
Analysts INTJ

Imaginative and strategic thinkers, with a plan for everything

'Mentally wrap it up, put it in a box and leave it in the past. Move on to the next project. :D

I keep a small, but diverse group of friends. The INTP, INTJ, INFJ are my favorites. Also close with an ENTP, ISTJ and INFP. Very choosy about who I let into my inner circle, but the few that make...

Curious, thanks for your thoughts. I was INTP (high school)>INTJ (college)>ENTP (post-grad). I believed that my cognitive preferences were Ne-Ti, but having just taken a test to confirm it, I'm...

Become more independent, and less needy of assurance. Your ideas are great! Just follow through without needing pat on the back every 5 minutes.

Hello ENTP brethren/comrades. After typing as INTJ throughout my college years, and INTP in high school, I feel that I've finally discovered another part of myself that really makes me feel... whole....

This describes my relationship with an INFP guy to a T!

I also eat a plant-based diet, low-carb, modified paleo, decent amount of lean protein (I try to do cardio/body weight exercise 2-3x a week). Love my eggs and almond milk. Green smoothies once or...

I dated an INFP. While I appreciate the empathy and the fact that they're so willing to hear what's on our mind, they seriously have trouble with the I need my space thing. Not all are like this,...

INFJs, ISTJs, ENTPs, INTPs, and INFPs. Sometimes I also click well with ESFPs, on the rare occasion that we're mutually amused by each other's company.

I explain to them why I'm not able to extend the friendship, and leave it at that.

Miss them, realize I miss them, decide if making contact is worth it, move on to bigger things.

I supplement if I feel my immune system taking a dip. I'll take a multivitamin and bolster with some probiotics. Usually though, I prefer to stay away from meds as much as possible. I pay extra...

You're not alone! I notice trends, but don't always have time to follow them. I tend to stick with the essentials and classic pieces with a pop of colour. If you have a fashion blog, please share! I...

22 Problems All People With Resting Bitchface Will Understand I’m not mad, but my face is. http://www.buzzfeed.com/erinlarosa/problems-all-people-with-resting-bitchface-will-understand

I'm a 3w4 INTJ sx/so and am quite positive my INFJ friend is 4w3. We're on the same frequency. Threes are self-assured, attractive, and charming. Ambitious, competent, and energetic, they can...

Am I the only INTJ who considers micronutrient profiles when eating?

Absolutely. We give fair warning about our triggers, but once that line is crossed we can very easily close the door.

2. Anymore than that, like 4ish is entering dangerous territory. Hence my ex-INFP significant other, who could not seem to respect my need for alone time to recharge.

...mildly attractive and a little bit awkward.

re: sponges Try living with housemates who leave it soaked and face-down on the sink counter? It's nasty. Maybe an OCD, but I like to rinse it in hot water, wring it out before adding dish soap. I...

Hi FreeBirdfood, did you know MIT publishes all it's courses online? ...for free? I'm no software engineer, but I'm willing to bet you'll find some interesting topics on there. MIT OpenCourseWare...

Thank you for your thoughtful response! Perhaps a review of cognitive functions is in order; I've overlooked this in my efforts to organize behavior. There's just something appealing about the neat...

Another INTJ raised in a Catholic home here. I switched to Agnosticism purely because some of my personal efforts were often credited to the work of God. Prayer was the solution for unanswered or...

So it's been a few years since I've known my type; a good year or so since I've started exploring Meyers-Briggs in depth. Call it maturity, an enlightened Fe, or a less edgy J, but I felt like I've...

Rule number 1: DO NOT SMOTHER HER. Let her come to you. If she likes you, you'll know. Rule number 2: Keep up with your own hobbies and interests. Share this with her if she cares to explore them...

Try Vipassana. Really, it works. I attempted meditation before and failed miserably. I just feel like I had to be in the right state of mind and at peace with my surroundings for the process to take...

Oh no, it does. For the most part I feel like social customs and public expectations do a decent job of taming Fe folk. But when their feelings come, it arrives in a gushing, seemingly potent...

My Fi has blossomed quite recently, and I'm finding it rather delightful being able to use it and interact with other Fe users. Feels less alien being in a crowd where Fe is the dominant function...

Yes, them. Our polar opposites on the MBTI spectrum. Do you look forward to seeing them? Interacting with them? I know we are introverts, but human contact is inevitable. As a fledgling INTJ I...

Did you ever attend, apply, or drop out from an Ivy League? Just curious. Personally, I was aware of my own shortcomings as a student but submitted an app to Stanford anyway. I'm still fortunate...

Future husband would probably appreciate this: 5 Benefits Of Having A Smart And Successful Wife | Post Grad Problems

A well prepared meal. Rain. Being on a warm beach. Really good music. Aesthetics & design. Having dynamic conversations with people who can keep up with me. Watching athletes perform at their...

@chaosagogo If you want to keep him as a friend, respect his wishes. INTPs are brilliant, but they can often jump from one idea to the next, resulting in classic analysis-paralysis rather than taking...

I've been trying to get in touch with my inner Fe... and pinch me, it actually happened. My subconscious ran on NF over my usual NT tonight. it's scary. I feel like I've no control in that my...

Stage 5, baby! :cool:

INFJ and ENTP pour moi. TJs are some of the most straightforward, no-bull people I know. Even the introverted ones will speak their minds if asked to.

I love my INFJ friends. Have you ever seen/heard of an animal that has both turtle-like defense, with unintentional abilities to inflict pain at people's cores? NFJs are master maipulators of...

So accurate.

...if I intern with a butcher, I'll become really adept at identifying and preparing cuts of meat.

Also do INTJ males participate in the rituals of bromance?

I wonder what would happen if you handed the keys to a shop full of power tools to a male INTJ? Part of me wants to say that they'd use the space to advance their current projects, with the...

I'm curious, do any NTs here find yoga or meditation useful for clearing your thoughts? I've tried plain ol meditation and found it more irritating than helpful. A quiet hike in the outdoors has...

Please thank your partner in my behalf, for sharing their lucid observations. I've always felt trapped by the way my mind works... My ENFJ friend who is drawn to crowds, once asked if I suffered from...

Helen from Bridesmaids. http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lzxmppS28j1qd5tz2o1_250.gif http://31.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lyofrkIX2p1qkjsuxo1_500.gif ...

Took the 144Q practice test this morning and scored with 92% accuracy. Licensing exam tomorrow, here I come! (I didn't cram for this one)

lol, I always enjoy reading your posts. Mine is the same way, sans the lecturing and journalist part.

I have just three nuggets of advice for the undecided: 1) Explore. Delve into and learn the inner workings of a niche environment you enjoy. You may discover something novel in the process. Bonus:...

Allow me to echo that! I too, am physiology junkie. Neuroscience, immunology, cell bio, genetics... I'll vouch for diseases too, ha. I'm quite adept at linguistics which makes the medical lingo all...

Perfect. <3

INTJ female here; Is arrogance a dealbreaker for you ladies?'