
Analysts INTJ

Imaginative and strategic thinkers, with a plan for everything

'I think successful leadership is in the eye of the type talking about it. Most of the structures that set the stage for leadership are in part decided by type. Type strongly influences which words...

Not to throw cold water over everything, but I would be very careful to not use perfectionism as the main reason you feel certain of being a 1. SO 1 in particular is, counter-intuitively, likely to...

That's a great point - I think you're absolutely right that he wants to be loved. I think he wants people to like him and think he's great. Unrelated note, re: Hillary: I really sensed that...

Closing thread, and possibly moving to SPAM. Title looks relevant but the content is not.

Phew, a lot to write here. Including my own theory on this, as well as a more personal anecdote: Short term disintegration can be very helpful, valuable, and in fact needed. For a longer term...

Just some ramblings about type: For as much as this forum tries to discuss who is and isn't an INTJ there is an enormous blind area to diversity within the INTJ type as well. Sure, we share a lot...

Thread Warning: Do NOT post intentionally provocative posts, including inflammatory posts that name specific users. Any further provocations may be addressed by Moderation per forum rules 1 &...

The weakness in the PoLR is almost always exposed to other people, because most things you say and do omit information from that function's POV. You're also locked into being below societal standards...

I think saying that Supervision as the Supervisee is a positive relation is misleading and not really correct. I agree that information sharing between quadras is beneficial, but it's possible to...

If you're questioning the truth of the enneagram on the premise that the theory is all about feelings, I think there's a missing piece to the premise. The scope of the enneagram is really wide....

Thread Warning: Do not make personal attacks, and stay on topic. Any further provocative comments or derailing could result in further actions per rules 1 and 2 (below).

We have a lot of people on this forum who type as INTJ because they believe the type descriptions describe them well, and there isn't anything in MBTI to stop someone from typing a certain way - but...

The thread is now reopened. Please stick to the topic and to the rules.

Lol I guess I'm not that philosophical. The thing that makes it really hard for me to rest at night is a sense that I'm slipping in achievement and not getting where I feel I really need to be in...

@NIHM I'm not sure if you picked it up fully in my last post, but I'm happy with a lot of what Trump seeks to do in office, and bits and pieces of what he's done so far. It's not like my criticism...

Ha, yeah, I know there's a lot to unpack there. Separate thread would be a good way to go : ) The enneagram has a really steep learning curve and, IMO, hits much deeper. Have you ever heard of...

First on why I am disillusioned from the Democratic party, because it has greatly influenced my take on Trump: More than anything I vote based on legislative agenda and likelihood of doing it. I...

All great points. A lot of INTJ type as 5's here, but as someone who's focused on the enneagram over the last 3 or 4 years I'm skeptical as to how many there really are. There's no real proof of...

I'm surprised to have a really different experience on the ENFJ/INFJ comparison. In contrast with some of what others here have said I've had overall better experiences with INFJ than I have with...

As a reminder, Personal Attacks are in fact given criteria by way of forum rule #1 : Please stay away from calling mistypes of individuals, regardless of whether or not they are named. If...

I think I flip between wings a good amount of the time. The 2 tries harder to satisfy a fear I'm more emotionally sensitive to compared to 9, so I identify as a w2 - but 9 habits are there too. ...

Nope, those would be cutting government spending, immigration, abortion, and anything else economy-related. Agreed, but the way I read this you think there is an imminent threat to...

Oh good, you didn't pick any of the ones I would passionately go nuts over in a debate XD Some of those are fair points, especially self-protection which I agree with you. Not sure I...

Specific issues and dichotomies: War: unless there is an attack on US soil it shouldn't ever be a likely resolution. Costs a lot of money, gets our country tangled in other countries'/regions'...

I've thought about this before, and have had a hard time pegging pop music to types. It's really interesting you brought up SX blind spot; I've thought about types 2, 3, 7, 9, and SO but never...

This theory floats around a lot and is brought up from time to time, but I have to be honest and say I neither agree with is, nor do I really understand what the basis for it is. There isn't anything...

A brief write-up on ILI, SEE, subtypes, and how subtype impacts the ILI-SEE relationship dynamics: SEE-Se: the de facto aggressive, willful, volitional SEE who pressures people to get what...

Unscientifically, I swear the words black and dark have been used in like 60% of the posts on this thread. I imagine if this subforum met together it would look like a funeral procession. I...

An introverted ESFP is not necessarily an ISFP. I think a lot of ESFP who are actually more introverted are pushed to identify differently because MBTI generally stereotypes ESFP as being illiterate...

I thought it could be interesting to start a discussion on the truths and fictions of the Passions and Virtues. In case anyone is new to the enneagram and unaware of what the Passions and Virtues...

Neah, I honestly don't find any of that contradictory. Would you be open to some unsolicited (quasi-solicited?) advice? It'd be coming from someone who really didn't feel comfortable with any of...

Thread closure for moderator review. Thread may be reopened after review has been completed. Edit 8/9: Thread is now reopened. Consider this message a public warning - do NOT post...

It would not be impossible for an INFP to be a type 5. In fact, I type enneagram author Russ Hudson as an INFP and I believe he self types in the enneagram as a 5w4. Whenever verbiage of an MBTI...

First thing I would say is that it would be improper, and unlikely to deeply understand one's type via questionnaire or an online test. Even if you get the type right, it's hard to actually...

Then let's discuss it further. Why would the wrong type of compliment make you feel like an object?

My dad, who is a retired cardiologist in the field for over 30 years would tell anyone looking to go into the medical field that they really shouldn't do it unless they have a passion for it. Medical...

Short answer - honest compliments are usually effective. OP is ENFP, which is a type very good at giving such compliments. Longer answer with more detail: Some won't like this, but I honestly...

Sounds like you were able to get a bit more peace of mind - nice to hear. No need to answer this publicly if it's uncomfortable, but would you say it was other people like your manager or...

Just about the only position I think is worth imposing on others a bit is that people should follow events enough to have some informed opinion, even if it's a moderate or unpopular one. I feel...

For as resolute as many INTJ are in pragmatic matters, they are unequivocally irresolute when romantic and emotional factors come into play. One dynamic that tends to go undiscussed on here is...

I think of the wing as a partial/incomplete fixation, whereas the core is a full fixation. A couple differences between the wing and the core: The core type is ever-present, whereas the...

This is going to sound contradictory, but I don't like typing other people because I don't like telling people what type they are and what many people are asking for is to be given a number or...

Sorry guys, I've been moving the last several days. The sheer amount of crap I have laying around my apartment has taken away any chance of sitting down thoughtfully here. I see that 6 is now on...

No specific type suggestion for the OP yet, but some ideas to think about: The main difference between 9 and 1 is that 9 takes a stance of resignation and 1 takes a stance of non-acceptance and...

Yes, but ironically I've found that the self-healing isn't necessarily about giving up perfection. Trying to stop myself from expecting perfection is really just another, more meta way of expecting...

I like it and am largely receptive to it when it goes along with an E__P temperament. The E__P's as a whole are fun and comfortable to be around because they are somewhat unpredictable and flexible...

Thread warning: Please refrain from unsolicited typing on this and any other thread. Unsolicited typing is covered by forum rule #1. Any additional unsolicited typing could result in...

Charlie, what is most important to know is that you are an SX dominant. I've always agreed with that typing for you, and think your MBTI is correct as well. The way I read your posts, it sounds...

As far as looks go, I tend to sway between a more clean cut, conservative look to wanting to come off as being more loose and charming. It really depends on my mood, and where I'm going. In either...

@mushr00m stole my word. Psychodynamic is an excellent word to define the enneagram, and one that differentiates it from MBTI. The MBTI struggles to be truly psychodynamic; people want it to be but...'