
Analysts INTJ

Imaginative and strategic thinkers, with a plan for everything

'Here, have one with ISFP.  http://68.media.tumblr.com/49e33ad4fd5bd395cf8f0d9a9d931ef6/tumblr_inline_o1t2hzBtIb1tetq4j_500.png


A train driver gets to be alone for most of their work day. The pay isn't bad either, which means you can spend more money on impossibly high fences, death traps and other cool things that keep other...

Yet your comment is the most toxic thing here. Pour that toxicity into making more of your art, preferably one piece symbolizing each function. And then post them in this thread.

Welcome! Have a theme song to go with your name: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3Hn8ywmjEI

Try to encourage them to do things they enjoy. It helps in taking the mind off of things. There will be plenty of time for grieving, but it's good to have some moments to forget about the sadness for...

Yes, and no. If you don't know, unknown is then a correct statement, but unknown is not a type. Good luck finding it. :)

Jar-Jar Binks?

Complex one way only. Imagine a labyrinth with only one solution, an overly complicated sign, or an INTJ.

You could view it this way. If there were many more INTJs (or other rarer types) than there are, human society probably wouldn't function as well as it does. ISFPs are more common because you have...

Yeah, when Tolkien wrote the Hobbit he had no plan to write more. It's just because the publisher saw how popular the Hobbit was that he was goaded into writing the Lord of the Rings trilogy. ...

In both the Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings Gandalf is the one who sets the heroes in motion, advices and leads them. Who has even heard of an INTP doing something like that? No, he arrives...

severn Your lowest scores are Fe and Si, and your highest are Se and Ti, which all correlate with ISTP. I've found that it's easy to exaggerate the importance of the tertiary function (in your case...

When the thought of visiting Italy freaks you out quite a bit because this is a land where they have the custom to pseudo-hug and pseudo-kiss while touching cheeks. ...

Awkward ENFP:  https://media.tenor.co/images/19fb0068689bef8405cd36afcfe63f9c/raw  Sociable INFP:  https://68.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mdbaurRkzl1ryu3loo1_500.gif

I think all INTJs are interested in understanding the universe at some level. Science just happens to be the best tool around for that.

9/10. Love that song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BSJmt2Eimhs

It's interesting that you say you want to explore all the options (and very true to your personality type), but don't you think it's a bit late for that after burning bridges twice? In my experience...

Do yourself a favor and don't dwell on her anymore. It's ok to remember the good times, but move on. The past has passed.

I did notice that, and I never said that you said he had Fe and I never suggested that Fe has to be cuddly. These are your own wrong conjectures. Both Te and Fe can get things done, because that's...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jq_xKeib2e0 Said every INTJ ever. He's not motivated by Fe at all, because if he was he would try to unify the group and restore harmony. Instead he does the exact...

I don't see any reason why not.

Welcome! I think an ENFP in many ways is like a colorful and sugar-heavy cake. What's so hard about IB?

That's a new one. I think Qui-Gon is much to idealistic to be an ESFP. ESFPs are in my experience often the first ones to shoot down too unrealistic ideas because it's scary territory to them. I'd...

Any introvert really, it's hard to pick one over another. TMLT eat snow?

1. We INTJs aren't the best at showing affection in the way other people expect us to. In fact, if we know we're expected to do something it's not at all unusual to see us do the opposite. We're just...

I'm a secret cuddle monster, yes. Much to the (positive) surprise of my ISFP.

Found this: Kendrick Lamar Interview on New Album, Police Violence, Iggy Azalea and the Rapture | Billboard Seems you're right. It's easy to get fooled by that Ne though.

That's a nice one. Eventually. If you want proof you're going to have to wait for me to collect it, also I'm lazy. Though I could tell you that I think your love for cars, fine-tuning in (car)...

Welcome! What kind of stuff do you create? Got anything to show?


I give myself temporary ISFP permit to tell you, The red spirit, that you would be an ISTP. You basically exude Ti wherever you go on the forum, and Fi is nowhere to be seen. You are free to argue...

I'd vote none, because I respect all the types and I firmly believe that any combination can work together successfully with varying amounts of effort.

Can you repeat that in pictures, please?


I was going to advise you to end things as all of this seemed like more trouble than it's worth, but since that's already been taken care of instead I'll say that you should continue to stay away....

I'm sure the painting itself could have been made by an Fi-dom at least.

Well I do have Fi, but I'm no Fi-dom however. I think I've been told a few times it looks Ni though. The combination (Ni-Fi) works in my case anyway.

How does it look Fi? You're the first one to say so.

Quick to spot and grab chances given. You get ants in your pants if you stay in one place for too long.

As long as there's no threat or insult to my intelligence or competency I take every such confrontation as a learning opportunity. I appreciate someone who has my back and noticed something I didn't...

There's a production with directors, and with a little research I found that the video is issued by a company called NESTE which deals in oil refinement and marketing. Alot of people were involved in...

The master of long sentences I think is Tolkien. He could craft sentences that were up to 1-2 pages long, and without being grammatically incorrect. Sometimes I think making long, complex and free...

Oh yeah, them teachers love over-analyzing. Do it at every chance you get. Also, look up synonyms that they might not have heard before.

Something I've noticed about INFPs is that they often write walls of texts with little or no paragraphs, but writing quality varies (as with all types). The love for expressing themselves through...

This isn't the make an INTJ laugh-thread. Not insulting, but entertaining though. ;)

Welcome! As for meeting other INTJs IRL, keep an eye out for when there's that respectful distance. Like with the INFJs there's eye contact, a silent exchange of information, and no invading of...

Based on just this video I would say ENFJ. He's obviously hired as a performer; he's not the brain behind the message, he's just the face shown to us.

Mind delving deeper into that answer?

Having been with an ENFJ myself, my biggest tip is to not try to force him to express things when he doesn't want to (which is, frustratingly for you, probably most of the time). Another more general...'