'if an intj and estj dated sorry i am new to this
would they be compatiable and why do INTP's not like them?
could u message me if u wanna be facebook friends?
I'm an INTJ christian. female and was wondering if any of you isfjs are christian
I don't know I think I'd like to have a water birth. Isn't it heathier and more natural? my sister had a water birth and she turned out fine.
do you wanna have children? and if so how? Do you want the epideral or waterbirth etc.
I'm INTJ female christian
Stalker!!!!!!!!! :D just kidding
perphaps he is over compensating afraid he is not being there enough for you being that he is INTJ and over doing it
I meant any INTJ christian female
Yes. Here is an example, on my break I counsel people for free, at least that is what I tell myself I do. I never meant to it just inevitably happens. I don't mean for it to happen. I am like a...
it depends on who gives the compliment and how, perspective, motive,tone of voice or sarcasm etc. Yes, most of the time I find them akward and unappealing, but everyone needs and appreciates a true...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pK-JkHDAW7A http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0BPe-jGWCU
who would want to be me? I am sleepy all of the time, bored loner and whiney! *pouts* It is a wonder I am not bipolar.
so your just wearing a different hat. Duty fullfillers are our neighbors anyway; certain situations call for it. I want to be able to be better at that, sometimes I find myself nurturing at the...
I read once about a man who had to cut his arm off from gain green (I mean gangrene) with a pocket knife up in the mountains. I found it so fascinating and horrible at the same time. I didn't laugh...
Yes, however,I would like to be in a marriage and have three years, some sort of security and know a bit of where I am in life first (Quality vs. quanity time wise of course and not just for a check...
When I was little, it took me forever to know my own voice inside because when someone says something it repeats over in my mind in order to comprehend it/decipher it... and when your little you...
sometimes I see how mean I would seem when I try to remember details and do my job right, then try and be Feeler it is confusing. I like being an F; don't get me wrong, but it just depends on the...
no I shall not do of what you speak, sometimes smiling is fun it is.
I think you have to be born INTJ most the time. feeling pensive friend? ......Just the opposite is true, we may seem borrrrringggg, but INTJ's can be a lotttt of funnnn, however, it isn't always...
thanks castle in the sky friend, good song by the way :)
like men, I like to be appreciated
I rather have affection
you'll pull your hair out, well you'll feel like pulling your hair out
I get hit on all the time by a bunch of headcases. I just ignore it. I don't feel adorable, but I don't know. Occasionally I know when I look good or do something cute, but I don't know. *shrugs* I...
True. INTJ's aren't always right,however, it is also true that it could at times look that way from your perspective where it may seem like unsound logic when rather they could be having many things...
It varies entirely for me to each individual intp.
but it isn't always what it is cracked up to be, at least not for us female INTJs. We might understand it more emotionally what is implied...where a male might not have, but also a lot more things...
I thought my boss was going to fire me today. He said I work great alone and lade da all the great things, but when I am with other co-workers I need to jump in. Jump in you piece of pansey muck! Ha,...
I try not to explain things. It ends up being winey because they don't understand what I'm trying to say or have that type of patience. My family is making me work there. They are extraverts;They...
what is your area of study? ...Thanks I appreciate it. *Shrugs*
ha, I bet they'd disagree with that :P Thanks.I know what you mean though, using systems rather than detailed food labour. I reallly haven't had much expierance with anything. Meh...What jobs have...
(getting past the akwardness of my last job) I'm now working fast food. I like the fact there is always something to do. It kind of helps with the akwardness, but if you've ever seen wonderbot from...
late 5 b.c.
How many x's did you take the test? I think this could be an INTJ thing.
I agree with aranae. lol, it is because you help each other with your ideas, well whenever you aren't out of reach in the inner world. It can be a very fond thing :)
http://personalitycafe.com/morbid_cocoa/buttons/quote.gif http://personalitycafe.com/morbid_cocoa/buttons/multiquote_off.gif ...I am enamored.
There is an evil in us all. I understand where your coming from.
I only wear dark sunglasses when I am buying something at an outside market place. I don't trust the prices.
Spotting Lies: Listen, Don't Look : NPR http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=111809280
I have another one. In kindergarten they stuck me in this class during recess time in an outside building. It had kewl pictures of the rainforest so I was all excited, but I just sat at the table by...
*nervous laugh* :D
lol, I am an odd one. A parallogram perhaps? *shrugs* *sigh* hello :)
Ha! That is one of my favorites :) I must admit though, the first five chapters are kinda grueling for me.
Being me is hard; I don't know what the fuss is about. I think I need to meet some INTs :)
products that give a percent of their profit to causes/ideas and what cause/ideas? For example) Izze- wind power, recycling, global education fund and bicycling RED- Aids in Africa Toms-...
........*nods* :)
...I'm a very social person and come from a family of extraverts. I think it is something we have to use wisdom with. I for one am surrounded by people. I would love to have a month to myself to...
Awe, here is another one. In elementary we had these timed reading comprehension test. I read them super fast and I didn't just read the top, middle and bottom. I would get all the answers right...'