'What type do you all think Adam Trask is? He's a fascinating character
I was talking to two ENFPs and an INTP the other day and we were throwing N around like no tomorrow :crazy: I've found that conversations with Ni and Ne work out well. The Ne provides energy while...
Yeah, I'm getting some INT vibe....
When you have long and elaborate conversations with people that are completely imaginary. When you wonder if the world started at THIS EXACT MOMENT and all of your memories are fake. When you...
I'm going to have to guess ENTP (assuming that you're some sort of xNxP). Getting energized by a party is very E, and it's not like Es want to hang out with everybody all the time. You sound a lot...
I tend to take my closer friends for granted. My self esteem is almost completely dependent on the grades I get. I'm prone to limerence. :blushed: Perhaps even addicted to it. :mellow:
Whoa, this sounds really cool. Too bad it's already 6th :frustrating: Not sure if I would have done it though.... I worry that spending all my time writing will make me put grades as a lower...
GIVE THE INTJ SOME SPACE. I've known some ENFPs who just can't leave people alone, even when it's obvious that tensions are getting high. But seriously, please don't try and change for this guy. Just...
*How long did it take you to realize that you're actually INTJ and not INFJ? The first half dozen times I took the various online tests, I came up with INTJ. So I thought I was INTJ even before I...
Hm. I'll take a guess that you're ENFP. Maybe ENTP.
Seriously? I'm not the only one who does the imaginary conversations thing? I find that when I'm interested in someone, I tend to over-think everything. Plan and strategize for each interaction. A...
lol :crazy: Yeah, I guess personally I've been known to do this a bit. Sometimes there's just a stream of thought I'm trying to grasp, and I simply don't want to diverge from it.
Here's a link to another type Colbert thread: http://personalitycafe.com/guess-type/28224-stephen-colbert.html But yeah, I'm thinking ENTP.
Hm.... I'm pretty sure he's an E of some kind. And probably an F... using Fe...... Sorry I couldn't be more helpful :unsure:
Just from what you've said about yourself Julia, I'm going to guess you're an ESTP or ESTJ. I don't trust the tests, not even the function order ones. :dry:
Well, I normally start by describing the person I'm trying to type in my head. Like are they action-oriented? Emotional? Reserved? Organized? Spontaneous? A particular trait that stands out may have...
Sarah's link to the interview with Colbert seems to indicate him being a P. He says himself that he enjoys the interviews because he gets to improvise. I doubt he's an I simply because he looks so...
I haven't played fire emblem for too long.... But Ike as a Fe dom? I think he uses Fi. ISFP perhaps?
Who wants to try and type Stephen Colbert? Him as a person, not as just a character.
Alright, alright, simulatedworld. I've read enough of your posts to know not to attempt to debate with you. :wink: I'm just curious as to what made her so INTP as hell. I'd love to learn something.
Arguing seems to be the lifeblood of the ENTPs I know. They thrive on a good debate, and I've learned that it's best not to cross them :dry:
I really liked Inception, but I think you'd have to be an N or have strong Ti (or both) to enjoy it. An INTJ (me), an INFP, and an ISTP loved it, but an ESTJ and an ISFJ were luke-warm. What's the...
Truthfully, I often handle criticism poorly. Sometimes I'm fine. I get some good suggestions and I implement them; no problem. But if I've worked particularly hard on a project and am a bit insecure...
I got my younger sister to take it. Though it took a lot of whining, persistence, and It would be fun!s.
Yep, I often have trouble getting the thoughts to stop at night. I've developed little tricks to help me get to sleep though. Funny thing.... There's this one thread where people write dialogues...
Ts aren't heartless. They can absolutely empathize. T types naturally notice tasks and work to be accomplished? Huh. I've never heard that, and it certainly isn't true for me personally. Ts...
All of this is VERY T. And Fi. INTJs have Fi and will use it. On what basis do you think that you are an F? I really can't figure out why you are doubting that you're a T. :mellow:
I really think you're an INTJ. Giving people solutions to their problems + not seeing the point in sugar-coating things + making decisions based on logic = T. On the J/P thing, I saw a...
I'M NOT ALONE I pretty much agree with what the rest of you said. Anxiety, awkward silences, not being able to see the other person's face.... And I can never find a polite way to hang up. All...
Interesting questions! I guess I'll just steal Lestroe's format to answer them. Do you get annoyed easily with random people? Only if they are VERY random and I see them all the time. Random is...
I was actually about to start a thread about this.... I think I met another INTJ once, but I didn't know her for very long so I'm not sure if that was her type. She was definitely an IxTx....
Well, being an introvert can suck. My friends think I don't like them if tell them I need time alone. So instead I have to go hide myself in a dark classroom. Then if someone finds me, they just give...
Yeah, I'm not sure why you claim he's an N either. I've met plenty of odd sensors!
I do well with exam and test pressure in general; I tend not to get stressed beforehand. Plus, I actually like the state of academic hysteria my class goes into before exams. It means that we can all...
Whoa..... Just read the wikipedia article on limerence. That is EXACTLY what I am going through right now. Thank you. Now I know that other people have felt like this, and that I'm not crazy...
Well I'm very happy for you, Varulfr. I personally think quite highly of INFJs and ENFPs and they make great friends. Mysterious strength, that's a good way to put it. What I've found with...
-can be overly emotional (especially when stressed) -actually enjoy small-talk -care what people think of me -respect authority figures (well, the intelligent or nice authority figures, so maybe...
Whoa, I just remembered that I saw an ENFJ doing this just last week to one of her friends. I thought it was kind of funny how she wouldn't let it go but I guess it would get annoying after a while.
I like ENFJs, but they never end up being anything more than acquaintances. They are certainly intelligent, reliable, and caring. Plus they make superb teachers. :proud:
Sorry fellow INTJs, but my vote goes to INTPs, ENTPs, INFJs, and ENTPs. Kind of a broad range, but they're all intellectuals in their own ways!
I also throw in my vote for ESTP, but I'm far from sure. :dry:
Interesting.... :mellow: I am not naturally inclined to try new things, but I am more likely than others to be pushed into it (if that makes any sense). ENTPs, ENFPs, and ISFPs are particularly...
Reading that first post just made me laugh :laughing: That just made my day I would think you were kidding. That is just too funny....
I got pretty even scores for each. Gryff: 50 Raven: 66 Huff: 52 Slyth: 65 I simply cannot imagine being in gryffindor. Not only am I the least brave person you'll ever meet ('safety first' is...
I'm thinking some kind of ST.
F? I'm just throwing a guess out there....
With most other types I see some consistency on what they think about INTJs (ENTPs and ENFPs are both fairly consistent in this regard). INFJs are an exception to this, and it's left me pretty...
Whoa, that made me think. Sometimes I feel emotions so strongly that I feel as if I might overflow. So then I feel a need to talk it out with someone. However, when I try to explain these feelings...
I've never experienced real bullying on a regular basis. There have been a few incidents involving snide comments while I'm in the room or people ganging up on me verbally. I deal with these quite...
And yet a bunch of other people are claiming that she's a P.... I just don't see it, she seems so J to me. All that planning, being uncomfortable with spontaneity, and the OCD.'