
Analysts INTJ

Imaginative and strategic thinkers, with a plan for everything

'Well, herex92s the story. I met this girl, and I fell for her. Now I have come to a conclusion that she is a ENTJ, in fact a very unhealthy one. She hates most of the society, she doesnx92t want to...

should I wear protective gear? People have no idea how anything works nowadays and they are scared to even see circuit boards. Jesus. But I know what you should do - check this youtube tutorial...

Being alone and cycling a very long distance for days seems pretty addictive. It hurts the but as well.. but still, I continue.

http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_2LiwE4cKIkA/TKFN4UnXfmI/AAAAAAAAAgQ/LtwxYYPIKYo/s600/Universal_Monsters.jpg bit smaller and clearer. couldn't find anything else. tip: learn to use images.google.com...

INTj here, mine would be: Galvenais ir neiespringt! Or The key is keeping calm! in English

I found this: Wikipedia:Unusual articles - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Then I kept on reading.

Friend ex girlfriends. Then bad things happen. Do not ever break the Bro Code.

I think it has quite a lot with personalities, because for me and all my NT friends smoking weed is like a different world, because it activates the sensing and feeling bit we don't have that much,...

That is so ENFJ! As an INTJ I am the kind of person who thinks that there is not such a thing as just friendship between male and female unless one does not respect one another as their gender should...

I was thinking about that all the ISFPs I've met in my life have no or barely any effect from smoking pot. Is it so with you as well or is it just a consequence in my life knowing such rare people?

Well I'm latvian studying in the UK. And I doubt I would like the Stan Smith stuff, but leather handles is the idea, matching with my honey Brooks saddle in colour.

Trumpet, guitar, and a bit of piano. Obviously in a short period of time I could learn any other brass or guitar type instrument, but I definitely need to learn some drum instrument for a full set of...

Absolutely. Just getting a useless piece of paper so my parents could be calm that all kids got their higher education. And then they will want me to find a highly paid job. I want to paint...

That is going to take a while. Now I am supposed to write my thesis and I am just procrastinating it with different tasks like thinking about what color I will paint my bike in two months.

But it is good to know that tastes actually match. ;) It is probably going to be black or brown, or blue. Combined with striping around the lugs. Maybe British racing green would do.

It has really nice lugwork, that will be pinstriped.. It can will look like this maybe: http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5015/5641498558_f29d113e84_b.jpg

Darn, that was a long post.

So this is my very old 1951. Claud Butler road bike and I am going to restore it, but I can't decide what colour. Since you are the ladies I am supposed to impress in any sort of way, what...

I would accept lucid dreaming as a great thing to do while asleep, but daydreaming is just ridiculous compared. No matter what I think people enjoy real things and feeling them with all senses...

I soooo LUV the musik they makn nowadajz! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6j4f8cHBIM&ob=av2e

I used to think about the future way too often and that didn't really make happy at all. You wait and wait for something to happen and suddenly it happens and then it is gone. Once I hitchhiked a man...

I think going to high school was the best thing that ever happened to me, because living in a society where everybody knows everyone isn't as good as it might seem. I lived my entire life in a small...

I have a strange feeling that Ian Mackaye [musician, Straight Edge `founder`] is an INTJ. I read somewhere that he is a ENTJ, but I guess he might be a INTJ as doesn't seem that social to be an E. ...

ESFPs That's the worst thing out there. Yesterday I realized that one of my coworkers is an ESFP and before I didn't know why I hated that idiot so much. I work at a bar and he has no idea about...

Road bicycle (if distance is up to 70km) or hitch-hiking if further or abroad. In the city and in winter while commuting I ride a fixed gear bicycle. I abandoned public transport years ago and that...

Generally I hate variety. Lately I have given all my unused clothes to charity. Actually I buy most (like all 7 pieces) of my clothing from charity shops (I dislike paying more than 5$/piece of...

Saw this coming..

Title says it all. I am just getting into this MBTI stuff and would like to know how useful/usable this tool is. Interested only in INTj answers so asked just here. Regards

Is it for the spelling mistake in the title? Or any other spelling mistake?

Today I wen't to my University to work on my thesis, after working a bit and printing some drafts I suddenly thought I should go to the universities atrium and just try to play the piano which is...

I would say I prefer NP's in a relationship, but in work an NJ is quite a lot better as a person to communicate to just because of the way decisions are made; then discussions flow in a great tempo....

Will it slowly dissolve different type personalities through the skin? SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!

Thanks. I personally dislike the process of eating itself, it is quite boring, and killing to do something I dislike seems even worse than simply killing. I can easily make rice that will taste like...

I am a logically thinking person and logic tells me it is indeed stupid to do something bad for yourself, environment or others around me. I chose to simply not do all that because it all seems bad....

I do understand your ignorance to difference. All that I am saying about you is an assumption about how would a regular British citizen react to this situation. I do not know you you see, but I...

from wiki: An idiot, dolt, or dullard is a mentally deficient person. And my words are not conclusions, but assumptions. I might be wrong, but I can bet you still haven't even given it a though....

Couldn't agree more. When i get a compliment from my ENTJ mate about my knowledge, it seems really honoring.

We are born equal, the way life treats us makes us different. I know you find this quite funny, you think I am an idiot. Fair enough! But think about it, just simply think about it. Believe me,...

I know you are scared and a bit angry, but one day hopefully you will understand. From my own life experience I can tell, I used to be just like you, thinking rationally, but in the conventional...

As you said about mp3 players, it is just escaping reality, I like to face the reality and all these things no matter what are just tools for coping with life. I know some of those things are...

First of all, I'm INTJ type 3. That explains quite a lot, I subconsciously wan't to be better than others. All these things have just let civilization down and If I am willing to change others, I...

I think mine was when I graduated high school, my Latvian language teacher said well done. Latvian language was the only subject I had a 3/10, because I just couldn't care about it less. I was the...

Why thanks for the posh language..

You know what really pisses me off? INTJs who don't know that they are INTJs and think that they are so special. I was there once though.

Thanks. I prefer cycling, even if it is raining, snowing, ice cold or the distance is like 60km. If further, than hitchhiking. Good to know, I guess I can moderate this. Seems like good clean...

I just started around here and I can say, this is going to become addictive. People actually understand my INTJness here. I am a person who generally hates addictions. In the last year I quit...

Even being French I am supposed to know the spelling in English. I am Latvian and in Latvian voila would spell vuala, that's why the quote I guess.

Now knowing MBTI I at least know what to look for. I have my Alzheimer grandmother for that I guess. Not a bad idea though. I surely have to look up slightly older people. Weirdly I just...

Now I have to consider widening my vocabulary. Anglophone - damn that's sweet!

It's alright, English is not my mother tongue.'