
Analysts INTJ

Imaginative and strategic thinkers, with a plan for everything

FUUUUUUUCK my group for a project just decided to reschedule our meetup for noon tomorrow instead of at 10 the problem being the guys who rescheduled this decided to alert the group at midnight so i...


what about doing differential calculus in your head :kitteh:

you don't know what your missing by not getting to use Ni continuesly

no that's BlackFandango's nickname for Wytch

and we all squirm uncomfortably but still like that you did it now if you could let go we would like you even more

all of yall are crazy just so you know:dry:

yah that might be a good idea your looking allitle pissy right now

whelp Emologic i just finished reading the rest of this thread and it has first of all made me convinced that you are a young INTP and second of all if it was really a round about way to try to...

i know by now this has been beaten to death but i decided that i might as well take a crack so lets begin i tend to not really pay attention to who if anybody is the smartest in the room i...

but you do need harmony in your environment and you know what isn't harmonious is that mad angry fluffy anarchist in the corner staring daggers at you

oh you know your gong to crack and start groveling at fluffy to forgive you because you feelers can't stand having people angry at you for very long so you might as well get it over with and...

I don't care unless your one of those sparkly bastards from twilight then your going to burn up in the sun or starve to death in your coffin while i'm outside eating my yummy cat meat wondering which...

your so thoughtful getting me that snack i love it when their feisty makes the cat meat so much more delicious PS watch your back little miss ISTP i know were your coffin is and i have a feeling...

no need to be jealous i'm sure that their is another of my kind out their for you too:wink:

no need to worry i was just continuing the joke sorry i couldn't convey the tone properly

yes that is what it feels like to finally see an INTJ mad

more like to full of himself like he could land me psha

For myself i'd likely be sarcastic about the experience but if it was a while ago i wouldn't actually care to much but i would keep that offence in mind which will factor into whether i drop them as...

Don't insult my soulmate:angry: FluffyTheAnarchist don't worry my love the mean INFJ can't hurt you now

yeah i'm getting off this trainwreck

so hello i'm your new boss and before you begin working for us in huggles galore i have a couple things to say. first of all i request that everybody has at least one cuddle session with me every...

i forgot to add that i once followed around this group of people in a higher grade than me in elementary school. i would put on a neutral face then simply follow them around staring at them to...

i tend to use my RBF to stop social interactions. I just look at anybody who decides to interrupt my time and they usually just leave me alone.

i agree that keeping it from being ridiculously overpriced just so that a amoral company can get more money is a good idea.

doesn't understand that just because a group of people hurt you when you were young doesn't mean that your allowed to attempt genocide on said peoples:exterminate:

forgets that clothes go on the body not the floor

my missions usually come in one of two flavors the first is the why the hell not missions that come into my head at random moments like dancing beside a street in my home town for a half hour in the...

AWWWW your right i think i'll just decapitate it so that i can hang it on my mantel hope you don't mind :kitteh:

No i wouldn't save the man since if he enjoyed the murders he might very well kill again but on a more practical note the drug would be more useful by giving it to researchers to find out a way to...

makes sense that's all INFJ's are good for stealing my cupcakes well guess what you can't have any

sorry wrong there. I fixed it I meant the men that came to the yard

when i'm tired i tend to go from being sociable and able to act normal if a little more unfiltered until suddenly i shut down to the outside world and retreat into myself planning to murder everybody...

it doesn't matter you'll just become bored and leave immediately after they get there

you change windows on the computer when somebody is coming not because your embarrassed by whats on the monitor you just don't want them knowing when you are having a bad day and have to commute...

When you have to explain to your feeler friend that you are not angry with them

So i was just forced to tell a guy i know that i wasn't gay and still had to fend off his advances with a stick for another hour. i just don't understand why people can't use their brains and realize...

i'm in the same boat as you i was watching and all i could think of is how she reacts to the other family members is so similar to how i interact with my family although i'm holding out on typing her...