'Living with 2 girlfriends (romantic) without kids. Or having kids with two women who you don't live with but dating one of them?
That's your interpretation of it. Are you saying that you are either E or I and there's nothing in between? Another words, nobody is more introverted than anyone else?
Data points to there being bell curves at the center of each dichotomy. So your SO is in the center of the dichotomy S/N which is where the majority of people are. All it means is that he's actually...
I'd go with the tests... but in reality if someone is 52% S then they are 48% N. And in real life can you distinguish that person from someone who is 52% N? unlikely..
You didn't see what he did there?
I didn't state that ENFPs are incapable of intellectual discussion. I said that they don't have nearly as much interest as INTJs and especially not overlapping topics. Furthermore, I don't see them...
Intellectual discussion is fun. Fun is different to different types.
I guess this is my point...that INTJs and ENFPs see intellectual discussions differently... I don't see it as dating material only... it's my staple
I do think that ENFPs and INTJs might have a lot of chemistry/attraction. Most ENFPs I've seen are pretty hot and feminine. Like Catherine Zeta Jones just screams sex. And INTJs are very masculine...
On a serious note, I hear all the time that ENFPs like deep discussions with INTJs but I don't really see that. It seems that ENFPs are too sensitive and not focused enough on technical aspects of...
ENFPs are autosex with everybody. Being INTJ hardly says anything ;)
Some of your suggestions will make things worse. Like no tax deductions. What if you just made $12K and rent? So then there's no standard deduction of $5800 and so you'd have to pay tax on $12K but...
Big cities tend to cause ADD in my opinion. Constant noises and traffic, people walking by, cars going by, packed streets...no nature to relax the senses. I think people have underestimated the...
A blowjob and cake sounds good. Has this been mentioned yet? um, ok. How about a massage, a blowjob and cake? ;) Um, you could take a drive to a hot springs if they exist around you... or...
I have looked and everywhere it says menopausal women have lower everything in hormones including testosterone. I'll provide citations because I'm not a princess if you'd like...so you're up.
Claiming something is stupid is easy. But you are seriously lacking in citations which I've asked for many times. All you've provided is an article that has nothing to do with testosterone and yet...
Testosterone seems to be linked to pattern recognition and reasoning. Ever thought why a polar bear doesn't stick his penis in her mouth or butt first? Why don't animals make these errors or need...
Yoga is indeed good. I enjoy watching especially ;)
I believe the former because women are touchy feeley with each other. They hold each others hands, touch each other, dance together...surely there's some sort of pleasure... but it is different from...
That said, just try another group and see if the new clique is better or worse for you.
There's a whole psychology to any interest group or club. In general, the members follow the leaders. If the leader is old chances are that the majority of members also are. This applies to groups...
Are you saying women are aroused by other women or that women have more/equal sexual drive than men? I'd probably believe the former.
Do you know what is given to women with low libido? Testosterone.
Menopausal women don't have high testosterone. Cite your source. I'm not trying to invalidate you. Just saying that you are not the norm in this category and one needs to look at the whole. The...
Even if you go 20 times a day, you are the exception. Most women don't have such a need. Testosterone seems to be the main hormone inducing sexual desire and women simply have less of it. By...
Citation is the same as in post 464. Here it is again: Pornography Statistics
That's the part you don't understand. There's a difference between I could go and I have to go. Telling a guy to not masturbate/go is like telling a woman to stop bleeding several days per month.
I'd only be concerned with the quality of the porn and how they run the operation. It wouldn't bother me otherwise.
Well, do you like sex scenes in normal movies? Those are soft porn. I don't think people realize that but if they like those, then they like porn.
Here's another statistic for you: 8-16 year olds having viewed porn online 90% (most while doing homework) Could it be that kids are more honest than adults?
Your comment is so biased that I'm not sure why I'm even commenting on it other than to point out the obvious that you didn't specifically ask all of them where they learned their moves. Now did you?...
The 98% is pretty accurate I'd say. Firstly, men are visual and this is biological. Secondly, majority of movies have soft porn in them. Why do you think that is?
Keep in mind you live in the bible belt. Don't assume they are telling you the truth just because they are your relatives. And there's a difference between watching and liking it. Just saying...
I doubt it. Porn is educational.
I wasn't trying to convince you that all men are lying, cheating, porn hounds. I'm just saying that it's hard to catch a lying porn user. And that most men either like porn or are liars or use sex...
What about those under 40?
Promise Keeper men who viewed pornography in last week 53% Pornography Statistics The remaining must be due this week. haha
A lying bf is very common. You don't know what you don't know.
I think she'll be disappointed over and over until she finds the rare guy who puts up with it longterm. Likely, one guy will just lie to her and that'll be the irony.
Btw, any woman who'd try the Porn or me line would be seriously dissapointed. Definitely 'porn'.
I disagree with a lot of the complaints on porn here. Firstly, you can learn a lot through porn. And I bet you $100 that most guys learned what they know about sex through porn. This is what...
Strangers are only strangers until you get to know them. Give it a try. Each group is pretty different and really there's a character to each group because that's how people are. So if you don't like...
Porking on chocolates is just going to make things harder. Why doesn't anyone do brussel sprouts instead?
More like watching washed up celebrities that can't get on VH1 dating reality shows.
It's sad and hilarious at the same time.
What's important here is that you eventually caught up with reality
This whole situation sounds messed up and your post is confusing. But it seems that part of this is jealousy. If she's hugging him from behind then that says something too.
That'll just piss off the stockholders who demand enough money for handjobs.
That's not a bad idea. In the old days this wasn't possible. But nowadays with the internet, television, and phones it would. On the other hand, this brings up the issue as to whether people making...'