
Diplomats INFP

Poetic, kind and altruistic people, always eager to help a good cause.

'So I was thinking today about the cause of my ex's out of the blue break up and it led me to some realisations and general theories about INFP's. This might help you or you may already know it all...

Yes. (But I am only 18) :wink: Still, everyone's motivations seems to be to be 'socially pleasing', to do good or right a wrong. Any seemingly bad behaviour seems to be explained by this too,...

Oh yay thank you for the support and for confirming that I am indeed not overreacting! Over this all I have actually gained a lot more self-respect. Like I deserve to be treated so much better and I...

Ok, I made a broader title because I always feel guilty about making a thread about too personal an issue because, really, why would anyone else care? So I've added general and personal together to...

Ermm I tried flirting with this guy yesterday and it was not exactly conventional: Get round to sexy/kinky topic. Said how my sister thought I'd love to dominate. He said he'd be the bitch but I...

Ah but then Hitler's actions were 'relatively' good to him and that is a tricky conclusion to agree with... Also, is everything relative? There are many universals humans share, (but of which may...

lol noooooooo

Hahaha that is sometimes how I feel but my ego might be too self conscious of appearing arrogant to admit ;) Thank you! Actually teachers do tell me my essays are 'too dense' or 'too complex' so...

I hate how society tells us we should have one life long passion/career. I think everyone really has lots of interests too so do not fret! I think it is much healthier as it develops far more areas...

I know people aren't always being intentionally patronising, but I absolutely. hate. 'cute'.

Mm it certainly could be! There is so much content to learn. As I said before, it could be perhaps cognitive stress rather than emotional stress? Maybe emotional stress is better if it eventually...

haha I know attic, I'm constantly trying to think about what the other person would not know and trying to fit speech to that, because I have so often been so wrapped up in my own thoughts that I...

Totally, confirmation bias is something I've yet to master! And how you described yourself is pretty much the same as what I would say in regards to the Thought Disorder. Cool, I think we're okay x

attic Yeah I do not think that there is anything to worry about. Thanks :) I just overreact to things every now and again... I think the INFP personality description is probably more closely aligned...

So, I'm pretty decent at maths, but lately I've been getting worryingly worsening scores. I think this links to a general trend. In most areas, people say how disordered all of my thoughts are....

(Ashamedly) your description fit me exactly. I think this 'shame' is why most people perceive us to be a fluffy harmless bunny. Perhaps due to Fi, we have a stronger sense of right and wrong and...

I'm only 17 and (un?)fortunately I already feel that i have become more in touch with reality... There may be a fantastic and vibrant world in our imaginations, but I believe this is part of the...

I like the concept of unity and think, economically, it is probably best for Scots to stay part of Britain BUT I have many reasons why I think Independence would be great! - Shake up the dusty old...

We're just too awesome. Haters wanna bring us downnnn

I'm actually pretty hard I would say, but only on myself.. maybe because I am so mushy and would be used as baby food if I didn't slap myself into line! I'm generally pretty caring towards everyone...

WhateverLolaWants I'm sorry you've had such a bad day Hopeful93 Actually I don't want to even use the term Islamic extremism anymore. Extremist groups like Isis are not 'Islamic', as imams have...

I have ALWAYS had this dream. Still in school so I'm not doing it right now, but I'd love to share ideas :D Have you thought of creating your own self sustaining 'campervan' (but for a new age)....

Good point! Maybe the reason I don't stick with my beliefs enough is because I don't feel I have enough grounds to do so. So yeah, how to solve the problem? Get 'grounds'! Thanks :D (Plus, just...

You are perfectly right. I think the problem here is just too much philosophy haha - how do I know that spreading compassion is positive? It bloody is so shut up Annie Still, have you ever been...

Good, that's exactly what I thought :) Just when people feel so strongly about something, I always consider their opinion and doubt my own.. How do you solve this?

hehehe aww thanks :') But how do we know that these 'INFP views' we share are not imperialistic or insane? We are biased after all ;)

So, I watched this documentary with my family about this Islamic extremist. I was concerned about how religion can be used so negatively, because it can be a tool for good (the scriptures all talk of...

We INFP's should not be so selfish as to not give our compassionate, dreamy, idealistic talents to the world ;)

Maybe it would be good to focus on what you want right now and really go for it. If you definitely decide that you want a relationship now, then focus your energies on that. Maybe try dating some...

Forever Jung Thanks for the compliment (and punny name btw ;) ) I like the term 'friend-lust' describes it pretty well! Well as I can't talk to him in person (he scurries away like a scared little...

Pom87 are you a priest at the INFP church? because you do seem rather keen on marrying us all off ;)

thank you kayaycee. very wise :) I have always loved Buddhism and its concepts, and have recently found the transient sand Mandala which is cool.. On the other hand, also thinking about Wicca to look...

kayaycee. and ForsakenMe I still really don't want to lose him, he's been my closest and most trusted friend ever :( Not messaging him will be so hard but I will try! aww thank you very much :) Have...

I remember as a child always longing to be able to read people's minds. With an INFP's hypersensitivity and empathy, I think I may have just been lucky enough to receive it ;)

kayaycee. Well I haven't even been able to start the conversation as he lies to make excuses to leave as soon as possible... I've just sent him messages every now as friends, but he barely ever...

Omg thank you, you have described my situation precisely!!!! I thought the idea was pretty nice, and my extreme Ne can't help but fall in love with ideas... ;) Yep all I want is to be friends with...

Thank you for your praise and advice. Jealousy could come into it but I get slightly jealous over any close friend who starts spending more time with anyone else (rather passively selfishly!) so that...

Wow thank you everyone for all your loving support! I knew I could count on the rest of you INFP's ;) @kittenmogu Yeahh maybe I do still have feelings for him but they have been so overwhelmed...

Good point Necrox, but he rejected ME so why is he the one now doing the ignoring? It's normally the other way round! Apparently so Teodora,ghita, he might just be an INFP with some personal...

First off, I really hate to make threads on personal situations because I feel selfish for some reason, but this has been really really troubling me. So, myself (INFP girl) and an INFP guy have...

I think it's braver to say it rather than not. I do and get rejected and feel happy about the rejection because it was bold and confident but then feel bad that they might think I've only been...

I'm physically rough and emotionally soft.

-> Brain picks up on all of the little 'possible hints' of a mutual attraction -> This goes on and on in my head and I am in a dream world, only thinking about our time to be, even when our time is...

Assertiveness is certainly not being confrontational. I do believe that we shouldn't shy away from confrontation when our values and selves are trodden on though. It could be necessary and we have to...

I'm weirdly charismatic and friendly, but have never been one of the 'populars' as such, more just popular with everyone, if that makes sense. I have a few 'popular' friends, but I always feel most...

Weirdly, I always try and jam in as much as possible because I don't want to lose any lovely little time - How STJ of me ;)

The idea of a 'Tate and Violet' relationship is nice I suppose, but maybe I have trust issues and would KNOW that one of the pair must slip up somewhere along the time and, if you are...

No! What an incredibly depressing thought! but, in this society, maybe... The fact we internalise our feelings so strongly certainly doesn't mean that we will internalise negative thoughts...

I have awesome girl friends! Admittedly, they are all quite weird and tomboyish though. I have lots of great guy friends too (interestingly all INFP's?! xD) and generally feel much more comfortable...

@Wanderlust94 Thank you for all your sageness :') You're right, comedies are the best remedies ;D Normally I get this anxiety at school though, where I'm forced to stay in a dark and stuffy room,...'