
Analysts INTJ

Imaginative and strategic thinkers, with a plan for everything

'stupid [ˈstjuːpɪd] adj 1. lacking in common sense, perception, or normal intelligence 2. (usually postpositive) stunned, dazed, or stupefied stupid from lack of sleep 3. having dull mental...

But why not? What are you, some kind of elitist? How do you expect people to get in there if they don't have a good road? They can walk. Suppose they're too old to walk? Too young? Too fat,...

Good lord! Is this now an assault on my browser and tabbed browsing efficiency? The intention of my most was to demonstrate the different interests I have instead of a boring wallpaper, which...

Do you wear a lot of makeup? I happen to not wear makeup at all, I've been all natural for about three months now. It's oddly satisfying. Do you spend a lot of time on your hair in the...

Mmmm, so good. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ReJ5p458DoY

You're truly not very socially awkward if you're worried about that- not everyone has to go out every night. Don't let your past experiences get you down because you have the rest of your life in...

Er what? Where are these people? Do they hide? Have you seen one recently? Are you sure they're not extinct? I'm just messin'. I tend to think that a lot of INTJ women are very creative because...

Right.. well I thought my desktop was a bit boring.. so here's what I'm doing right now.  http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b370/kaeliwells/ks.jpg


Typical teenage girls who can't see past their own problems long enough to see the rest of the world standing next to them. It confuses me how a person can be so focused about trivial things such as...

When I don't let a poor grade affect my own happiness- I've been really good about not having a so-called break down every time I don't get an A on something. Sometimes things in life are just...

Hah, hang out, you're oh-so-cute my dear. We don't hang out in packs like wolves or teenage girls, we do stuff on our own or with a few friends. Now that we got past that one.. I love being...

http://hwhills.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/sherlock_holmes_poster.jpg Est très magnifique, non?

Please don't get me a gift unless it is meaningful or I can do something useful with it. I'd rather you not spend money on something that you don't want to buy and I don't want to have to politely...

Don't judge, just listen. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wDbejJ1A00

It's a beautiful thing when the person you like very much thinks he's an anarchist (and may very well be one) and decides that you are part of the establishment and or dislikes the concept of you...

Isn't that the best part of it though, that you really can't tell for sure? Maybe I'm just that good. Maybe not.

Well now that you mention it.. (I believe that a girlish flick of the hair, fake giggle, or cutesy shrug would be best suited here.) I have no idea why you think we're so great, honestly we have...

^ Wow  http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/253470_2124298710803_1345942953_2466952_1552358_n.jpg

I agree with you. I believe that NTs who are still figuring themselves out have a tendency to shy away from relationships because of the unknown variables involved. They're so focused on foreseeing...


Great thread idea! http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/254183_2106150497109_1345942953_2444941_6541906_n.jpg I recently hiked to the top of Humphrey Summit (12633 ft) the top of...

Sarcasm? What sarcasm? I don't see any of that going on here.

I have the same problem. My entire life most of my friends have been male and the few female friends I do have are really down to earth or I've known for a while. People who are close to me deserve...

No, not at all, I'm proud to say that I'm a loyal person. Perhaps, trust issues is not the best way to put it. Basically he doesn't let people get close to him without running them through a...

You've got it completely down, good job. I'm just hoping that he'll be able to get through what ever emotional problems he's having, being patient is going to be about the only thing I can do. Out of...

Lovely tangents you guys! We're both INTJ, and I'm asking for suggestions to get him to be more trusting (and be more trusting myself?) How ironic, indeed.

I was getting very close to a person I think highly of when suddently he shut down on me. Since then I've had a difficult time getting him to open up, or flat-out trust me. We've spent a lot of...

In the community of people I am currently in, people are not very accepting of overly insightful people. I believe the term know-it-all has become the current stereotype. They're afraid of what...

I immediately laughed when I read this, I can see the guy as a wild animal with scared eyes looking to dash off into the forest. Be gentle, for goodness sake! Make your intentions known and move...

I know, as an INTJ, that I'm highly attracted to people who know their stuff and he might be the same way. Talk about something that you're proficient at or know a lot about. He'll be impressed by...

Is easy. was the first thing that came to my mind. Isn't that horrible? I think it's more of judging when is it the right time to cheat and when is the right time to have integrity. I've notived...

I procrastinate way too much. Have to find the perfect person. Have to get over my own emotional insecurities. Have to prepare in one way or another. Never actually get to the act. Hah.

I actually have a really great memory, however, I'm not sure if it's a curse or a blessing yet. But the way in which I rememer things is a little strange. Let's say I'd had a conversation with...

Not very, not at all? I truly don't wear any makeup because most women use it to hide what they really look like (and who they really are? Let's have some rhetorical fun.) I'm very fit and active...

Thanks, and what do you mean by 'facepalmed?'

From my perspective, I think that you're still an INTJ. I have the same problem myself, I experience emotions but quickly push them away after assuming that they are interfering with the personal...

I'd like to suggest 'Bones.' The leading role is played by a women and the dialogue is witty enough. 'The Mentalist' is another good one.

I've discovered that now I waste less time resisting who I am, and spend more time finding solutions to the qualities I don't agree with.

When you can easily trace your train of thought from one topic to another, even if you thought about eleven other things in the process of getting there. Topics ranging from the meaning of life to...

All I can say is that I'm happy that you found some one, as we all know here, that is very difficult. Think about her like you would yourself, she's very similar. If you don't like playing mental...

People who are close-minded, especially when it comes to things which are not concrete, such as religion. This is especially true with people who believe that their religion is better than everyone...

I'd rather wake up un the middle of nowhere than in any city on earth. - Steve McQueen Ah, personal isolation and loathing of society at its best.

You had to go through five Os on Google in order to make sure that you are, indeed, an INTJ.

1.) Geniuses - To a certain extent this is true, with me, I'm very good at doing certain tasks. I feel awkward when I am unable to do something well- especially around other people. 2.)...'