'I can't relate to BBC's Sherlock but I can somewhat to their portrayal of Irene Adler (said to be an ENTJ). A friend of mine commented on this also. I like that they showed her confidence and...
I'm a 5 sx/sp. I experience no internal conflict. Things are very simple for me with people. I have limited interest & no significant attachment to anyone except my SO. I have no interest in general...
Sure. Se feeds Ni information so Se is vital for Ni to function. But then there is a 'flip the switch' quality between those two functions in me. If I choose to go into Se mode I tend to focus on the...
I can't relate to this at all. I don't put expectations on friends like this. Perhaps bc I don't want those same expectations put back on me. I rarely initiate texting but if I texted someone and...
I'm also guilty of book hoarding. I tell myself I should go digital but it's not happening. I think part of it is I get so sick of looking into a screen all day, I like the physicality of a book...
The things that made me sure were: 1. Reading all my most likely types in detail. I tested highly in 5 and 1 and my scores in 8 and 3 were medium. I read about all those types to see which one was...
To a large extent I prefer to only share with people who have the same interest AND know what they're talking about AND wish to come to an understanding of the truth (rational/open-minded) rather...
It sounds like under-eating affected your thyroid. It's important to be eating enough. I can get away with eating to satisfied in one large meal in the evening and it be enough but I'm not surprised...
1w9 is one of the more common types for an INTJ but only you can say/know for sure what enneagram you are :) I have 1w9 in my 'tritype'. I find 1w9s relateable & likeable. Apparently Elon Musk is an...
https://www.eclecticenergies.com/enneagram/test The first is longer but more accurate. The second is good at picking up your enneagram instinct (sx/sp/so). It's useful to read about all the types...
I'm glad :) I wondered... The first time I tried keto I came back off it after a week bc I wasn't feeling great. Did more homework on what to expect as the body changes over to the new fuel...
Re Japanese, I like that since I'm (informally) trying to work out 'who am I?' :) I haven't had any energy problems since becoming 'keto adapted' (took a couple of months. I eat close to zero...
Could be. When I first read the INTJ descriptions, I also thought they were too cold to describe me (although accurate in many other ways). I wouldn't call myself 'friendly' but I'm closer to that...
Seems like INTJ, welcome! My ENTP friend tells me I'm as stubborn as him but I refuse to believe it :)
Sure. One of my closest friends is an ENTP. Big differences between us. Let's start with: 1. Introvert vs extrovert. He gets frustrated/depressed if he spends too much time alone (about 5 hours...
I do IF also. I eat a ketogenic meal once a day (evening). Never needed to lose weight but had a job where I couldn't put any on and so I got very serious about understanding the science behind...
Tradition for tradition's sake? Hell no -- give me what works, what's authentic/correct/deep, what's an improvement over the past. Don't parrot, be shallow and fixed in place like a body in a box....
I intend on disowning mine on my 18th birthday (next year). I won't be looking back. I wouldn't want to know if's he's dying. I wouldn't visit him if I somehow found out he was. I will have my last...
I like 'procrustean'
INTJ box set, complete with: 1. 101 ways to break it to them: I'm not socially awkward, I just don't like you! 2. Standards: why not make life harder for yourself? 3. Systems building: be...
1. Confessions of a capitalist carnivore 2. Work in the clothes you slept in! 3. Loving the boy not next door 4. When backed into a corner go through the wall 5. When everything you like...
I was accepted for the most part. Any so-called 'robot' ways amuse my friends. There wasn't any general 'suffering' from not meeting norms but there was plenty of wondering on my part why I'm...
Doing things I don't enjoy, new things & things that push my comfort zone is a way of life for me. I ask myself what's the one thing I don't want to do today but should and I do it regardless of how...
Overall, yes. I'm considered 'popular' (still in High School). People want to spend time with me (more than the reverse). My close friends are amused by my INTJness. I sometimes meet people who I...
Outside of work & school, this is basically what I do: Socialize (daily/weekly): -Mr INTJ everyday :) -Friends on weekend Admin (daily, in some form): -Planning/Thinking -Career advancement...
I'm ambivalent towards public speaking. I'm good at it and it feels surprisingly natural but overall it rates about as highly as doing laundry on my wish list. I like the efficiency of communicating...
I've seen girls do the exact same thing. It's cruel and wrong but at the same time I always wonder what men are thinking when they go for a woman who is wearing what they are looking for out on her...
Yes, lol. It's funny that this is a thing for INTJ women. I never pursue but have the same experience once I start speaking. Yeah, not all men can handle the curveball that I'm competent and...
Compared to other INTJs my relationship with inferior Se seems more mixed (likely at least in part due to enneagram as Skeletalz suggested). I have the usual 'live in my head', easy to mentally shut...
I don't let myself 'really like' someone without knowing 1) him, 2) it's mutual and 3) the timing/desired lifestyle stuff will line up. If I'm going through (irrational) infatuation, I stay mindful...
I'm straightforward generally. I can be playful too but I'll be very clear & direct when someone is seriously annoying me. In a situation like this where I need to set a boundary but wish to continue...
Indeed to both the gendered idea and these attractive qualities in an (ideal) INTJ male. I love the independence, steadfastness, gravity, depth. And, yes, their confidence too. I laughed when I...
Prefer feelings over logic & prefer harmony over self expression are indicative of a F type, therefore INFJ.
I could not be happy in a 15+ year LDR. I wouldn't even contemplate it, regardless of how compatible we were. To me it's friendship to want to be in each other's lives on that level for that length...
Don't change my words. I said sexism in the tech industry is a very real/rampant problem. Google is currently under government investigation for it. This is a very well known *fact* here in Silicon...
1. Financial success (freedom, desired lifestyle) 2. Spectacular yet stable private life. 3. Continued good health. 4. Understand as much as possible in areas of interest (including things unknown...
Doing J activities varies from neutral to positive for me, depending on the specific task. I can't say I enjoy doing admin that involves people (being put on hold etc). I have a strong negative...
That's a lot of emotion. Yes, me using relativism on my father is the same as you using relativism here. But then you know that. Which begs the question of why you are playing dumb. What...
Speaking of wages: As an eight year old I got it in my head that I wanted a fifty cent increase in my weekly allowance. That night I took my father outside, looked up at the stars and spoke about the...
I was going to comment earlier, back at page 3, but I saw the word hypergamy which made my eyes bleed so I took a break. I can't help feel that the fact that this story attracts sexist men to it...
It's fun to see how much I relate to fellow INTJ females here (thanking wasn't enough :) Yes! Somehow it just means so much more, seems more real & raw. I love it! That's precisely how it...
Current: INTJ Ideal: INTJ I tend to like mature/healthy, big brained, heavy Te, deep Fi INTJ men whose enneagram I can relate to (5 or 8 or 1, sx).
It's hard to give it a score like that. My experience with my at-times abusive/neglectful ISTJ father varied. Even at his heights of narcissism he was still a functional person who kept a routine and...
Dear INTJ who continues to contact me long after I asked him not to, May you enjoy your time-out. Regards, Bored with you INTJ
INTJs have a higher drain rate around people (time alone is more a need than a respite for an INTJ) INTJs prefer to think/contemplate where an ENTJ prefers to *do* INTJs are more Se sensitive,...
I had this ridiculous situation happen a few years back where a heavily overweight middle aged women who had so much make-up on (and colorful too), it was clown/drag-queen like and she was giving my...
Play was your word that I responded to. Although being contrarian to yourself, while seemingly unaware, is indeed ironic.
Nephandus You're free to have your personal preferences, of course. Like others here though, my concern is that you are factually incorrect in what you say and therefore what you're writing is...
Funny, when I looked for an example of a day dress for my post, I took a quick look at Freepeople bc they always have something cute. I liked the white dress I used for an example so much I bought it...
I wear more or less the same thing everyday: skinny jeans & a tee (sometimes graphic, sometimes plain). Short denim shorts when hot. Sneakers or flat shoes or cute ankle boots with a small heel....'