'Here's a planned stress relieving activity that will only work once... On the last day you ever see this guy, give him that slap across the on face. Make sure it's a good slap cause you only get to...
Lately I been struggling with school and found that I am not too happy with my decisions about picking a career path so early in my life. After some thought I figured that I should do something that...
I find that it help to just disappear without people knowing you did, makes life so much easier and you did have to deal with most unwanted social situations.
Having a nice dream and never waking up.
*sad music playing in the background* https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTrRjhpBOMTy8bgjqXbmKvmizJmSwaBa_UqAqPlG8Y7DalOmiC0kg
Tell him before he tells you. He'll understand, pissed but understanding. Then sooner or later he'll move pass it and cherish you as a friend and maybe secretly like you for the other thing.
After watching that I am now glad there is such a thing as depression. Happily Depressed that is.
I like to say that we are free to a curtain extent. In the US we give up a fraction of our freedom but in return we get order and safety. However most of us give up more than we realize. Our freedom...
Why study when you know more than your instructor. Lately school is becoming more and more of a joke. Could it be that we're too efficient for our own good? Honestly I don't believe in the...
Simple, if this reality allows your assassin superpowers, therefore you must also have powers. If I had the power of immortality, then the person out to kill me can not and will not. On the off...
There Intentions?
I don't think even the masterball can capture us. It's more like we capture you. https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQKSu5eXse9qUb6kBMkYIfUcnTtAVxFyviAAT7IyPP6iCuQ04YO
I do all the said things and people always think I have a motives. BUT I REALLY DO!!!!
If no Science, then Magic! https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT6dZWztSDaHGVq9rF8mgN_cj9uhWGH--G1VcCr6Qf4oF0URz7i
You either must not watch doctor who or you are just trolling me.
A Timelord?
You know what I really hate, PEARS. But my human side won't know that. And I don't want to wake up one day and find the taste of pears in my mouth.....
Yea, Asian parents. Can't live with them, can't live without their money. ; ] I recommend following Alx7's advice, If your father is an INTJ he will respect your independence.
Is that what's it called, I have a similar friend that does the same thing. They think and read about psychology, then believe what ever they thought is the absolute truth, even though you tell them...
I laughed really hard when I saw the dragon design on the scabbard because that is the same design on one of the wooden swords I have and that costed me about 13USD including shipping. But jokes...
Interesting point, but I just want to know is how do you(and you only) put value on something? Does it come from the usefulness of an item, the rarity of the material its made from, or time and...
I've already figured that much out, I can't really move forward unless I know for sure if what I want now is really what I desire. And that list of goals I have in life requires lots of money if I...
So steel is significantly cheaper in china and what is suppose to be a piece of elegant art is made cheaply as well?
I could change, but it feel like I have wasted 6 months of my life plus I still don't know what I want to do. Perhaps you might have some advice for an uncertain person like me?
Perhaps I should have used another word instead of replica or mention if it were a real functional item in reality. Then again not much people know that there are many replicated items from fiction...
don't you ever feel like you don't know what to do with your life and bit by bit you start to regret making such big plans and they're not quite what you hoped. FUCK WHY DID I HAVE TO PICK A CAREER...
I find that being depressed helps, it hurts but in the end you just don't care and your body goes into auto-pilot. so just zone out and only chime in when ever some important comes up. *WARNING...
That would make more sense.
I have found this thread a while back and i think it will give you a better understanding. http://personalitycafe.com/intj-forum-scientists/22897-drunken-intjs.html
You play tsw?
lmao at the linkin park song
A nickle for every time someone said that.:wink:
If you could buy a replica melee weapon form a game,show, book, or somewhere, what would it be? And what would a reasonable price you would pay for it. Edit: I would want Kirito's black...
No I don't get emotional when I am drunk. A better answer would be I don't drink. What ever happen to someone when they are drunk is entirely up to them. TYPE has nothing to do with it.
I guess I got lucky and gone to a school that doesn't have letter nor number grades.
You must be one of those lazy but smart people. Don't worry, you're not alone. And to answer your question; it is not because smart people do not have time to do homework, it is because the...
Or keep your distant and only help if they ask and really need the help.
Do what an intj does best, being lazy. eventually you won't even bother smoking because of laziness.
one is killing for a purpose and the other mean there is no more.
Seems simple enough, too bad I can only 3 of the 4 things on that list. Ohh college life, is not the life for me. *A bit of sarcasm*
Yes I am overweight, trying to change that though. Anyone have any advice that might help with the process?
I recommend checking this tread out: http://personalitycafe.com/intj-forum-scientists/110885-how-do-you-know-youre-still-love.html
If an INTJ want to find god, they should just look int the mirror.
I believe Dan E already answered the question. Ok, next question. What seems small but bigger on the inside?
I am going to with option D, leave it alone. I have a similar friend that does this and he goes to a very very good school may even be the best in the world. When vocation come he really want to...
Ah yes, I always wanted to listen to crickets... I think it would be an interesting phenomena, I imagine it would be like looking at the multiverse and behind each one is a group of INTJs is...
i see what you did there. borderline intj/p.
Just wait till you have a more mature fi till you find/wait for love. and hey, when an intj loves someone, they really loves someone.
I enjoy walking around in the dead of night, especially in the winter. Perhaps I just have an attraction to colder climates.'