'I'm pretty sure you are an ISFJ. Firstly, you say you relate to both but that is because you always have at least one 'N' function and one 'S' Function. INFJ's intuition is more vision-like where...
Welcome to the PerC, I hope you enjoy your stay!
Mostly through music, sometimes other sensory feels. Like, I really don't feel an Si nostalgia but I can recall events really well, down to the color of something or a certain sound that I never hear...
you hurt my feelings by stereotyping ME and other SJW's, delete your account now!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Does it change today for everybody or just a few select people?
Can you change my name to INTJake In quotes: INTJake Thanks!
you sound like an ESFJ to me. very strong Fe, most likely you're Si-Ne under that.
After reading this: http://personalitycafe.com/cognitive-functions/56760-8-functions-visual-thinker.html I'm leaning much more towards INTJ. I think the questions in the functions test...
Thanks, My answers do tend to lean towards I, N, T, J. But when it comes to functions, my Te, Ni, Ti are all close/equal, with Ne usually one notch lower... I got THIS today on the similarminds...
Took 2 tests, conflicting results: Slight (9%) INTP on HumanMetrics But an INTJ (60% J) on 16personalities such a pain, they both fit. Then again, my mood is in a lull so I could see how i...
that's what bugs me. If i'm an INTP then why is my Ni-Te so high. And if i'm an INTJ, why is my Ti-Ne so high? Either way, it makes sense that i have a low Fe, and a low Se. It also makes sense...
To add onto what I said yesterday, I'd think it is most rational for me to conclude between: Normal INTJ INTJ in Ni-Fi loop Normal INTP INTP in Ti-Si loop ENTJ altered by few social experiences...
Thanks, that's the same I thought the results said. But, I'm wondering why I have so many little things about me that aren't very INTJ-ish. Here are some things that have made me doubt if I'm an...
not sure if you saw but I took it earlier. Took it again now, since I'm in a better mood and much much more awake - extraverted Sensing (Se) ***************** (17.9) limited use...
I took it today. I am a little more tired than normal, I hope that didn't affect it: Se - 18.6 - Limited Use Si - 27.5 - Average Use Ne - 37.8 - Excellent Use Ni - 40.9 - Excellent Use Te -...
sorry i haven't gotten back to you, been busy. I'll try the test and post the results here in the evening
You definitely use Ti-Dom and Fe-Inferior, so an IxTP. I didn't see much of an N/S standing out, but if Apple said ISTP that very well could be right. *edit* - yep definitely an ISTP i read more.
Which answers specifically show each functions?
I do relate to the INTJ profile...but sometimes other profiles stick out. Specifically the other 3 NT types. I've become much more confident im an INTJ. I feel like my Introversion has shifted from...
I do agree with most of what the INTJ profile says about me. The problem is, sometimes I feel in, say an ENTP, INTP, or ENTJ mood and I just don't understand why I flip so much. Sometimes I feel...
Firstly, I'll start off by saying I have normally types as an INTJ on many online tests, 16personalities, celebritytypes, and at least 3-5 others. I have scored pretty high on N and T (never below...
You did come across as an ST to me.
I like it and I've used it for helpful things. I don't buy premium though.
I naturally am a big-picture person and the Ni description describes me nearly perfectly. However, I am very attentive to details, I have a strong memory of the past and often know facts even if...
Hey thanks for the input, although I'm sure I'm an INTJ with developed Si from an ESTJ and ISFJ parents.
If I was an ISTJ, why do I get about 80% on Ni on functions tests, but still about 60% on Si? To make sure, I took it again today, 83% Ni and 61% Si.
Cognitive functions expect you to always have one introverted and one extraverted, J/P and all that. I mean, it helps in typing, but no one breaks the MBTI stereotype, people can break the Cognitive...
Cognitive functions give awful stereotypes Way too general too.
MBTI is always right. Cognitive Functions aren't and never take them as gospel. At best, cognitive functions can be used to help find someone's MBTI type of 4 preferences/
Functions are a little weird and shouldn't be taken as gospel. Only the 4 letters should.
I'm pretty sure you're an Si-Ne and a Ti-Fe, so here are the possible types: ISFJ ESFJ INTP ENTP
Thanks for replying. My best guess for now is an INTJ with a rare case of developed-Si. This would only be possible because I have an ISFJ dad and an ESxJ mom. Since I have been homeschooled and...
I've come to the conclusion that you're an Fe/Ti Ti/Fe user (a TP or an FJ). When it comes to intuition and sensation you haven't given us too much. How would you say that YOU personally process...
Firstly, thank you so much for your help man, I really appreciate it. With INTJ vs. ENTJ, when it comes to functions I'm an xNTJ. Although, I read a few articles about ENTJ vs INTJ and every time...
I do miss things in front of me (sometimes, depends on mood, but it's very often). I often forget I'm in reality also. I have a hard time thinking abstractly with school concepts I'm forced to...
My Dad is an ISFJ, so that would make sense as an influence. My Mom is an ESxx (that's another story). I really don't have a hard time grasping any function, except for the fact that the...
It depends on what the environment is. I'm very cautious when it comes to trusting people, I expect most people to have an ulterior motive. But when it comes to exploring an idea, I'm not cautious...
I do have the qualities of Ni - but the confusing part is I have some Si qualities. INxJ's supposedly have a 'hard time remembering details and just remember concepts', while I remember details,...
Yes, I do experience that. I also play piano and when it comes to the notes, I picture them as 'things', but I can't explain them. Like, I always get a certain impression from the note, and my...
'You hurt my feelings!'
maybe mine is critical Ti? INTJs have that too.
I think it's auxiliary Ti. Although I'm an INTJ and I do the same thing without Ti.
above I put in bold my comments thanks for taking time to help
The definitions for these two functions keep changing...whenever I read them on different websites. I was wondering if anyone had a quiz of Ni vs Si that they could post here and I could answer?...
I definitely try to organize my world externally (Te), even if it hurts someone's feelings. I have some convictions but they are always personal and not unifying (Fi). In addition to my ESFJ...
But I use Te-Fi
I actually started reading about the whole MBTI thing before I knew there was such a thing as a 'bias'. My first test ever, I typed as an INTJ. I am positive of it as well. My Ti is not used often,...
I'll go by Tiers Tier 5 - the Epic, Awesome, best (IMO of course): INTJ, INTP, ENTP, ISTP Tier 4 - A bit more annoying sometimes but usually chill: INFJ, ENTJ, ISTJ, ESFJ Tier 3 - Average peeps:...
Also wanted to say that you ESFJs are really great. I know we're three letters apart but I somehow connect really well. Thanks.'