'What are some unique Bible verses that you can consider symbolic of something important in life? I enjoy the darker elements as a kind of recognition of fundamental conflict. Sorry if any of the...
He IS above the law. ∞
This song is sure to make the atmosphere much more interesting. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJXrq2qEPhc Even though I highly advise against my own funeral, this video+song would make...
You may or may not agree with me. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFT4OgFxfes But perhaps I have simply spent too much time on the Internet.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_jzuxM3O8M&feature=branded I have become very fond of this presentation. Amazing setting and environment.
Anybody here familiar with the recent 2011 film with Joel Murray by Darko Entertainment? It should be on Netflix right now. I personally find it to be an amazing movie with its dark sense of...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5oVUqFF_mU How does this make you feel? Extroverts welcome to. And if link doesn't work for some reason, please reply.
No, noob. They the ones that you find in your cereal boxes. (Frosted Flakes is superior)
So, what comes to mind when considering politics as seen in media? Honestly, I watched that recent debate between David and Ted just to mock them behind their backs, and what else can I do? And I...
I'm placing this thread within the Intellects section because I would like to gather Intellects' perspectives. With the title, who would you consider a criminal with significant historical action? Of...
Hah, this topic has bothered me for quite the time. Personally, I find my school encounters distasteful. When in the beginning sessions of school in elementary class and such, I became interested...
I like to think that personalities as we see them are factors of the evolutionary mind. There would be the perceptive functions and variations of them. Lol, guess which function (Se, Si, Ne or...
Living in a world full of thoughtless beings who all depend on miracles because of their tendacies to mismanage everything they get involved with. I would hate getting surrounded by a simple-minded,...
Simply, the INTJ would win because he said so.
The Cabin in the Woods film. I loved it. A lot. If you have seen it, just picture that Oh shit!I moment when the group of guards realized what was about to happen when the elevators open.
As catagorized into the INTJ persona, I can say I am a variant different than you. I do indeed love to further my understanding in areas of interest, often with ambition and will to change reality...
I'd like to place emphasis on The Bug by Magnetic Man. http://m.youtube.com/index?desktop_uri=%2F&gl=US#/watch?v=aJXrq2qEPhc Take evolution higher... ... oh and also. Much of...
I'm thinking if whether or not I will proceed.
What makes me cry: How the world is a beautiful cluster of great potential and yet people have managed to screw it all up.
Oh yes I know what you mean. Lol... The whole concept was great though, with the Philosophy of Time Travel stuff and all. Very tragic, with a great plot. I love those mind screw movies where the main...
Haha, lol. I will be sure to monitor your life, and make any avenging as needed. But yeah, too bad everyone here is considered equal until one can prove their value by ranking up in the higher...
Eh... I didn't make enough concern to actually fix it realistically. If anything I would have much different ideas for conquering the world. Remember this is a silly thread. To get serious I would...
I would like to introduce here a thread in which you may place your various silly plots that may have a sprinkle of intrigue. I say silly because of course no NT type wants to reveal the true plot,...
That is all I need to share.
Oh and a more universal annoyance, the general ignorance and short-sighted attempts of civilization when the truth is people are morons. Our elders are amateurs, our educated are fools, and even our...
What pisses of INTJs? Perhaps when you are in an even more quiet mood than usual, in which all you want is complete peace and silence. But your non-INTJ peer thinks it is his obligation to break the...
You know you're an INTJ when the only time you agree with another person is during role play. (random) You know you're an INTJ when you spend a good amount of your time thinking about how you...
I'll admit I admire the robot analogy, but I thought I would post this. Or say, I was programmed to. Besides, robots may have just as much intelligence as people in general do, being like programs...
Great reply, I'll be sure to Thank you.
Well, English class is a good source for we INTJs are masters at such. We waste hours of class time discussing symbolism and defining the concept of tragedy. I always made 100s on spelling/grammar...
Eh, all that applys to me anyways. I'd rather be a praying mantis and have my head sexually devoured with eggs.
I like turtles... !
Does any other INTJ kind of dislike the robot/INTJ comparison, and of course we're not robots (right?)? My reason being that robots are slaves, very unlike INTJs, and such a nickname is rather...
Yeah, the meaning associated with underachieving may vary. I have never liked to put much effort in work unless it was an ideal challenge. I never was an over-achiever but often a high-achiever. I...
Uh... I really like the third response where I'm some kind of dragon/praying mantis hybrid for Master of Visibility.
I like to have things well thought out. I mostly avoid acting on risks and impulses, often with complex plans envisioned in my mind. I am difficult to be deceived or manipulated, for I easily...
Well, here I am. I have been using Typology for a while now, and I like the way this site is organized. I am very familiar with Carl Jung's work and the following MBTI research, and have fully...'