
Analysts INTJ

Imaginative and strategic thinkers, with a plan for everything

'Being neat and tidy is often really all about social interaction... since we have organized minds and can remember where we put stuff, the only reason to be neat would be to have company over. ...

One of my former colleagues was doing the paleo diet... or as I call it the vegan plus meat diet.

Root problem solving or not, offerings of chocolate are always gratefully accepted. At the very least, they create a diversion.

Unlike being a catty witch, which, clearly, is terribly feminine...

So, in other words, yes. I am irrational. ....must eat much chocolate....

Is it irrational that I have been avoiding posting as I near the 3000 post mark?

because you need quiet to concentrate? I'm the same way myself

But why would these people be on the INTJ forum? Confusion.

How is there a contest here? People are inherently annoying, so therefore it is only logical that loneliness is less annoying that an unsatisfying relationship. ... did I miss something?

auto-speechifying, check!

Alan Coren! I adore him. <Heh heh... Planet Zog.>

I met her about 12 years after he and I broke things off--but I rather like her, actually. I don't know what my type is... If I knew, perhaps I would have gotten married ; )

Heh heh. Planet Zog. *snorfle*

Nope-- not married. He's been with someone for a decade (they are adorably well suited), but I have just not found the right fit for myself. I'm pretty sure my ex is an SFJ, actually. Bossy and...

No... you're not. I broke up with a finance 16 years ago and I still cry over it when someone brings it up (which is more than one might think, as we are still friends). Stiff upper lip.

Or walking quickly... must wear that blue tooth more often...

59719 Rutabaga for you.... just because I love your avatar

It sounds about right to me.... have you posted this on the INFJ forum? What do they think?

I am so glad to find a whole thread of my soulmates.... What I have always found interesting is that among the people I went to college with, we never go straight into any social event. If...

No... just teasing you :wink:

I would never say anything like that... it would be mean.

By 'brag' I hope you actually meant 'whine' ... and I quit my job so I'm not traveling right now. Besides, work travel just means you have to work all day while jet-lagged and then you have to try...

I was thinking cardio rather than strength exercises... 20 minutes on the elliptical or a 3-5 km brisk walk and I was much, much happier. I had a job where I was going to Italy and Amsterdam,...

I, too, am very sorry for your loss.

Not a bitch... you just seem to be able to see ways to be snarky and choose carefully when to snark and how to snark in a funny way (as opposed to a mean way).

Lots of exercise always helped me when I was traveling back and forth across the Atlantic all the time... I felt better even if I was totally jet lagged and had not slept in a couple of days...

I do... and they are adorable and totally the most fun often but also have an edge on them sometimes...but in a good way.

I always cry at the scene were they kill Boromir in LOTR... and during those certain bulb commercials

INFJs can have a total edge on them... just ask mimesis or Hrothgarsdad

Or you can get a Pop-Tart related benediction for a reduced rate....

The research suggests that it, in fact, does both...

People are angry with you for being too vocal about your thoughts and they are punishing you for not knowing your place. Try this experiment: for one week, agree with every teacher and repeat back...

I think, therefore I am.

That happens to a lot of people here... it's partly the format. Chin up.

Maybe practice will improve this for you? Just keep trying and eventually someone will get you

This is starting to feel extremely passive-aggressive. If you do not want to play nice, please don't quote me.

So, technically true, but my question is whether dogs want to teach or train or we can learn from them just because of their dogness...

LOL... but maybe Ted is a zombie and keeps accidentally eating his dates' brains

How I met your Walking Dead Mother?

Only if your understanding of devil's advocate is the dominant one...

I am unfamiliar with this lurking of which you speak.  http://www.you-are-here.com/location/mugs.jpg

Wait-- they have those? (And for the record, I think you're quite cute)

This whole thread is seeming very... earnest.    How about.... Batbat?  http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs12/i/2006/270/5/f/BAT_BAT_by_CHUCKAMOKK.jpg

Megaforce?! Really? .... wow .... My favorite part of that movie was the holographic pig...

hit me from out of the blue....

I predict a Muppet reign of tyranny with foam alphabet letters getting very aggressive on the highways and byways

My new hero is Richard Hatch

Flying away on wing and a prayer, eh?

Correct answer: only on Wednesdays.'