only attracted to the thought of you. i don't miss you, i miss the dream i have of us. i don't want you, i just want the fantasy. it's always an...

Never been IN love, but I'm (hopefully) on my way. I'm actually slightly scared of falling in love, but that won't stop me from trying. So far I've only had a few (mild/mental) crushes.. and...

Count me in

I don't know if I'm good with them, but I use them sometimes.. With metaphors my words are like snowflakes on your tongue: Easy to catch and when it melts it sinks in :tongue:

Not necessarily quintessential infj films, but some random flicks I might recommend to any NF-types: Jacob's Ladder (Adrian Lyne) Bad Boy Bubby (Rolf De Heer) Studio Ghibli anime films...

It will be very interesting, inspirational, and beautiful to see how this dream becomes reality. Thanks for sharing, I wish you all the best.

Very difficult to find true love, at least for me. So difficult that I've become depressed. But I promised myself I would never lose hope. My advice for younger INFJ's: Don't wait for TOO long

90187 8 months old happy drooler 90190 8 years old, elementary school class picture.. I still can't believe I pulled that off :D

It's true that people need to learn to deal with their issues themselves.. but not everyone has a close relationship with their family, or a friend who would understand them. And you're right about...

I think this happens with INFJ's too. I guess many of us have some kind of friendly aura and kind looking faces.. I mean just look at the photos of INFx's on this forum, we're teddy bears :happy: ...'