
Diplomats INFP

Poetic, kind and altruistic people, always eager to help a good cause.

When they're home alone, they're neither quiet or not quiet just kind of average :D


Analytical and able to detach their emotions from a situation when needed

So much EXFP. Maybe ENFP but ESFP seems much more accurate

Your avatar is my favorite thing. It reminds me of abstract art, but cuter


Loves music but has very specific tastes. Not judgmental of people who have other music tastes

1-Te? 2-Ne 3-Extroverted 4-Te 5-Not sure Gut reaction is ENFP but maybe ENXP. Lots of Ne and Te, that's for sure. 1-I wish I was a lot more outgoing, confident and extroverted than I am....


I tend towards people that are really compassionate and extroverted who know what they're doing and seem grounded. Usually ENXJs.

I seem to be really INFP when depressed and ENFJ-ish when healthy. Problem is that I'm in the middle of a bout of depression so not sure which is more accurate.



1-P, also maybe Ne? 2-Ne?? Maybe also Fi? 3-Fi. 4-Fi and also XNFX 5- Introverted INFP sounds accurate :D 1-I really like art for its aesthetic appeal and meaning behind it. Not sure what I...


1- P. Also maybe Ne? 2- Ti?? I dunno, I'm bad at spotting functions. 3- Fi-Ne? 4-IXXP 5-Maybe really low S function. IXFP. You give me an ISFP vibe so take that as you will. 1-I am...

Your avatar reminds me of that scary story about the girl who ties the ribbon around her neck and doesn't tell anyone why until after she dies, they untie it and her head fell off. Think it was in...


Could you change my name back to kitchensink? thanks!

1) Hmm. Sounds Fi, but not Fi-dom. Probably a lower Fi. 2) Introverted. Also Ni. 3)Ni 4) Lower Fi, also Introverted 5) Low Se Sounds INXJ. --- 1) For some reason, I form strong affinities...

Haha, that last quote. Well nostalgia in general sounds pretty Si, so I'm going to keep that in mind in general. As for the specific quotes: 1. INTP 2. ENTJ 3. INFP 4. ENFP So... in general......


1-Hm. Se? 2-Haha, not sure if this is type related. Maybe P. 3-Ne 4-Fe 5-Not sure if this is type related but sounds like an S type. Overall, ESFX. 1-I love dramatic movies and movies that...


Can't, you are such an ISTJ

Humor so dry that people can't tell if you're kidding or not

Wishes they were scary

1. Is this type related? 2. Um. Well, if we're going with stereotypical Leos, they seem pretty Fe-based and EXFJ. 3. Which makes sense because you don't strike me as an EXFJ! Haha. Maybe Te...

Might I suggest INTP :dry:

Well you're unknown so how am I supposed to suggest an alternate? ISTP though

Has a limit to which they put up with someone's crap and once they've reached that limit are not afraid to let go

The sort of person who disapproves of wearing sneakers with suits. Probably has a formal sense of fashion

ISTP, probably

1) Te 2) Ni (?) 3) Maybe an SJ type 4) T type. Also probably very low F (not sure if Fe or Fi though) 5) Te holy XSTJ, batman 1) I love studying space and astronomy--when I was younger, I...

LOVE your quotes, Spooky Ashtray! First one sounds INFJ. Second sounds INFX. Third sounds extremely Fi and also INFP. So overall, INFX but probably INFP. Your quotes are so good! Adding them to my...

Have you considered ISFP


You are correct, my friend! Knows their way around alternative music :D

A little quiet but observant and has a quirky side

I'm feeling 22

16. You remind me of a friend when I was a junior in high school. So 16.

Have you considered INFJ? edit: The Rider--INFP?

INFJ. I don't know about your Socionics type but your signature seems INFJ

ISTP if you're a different type

Not old enough to watch anime but does anyways

I think I did yours last time so here are some additional thoughts: maybe a little informal and non-traditional but not one to cause a scene. Just going by signature alone, seems like an ENXP thing...

Always has the best avatars. A little more cynical than the poster before you, probably late teens/early twenties.


It's not cognitive functions based or anything, but more just a feeling. Because you seem to have a similar humor/writing style to other ENTPs I know--a bit sharper than ENFPs, if that makes sense.

Dunno, you kinda give me ENTP vibes.