Numerically I lean towards being a late 2000s kid. However, I consider myself both a mid and late 2000s kid. Both of those eras were just as important during my core childhood. I also spent some of...
Since I live in the Southern Hemisphere, it's a bit easier for me. I would defintly say that early 2010s culture peaked in the 2011 school year. Then I would say that mid 2010s culture peaked in the...
Yup, your right. When referring to the '90s', it basically means any year with ninety in it so Bascially 1990-1999, however you are correct when you say that the 10th or final decade of the 20th...
LOL true! Ah well, not gonna affect me anyways since I'm class of 2017:wink:
I'm 17!:cool:
Sorry, I'm gonna have to disagree. Also, this chart seems to over analyse things.
Let's not get too picky though! 2002 borns are 50/50, as simple as that.:wink:
Ok. That's fine. The point that I was trying to get across was just that being born in the 2000s doesn't automatically make you an 00's kid.:wink:
You do realise that's not how it works:rollseyes:. Being born in the 2000s does not make you a 2000s kid, because people say born in 2009 can't even remember the decade. 2000s kid: Born 1993-2001...
I would say your a 2010s kid, but your free to think otherwise.
Meeeee. 2000 to be exact.
Tbh I have no idea, becasue I will be an old person in like 2080! And I have no idea what the world will be like then. There's so much time before then for stuff to happen.
I'm pretty sure mine was 1. 2016 2. 2015 3. 2011 4. 2010 5. 2012 6. 2017 7. 2013 8. 2014
It's just ridiculous, seriously Gen y is only 14 years long but then Gen z is 26 years long, what?!?
Only 6 more months until I'm officially an adult! (technically) :smile-new:
COOL!!:welcome: haha, your childhood went from 2008-2017, have fun while it lasts
NOTE: This list is not a definition of what era your childhood peaked in, it shows anyone who was in any part of their childhood during that era. Early 00's: 2000-2003--Born 1988-2000 Mid 00's:...
I consider 2007 to be my peak childhood year.:pride: It was a great year!
Yeah, 1997 borns are the ultimate 2000s kid since they were in their childhood for every single year.
Yeah becasue nostalgia seems to go in 10-20 year cycles
Just asking what makes you think that 2013 was the peak?:distracted:
Maybe because it's more recent, people remember the time better and more of us were around them, I don't know but that's funny because Britney Spears is more of an 00's thing anyway.
No one said you were though, we all know that you had some childhood years in the 2000s, but the majority was spent in the 2010s. Therefore when someone is trying to distinguish you between a 00s or...
Well, I'm born in Feb 2000 and I guess also consider myself the end of Gen Y. I'm not sure why but that's just the way I feel, I could also be influenced by my two older sisters and trust me it...
Oh wow! Rip. Funny first memory though, I always used to play that game on the N64 aswell, except that was when I was 7.
Well if I wanted to be technical, then I was alive as we entered the new millennium which actually started in 2001, but I know what u mean lol! One of the things I hate the most is when everyone...
Crap! I hate thinking about that. We are also closer to 2030 than 2002!
Completley agree:joyous:
Well I actually have some vivid memories from age 3 believe it or not, does that mean I think I was in my core childhood in 2003, well no actually. I think childhood is more defined by the stage of...
Your mum should have turned it off
Literally everyone I knew had an iPod touch 4g back in 2011/12
LOL! Guess we just have opposite opinions then. I think 2016 was GREAT!:cheers2:
As previosly mentioned, I'm pretty sure most people agree that ages 3-12 are someone's childhood years, not 5-12. So I guess my childhood went from 2003-2012 using that definition. Also, I think at...
Yeah probably 60s. I think the 00s definitely changed alot too. Depending on what aspects you look at though.
Yes but that was his whole point, he was older at the time then you who was only 5. People who were younger at the time are going to get more nostalgia for that year earlier than others simply...
IKR :suspicion:, seems kinda random
Yeah! You had 3 years of your core childhood in the mid 2000s and I had 2 years! (2005/6) haha:encouragement:
Well if you were born in 2004, the only year of your core childhood in the 2000s was 2009. At this point in time 2010s culture was starting to take over 2000s culture anyways. Just my opinion though.
For me, 2013 was easily the worst year of the 2010s.
If you remembered the 2000s well enough then you would have known the PS2 was much more of a thing during the decade than the PS3. Also, please stop saying that you became VERY mature!! Your were...
I was born in 2000, therefore my core childhood was 2005-2010, so I get childhood nostalgia way more for the 00s than the 10s. But I was preteen/ early teens back in the early 10s and there is no...
What about your perceptions of gen z?
You identify your teen year withe the early 2000s the most?!!:laughin:
Hmm, being born in Feb 2000, I don't think of myself as being a 'partial' 2000s kid. I just consider myself as a 2000s kid simple. My childhood took place in all eras of the 2000s (early/mid/late)....
Why do you include 2011 but don't include 2016??
I was born in 2000!:redcard::redcard:
It's simple, 1993-2001 born being 2000s kids and 2002s being hybrids:m0827:! At least that's what I think
Sorry, I completely disagree with that:dry:! I personally think that 2005 borns should definetly not be considered 00's kid. They never spent one of their core childhood years in the 2000s at all :)
Yup, the 2011 Christchurch Earthquake happened just a few weeks after I started intermediate school aswell, strangely though I cannot remember it maybe because I didn't feel it or it didn't affect me...