
Analysts INTJ

Imaginative and strategic thinkers, with a plan for everything


A for effort: http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130924205420/creepypasta/images/3/3f/252483122828944276_etx3sdha_f1.jpg

You're making me choose? I don't mind choosing, I just don't like being forced into it publically. Years back when I was in university, this corporate motivational guru was doing a talk and...

Two. Maybe. As much as I can type.

Why not Zoidberg's?  (/) (°,,,°) (/)   http://i.bittwiddlers.org/KHB.gif

I've been in management consulting for about 8 years. Both internally and externally, only those with social and people-management skills will succeed, whether it's natural or learnt: in my case I...

So basically, anyone with 'daddy issues'.

If you need to slaughter him, feel free to borrow my pork sword.

Such a long, drawn out contest, to see who's the world's best drug dealer.

Play your cards right... I hate to break it to you kid, but that wasn't Santa.


Buying something on my kindle wish list is even handier.

Yeah, this - just less wordy. Heh.

One of mine definitely disappeared into the warp/dimension X recently.

If she needed that much space to ask a simple question, I would have probably asphyxiated her with my manky socks. She got off lucky.

tl;dr - didn't get any?

Immature kids and/or trolls. Yes, be aware of your strengths, but please don't use this as an excuse to not work on your weaknesses. MBTI has always been a development framework for me, to figure...

I've gone from being a management consultant in a global firm, to moving in-house to build and launch the graduate development program for junior consultants. Strictly speaking I'm in talent...

I like cuddles. I didn't read any of that post, as it was about a million sentences too long.

Depends if I'm fucking with or not. Never was so little said, through so much, and understood by so few.

Yeah, you're more of a latte.

If you're wearing a jacket or ideally a waistcoat it won't.

Nothing, but that's because there's no such thing as a double windsor - it's just a windsor. And for the love of god, don't put a dimple in it.

A serious lack of empathy across the board.

Windsor knot, bro - windsor knot.

That's a bit of a change from a few years ago, and it looks like someone's gone corporate.

Sad commentary. Declining standards on this forum, roughly about the time I decided to bugger off for a few months.

1) I'm 2) lazy 3) so 4) ask 5) me 6) some 7) set 8) questions 9) because 10) I

Should have drawn it in crayon.

Your sister being? And hello PerC, I figured I'd come and wish you assholes all a belated Merry Christmas.

Error 404, you broke it :(

Does he approve of my wind?

I make this shit look good. https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/t31.0-8/10486554_824611217561026_3056814583279286682_o.jpg

It's just occurred to me that The West Wing started 15 years ago. :/

I have my own style most certainly but I wouldn't call myself a hipster, I just like the 50s/60s throwback look.

There's always room for redheads.

So basically you're mates with Princess Luna? http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130501180742/mlpfanart/images/3/36/170px-Canterlot_Castle_Luna.png Autograph. maybe?

I work in professional services, I have this on a coffee mug: http://www.irlbrl.com/markl/blogimages/despair_consulting.jpg

Just to be on the safe side, don't feed it after midnight.


It's alright, you can admit it. Conveniently I live in a desert; who knew?

Depends: is my name just being directly swapped out for the moustachioed Austrian's?

Which isn't all that often, although a bit more so this year. bethdeth do you want to recap my uniballer status?

I had problems with my shoulder for ages lugging a work laptop, eventually moved to one on rollers and it made a huge difference. Doctor told me it's all about the rotation, so generally heavy...

From a few months ago:  https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/t1.0-9/988833_10154054148240232_714271785259979026_n.jpg

I found my back is somewhat knackered on New Year's Day when I hurt it. Two dried out disks in the lower back with one bulging, and apparently I have what's called Facet Joint Osteoarthritis. Hurt it...

It's the turn of phrase that does it for me, and I see you've read Neither Here nor There. If you've yet to read it, Katz reppears (genuinely) in A Walk in the Woods.

Indeed, the man does have a way with words. I believe he reached his zenith with, disporting in the altogether when referring to nubile females. He's used that twice in a similar context, not that...

... fwiw that is a great book. Big fan of Bryson even though he's had a few misses over the years. His compilation of UK newspaper columns during the period he returned to the US was hilarious,...

Ah yes, now I remember xD I've always seen my self as a Big Cat:'