
Analysts INTJ

Imaginative and strategic thinkers, with a plan for everything


Just happened to be what I was listening to... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gH476CxJxfg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-nNHmh7Ick http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9cQoN6AoS1M

I can speak 'up' (a variation of english where you place the word 'up' before every vowel sound) fluently, I'm learning German and I used to do Japanese but it wasn't available at my new school. I...

I dislike my dad intensely. I don't like when that dude at school says I'm Atheist because that's what Unithest sounds like. My english teacher doesn't understand the phrase THIS is my last draft....

http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs560.snc3/30605_1359573021611_1000090268_30845305_6915631_n.jpg ...



http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs159.ash2/41302_1465863118797_1000090268_31096421_2941118_n.jpg ...

Bahahahahah epic lol!


Documentaries, Fantasy, Horror, Thriller, Suspense, Comedy but my fave movie is Spirited away.

Yeah my preschool teacher said, Cordelia has a high tolerance for pain... with the ... at the end. But potential serial killer? Nice. Oh and, my mum confirmed that all my brother's stories...

I remember riding the giraffs in Africa. I've never been outside of Australia. My memories have been so blocked out that I have fond memories of all the dreams I ever had. All the nightmares too. I...

Me as a kid: I remember spending a lot of time alone watching tv. I remember trying to learn spanish from Dora the Explora and writing from Batman. I remember trying to learn how to draw numbers from...

Bill Bailey: Three men walk into a bar and the whole scene unfolds in a series of events culminating in a futile inevitability. Two men walk into a bar and one says, hey where's the third...

Like most of the INTJs I saw on the only two pages of the forum I read (first and last) I wear blue or black jeans and a t-shirt - black, plain red that might look fancy, plain purple or dark blue. I...

I have this problem too. Especially after watching too much tv. Or reading a really good book. It's my overactive imagination screaming at me to continue imagining amazing characters and thier voices...

I hate it because it makes my redhead friends dye thier hair and hate themselves. It's discrimination!

Sorry, I spelt it wrong *fail* I just realized that Ranger is the same spelling as in power ranger I did mean ranga. Still hate that word...

We have those here too. They dye thier hair black or white and wear either dresses or what they think looks punk. Honestly, you could break any one of 'em in half but they still think thier outfits...

My step-mother is like that. Are yooooou okaaaay and she treats me like I'm her daughter no less! Best thing I've heard her say, Oh I'm sorry sweeeeeety! I forgot you don't people touching...

That gets me all the time.

exotic sounds like either a perverted description of a lady or a rich people's word for this fancy stupid material good hugs and love is an insult directed at me robot generally refers to...

I though this would quote your quote too but oh well. I want to compliment you and Varulfr (I hope I got the spelling right) because kiwigrl, too true: I really did forget to mention why I picked...

I'm fine though, it's easy to sound depressed online XD I ignore my dad just as much as he ignores me. Whenever I see him I try to get money off him, so far this year, that's $40. The less he's in my...

DEXTER MORGAN!!!!!!!! Him and his wonderful Dark Passenger! My second favourite would be Light. I hate Near though, he couldn't beat L if he tried and L isn't even an INTJ. Third fave is a tie...

Geez. I actually do sound morbid and depressing sometimes. :crazy:

My dad went to work before I woke up and came home when I was asleep. Then on weekends he was away. Then he was supposed to take me every second weekend but he skipped. Then he was supposed to take...

every sentence you say ryhmes in time with last one and every word that you add is a fast one and the last one ryhmes with that one too, one two three, yeah, poetically. You know you just said...

You know you've had to much to eat when you roll instead of walking. You know you're addicted to facebook when...

What you do is answer the you know something's BLANK above ur comment and then write a new one. It doesn't have to be you know something's BLANK because that wouldn't give you many options now...

I'm not entirely sure how to put my pictures into this post, do they have to be on the internet somewhere? A lot of the stuff in my photo album on my profile is my art. The weird painting definately...

Okay, I agree with this entirely as a metaphor. I just want to be literal for a minute, for laughs. What if... you're a shark... that's totally into clown fish... but you'll get stung by an...


I had someone I missed all of last year and a lot of this year. I missed them because I like things staying the same and he used to annoy me all the time. I started a thread asking if I was in love...

I can agree that INTJs probably don't find it funny, hidden penises and all. I admire the person who saw an opportunity to paste in the person in a penis costume however.

If I could figure out who was an ENTP at my school that'd be fantastic. But since no one understand the myers-briggs test, they can't help me. I could always guess but with personalities you can...

I been stumped by what looks like a big job that needs to be done. I'm rewriting a story to perfect it (or try at least) and it looks like a lot so I haven't done anything for it. I have another...

I have trouble telling the differences in people. I see everything about a person as amazingly unique and new. They have different faces but all people to me seem to turn into boxes. Little red boxes...

I could fall asleep to sick Puppies right now, who was it that got me addicted to them again? Also, anything with nostalgic value.

But if god is something to beleive in that we can't imagine then he can be ANYTHING we imagine (yes including the spaghetti monster from south park) so if we all have different personalities,...

Ouch, the causing her pain idea has been SHOT DOWN. I think I'd remember being hurt. And I'd leave. And I'd hate the guy forever. And he'd be like what happened to that chick? She left? Oh, right......

3 courses of surprise milk. Each served with a straw. Each milk is picked and given to me without me knowing the flavour. :laughing: I got surprise banana milk once. With a 30 cent discount.

what sexy thing? :confused:

No seriously, I'm now downloading songs I've never heard before. Why didn't I listen to this earlier? And girls scare me sometimes too. I think I must be the weakest INTJ I know


having listened to You're going down by Sick Puppies, I am contented. Thanks

I agree, I can talk about anything if it isn't simply this is this, no arguing

Sounds like the advice my brother would give me if you want a girlfriend, punch her in the face

I'm afraid of people. I can act completely wild and brave and strong but put me in a room with an ISXJ and I'll freak out. I'd probably beat down some poor ESTP though.'