
Analysts INTJ

Imaginative and strategic thinkers, with a plan for everything

'http://www.supernaturalwiki.com/images/e/e4/SamFamine.jpg Plan D: http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/supernatural/images/0/08/Dean_shoots_azazel.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130423053404


I always want to stab people who do that http://emojipedia.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/160x160x19-unamused-face.png.pagespeed.ic.ntpc3nnj_Z.jpg Cause people are boring, not necessarily worse,...


You and the TPs share the love for the construct, INTJs want to use as little construct as possible to reach the target goal the quickest and most efficient way possible. If you apply this to...


http://i.imgur.com/X2mq2j7.jpg One of the best characteristics of INTJs (in general) is how truth is everything, if we lose, we concede, if we win, we expect you to do the same. Don't disrespect us...


I'm not sure you are using the correct or more like the more accurate meaning for spatial here. As far as I'm concerned I have outstanding spatial skills, to a point where I am nicknamed...

With this captain obvious logic, you will be an INTJ magnet. I meant why an INTJ?


Office/Uni code: If Thou come into the possession of a pen, it is yours Thou shalt not lend your pen to anyone Smokers code: If Thou come into the possession of a...

According to most people in my life I'm the best listener they have encountered. Mind you, I don't have casual people in my life. during casual encounters I don't tend to talk about myself as much...

There is something most posts are not accounting for. The current military structure that can actually serve in battle is based on the mixed personalities. It is stereotypical (which is fine given...

No. I use these terms a lot to describe actual facts I'm basing my argument on. People who do such shit are really annoying cause I NEED to call them on it as sarcastically as possible. You and I...

You would like that wouldn't you? You have not provided any proof or details about your bogus survey, all you have done effectively is get some INTJs to count their breathing. Unless you provide...

INTJs won't act in this way unless there is a specific and strong reason for it. He could be just a dick, granted. But this behaviour seems more stemming from something that you have not mentioned....

I have a feeling that you are leaving something out. Can you tell us the complete story please? Cause this doesn't make sense.

What lilysocks said plus smoking, mood and current physical status and medical conditions. This doesn't sound scientific. >trolling detected


Sci-Fi, exclusively, I rarely watch anything else. Also the less action the better.

PREPARE YOUR MIND ANUS! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9dqJRyk0YM

Hipsters that acknowledge that they are hipsters are too mainstream. /thread.

Despite the fact I spend most of my time on /b/, I can say with certainty this thread is the most moronic arrangement of letters in the English language I have read in a very very long time. I...

U wut m8?

Question: Where is all this information coming from? I mean how do astrologists know what Virgo or Leo is like? What is the source of all this knowledge. It is rather absurd...

I'm sorry you are dying, Mrs. Moron http://images.tvfanatic.com/iu/t_large_l/v1371132415/the-house-face.png

True Detective /thread

http://i.imgur.com/2sH1JYt.jpg http://4.bp.blogspot.com/--bdWMjaf62g/Ufl2g4a1mrI/AAAAAAAABAI/qCTPBziy2Z4/s1600/Infiltrators.jpg

INTJs would make great pyschologists and effective therapists, me thinks, especially since Carl Jung himself was INTJ or at most INTP. INTJ would find any job that requires a people person sucky...


I'm an INTJ who was in a relationship with an INFJ who was raped. My advice: Just.Do.It. We are not big on retrospect, and we won't understand, because you could tell us, I strongly advise you...

U wot m8?

This thread. http://i.imgur.com/GOnjtp3.gif

Two times is enough. I highly doubt he would need more than that. I'm sorry this didn't work out.

lel. Nope. It was a clever pun of yours truly by using your words (paved asphalt, planted trees) by saying if we paved the planet green. You obviously missed it. You said: So, gr8 b8 m8, my...


Erm... yeah, the science is weak in this one. Let's put aside the argument about Global Warming (since you don't like climate change) being man made or not, the phrase in your post Did no one ever...

This hasn't been my experience with INFJs. Obviously you is different. This not a sexist or misogynist thing (protip: it is) but when the other partner submits to the INTJ, things tend to work...


Say wut m8?

http://i.imgur.com/o2ZUTO9.jpg That's one hell of a transformation you got there...

This song gave me cancer. I'm coming for you OP: https://i.4cdn.org/b/1410155428224.jpg

Here is my Tinder profile description: INTJ. No INFJs or ISFJs please.... etc xD On a more serious note, IxFJ types from the opposite sex (or same sex if that's your thing, i.e someone you want to...

1- No. 2- Yes, doesn't really make a difference. 3- Numbers are better generally than word problems, but both are ok. 4- Theory, defo. 5- Loved both really, I might started liking geometry too...

My best friend is an INFJ, we get along perfectly. My most intense relationship is with an INFJ woman, I'm not sure if this has to do with my general women problem, i.e love my heart/hate my...

Agreed. But my point to OP was that this is integral to INTJs, while I don't find the behaviour necessarily productive or even sometimes rational, the blame game or the Oh you so inconsiderate...

Are you having second thoughts because of the reasons you listed here Run for the hills, deploy protection shields, so not to get hurt by using the INTJ method of pre-finding reasons this might...


No, If I thought you were lying I would've said that, you can't accuse me of being rudely blunt and yet so courteous at the same time. But I do think (And I don't have much to judge on except a few...'