'I have a friend, quite possibly ESTP, whom I have considered impatient for quite some time, in a rather negative sense. I have googled impatience. It seems to me as a possibly strategist (S dom or...
Think by Yourself. « Toku Bu Ryu Sui Dojo Bujinkan Meehan Dojo - Japanese Martial Arts in Dublin - Dojo kun, transmitted from Toda Sensei (I'm training with Bujinkan now.)
Holy shit. This is absurd and appalling. Each of you mad at @Arabian Knight grow a pair. So intolerant and indulgent in your own weakness you are. Let's all circlejerk! And let's mob the...
Here, corrected. Not INTJ limited...[/QUOTE] Happens all the time. http://www.kidactivities.net/image.axd?picture=2009%2F8%2Fsnowman111.gif Otherwise the warmth would melt us. I don't...
I personally would say, that my disadvantage might be overthinking the questions, finding several interpretations (and each having a degree of unlikelihood) and being on a different page than I...
I am glad I have no emotional and relationship problems this year. I feel content with myself, alone. Sometimes I wish I had a timeless cube floating in the cold void I could teleport into, where...
An interesting link on the observant attitudes enneatypes usually enter: Socionics - the16types.info - Enneagram: how types pay attention I can relate to the E6 state (both exercises) very well...
... to communicate to others that you have found it ridiculous, because otherwise, they would not. LOL Depending on your goals, it may be quite self-defeating.
The entire bird-eating-a-bird problem is elsewhere. Don't look at the species' distance from each other. The acceptance of cannibalism being cathegorically and universally (on the vertebrae...
Infinite laughs were had. Are people really stupid like that? I remember several fun things to recommend them. From instructions on how to make glow-in-the-dark bottles (the maker gets poisoned by...
Me gustan: Socionics - the16types.info - Information Aspect in the Valued Functions Socionics - the16types.info - Erotic Attitudes Socionics - the16types.info - Philosophical Motivations of...
Me: All the INTp points: yes. All INTJ: Well, the points barely say anything. 1 not, 2 is wishful thinking. 3 I don't interact with people if I don't have to, so 3 is somewhat N/A. I...
The scientific, unfeeling approach being replaced with feel-ful bullshit. (I've watched the 3D Avatar just recently; accidentally. What was that I don't even...)
So does the human race, in the end, end up all black?
I do not understand. What is obscure or difficult about buying carrots to wash and peel in the morning, or broccoli to cut and put into boiling water for a few mins, to take a banana to work, to...
Belt is inconvenient, and it is recommended to buy fitting clothes, not force-fit a sack. I have tried. Then I have to hook the belt under the button, lest the shorts bulge forward and sag, but...
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/24438484/horse%20porn/1336250330725.jpg Yeah, yeah, that's sooo lame! Too bad I have to buy the larger size too, if I want to be able to sit/crouch/enter stances...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=soason99drk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_rD1LeECDE Tear-inducing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvxoIcgdpio
I quit week and a half ago. I used to take it seriously, for too long. Most people on my (short) friend list surprised me with their laxity, and it often made me sad. People not on my friend list...
The degree to which I found myself there surprised me.
The furthest locks (finger, thumb, wrist) don't expose you to the enemy, and deal minor functional damage (no arteries, muscles, thick nerves). That means they are safer for everyone involved. You...
Do you remember the guy that gave up? ... neither does anyone else. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/24438484/horse%20porn/1346616693205.jpg ...
Vital spots are truly vital to study. They actually let you choose the effects you want the strikes to have. I would not be a fan of point-grabs, though. What is great about them, is the pain...
Abraxas I will use the previous posts as an excuse, to say something about combatives. Learn some ninjutsu, grappling and do fitness. In general, striking is the most well-rounded way of...
Apparently, merely wearing a red shirt with a beer ad bumps me up into a higher attractiveness tier, and I get to enjoy random greetings/goodbyes from unknown females after elevator rides, eyefucking...
#the heart of darkness# #is my gift# #it's my curse# http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PO3XL0dvors&feature=BFa&list=AL94UKMTqg-9BxTQgs0CuBSn4Q9dO0-a-i The whole playlist BTW.
Oh god. Perhaps I do not understand the late phase of western capitalism... But why does the firm run when they actively lose money? Why do people go to work at all, when they don't get work done/do...
On the resources, there is A coffee. Suboptimal, but be it. What with it? I think consuming it is efficient. And with this I look for the solution inolving the least effort. A single mail to the...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qrrAXa0Obaw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R_gTZU1MdK8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5oa6-NoeXXs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtSHSP4iK1M
Man, getting mad over Iced-Capp with white milk, not chocolate milk? https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/526235_518616318164551_1482712917_n.jpg Also, they get your order...
2/10 troll would not feed
No, I wouldn't, the pair in the back seems to be in a danger. And I am glad I don't have to do anything with cars- they are weapons. Great photo. Everyone is happy and expectant of new times. ...
https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/216190_518398898186293_1819557903_n.jpg https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/482073_518398908186292_1029729444_n.jpg ...
I mean, I eat in order to live and sabotaging the nutrition intake is absurd. Eating is a chore that costs much money, freedom and time. And after eating, I can even feel sleepy- energy cost. And I...
Still, a brief research shows that poptarts contain about 12:7:1 carbs:fats:protein; pretty much no fiber or minerals, just a little of vitamins. And they leave you worse off than skipping them.
I have never eaten one, I don't think we can even get them where I live. Googling them up makes me think they are a miscarriage of an american entrepreneur's mind. ...
No, it would not be a clone. Other than the focus, mechanics would be different too. Can you put an end through a loop in Zen Bound? Nope. Objects are somehow convexified there. But that is crucial...
*yawn* So Michael-Bay-ish and generic. What about a flight simulator where you control the working end of a rope, and try to tie some target type of knot/ freestyle. A simulation will follow, to...
http://9.mshcdn.com/wp-content/gallery/top-10-gifs-of-the-week-8182012/olympic-vaults-compared.gif https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/307159_293739667318885_196273779_n.jpg ...
Sh*t, the zombies and cutthroat survivors seeking shelter now know where to find me!
Oh man... I am an extreme case. I've just walked ~14 km (9 miles), preferring my own locomotion to public transport, walking paths with few people, to buy an all-purpose rope and a 20l canister,...
You don't care. In contrast to MegaTuxRacer; my father tells me, when we meet in person once in a while, that I am changing when left on my own. For the better, and that he can be proud. I...
Somewhat less strict about reliability, but similar to whydeo. I open several tabs at once from the search (~3+), however. I will do that several times, usually. I prefer quantity to quality of...
https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/s720x720/551089_517014928324690_1301343612_n.jpg ...
Expectations. Mentioned often recently. I would like to say, that I expect a lot. There is also this dichotomy with expectations. There are rational expectations (you should...; J-function-like),...
@Boolean11 I know what you mean by the benefits of debt, but it does not relate to inflation, when no money is created in the process. The creditor must lose money. Does it cause inflation, if the...'