
Analysts INTJ

Imaginative and strategic thinkers, with a plan for everything

'I really like ENFPs, I wish I could be as fast as they are when it comes to in-the-moment conversation. Today it took me 25 min to realise there was an opportunity to do something with the ENFP....

I found one when I wasn't looking. Turns out there was one sitting in front of me, for 2.5 years. I finally managed to tell her I like her. The more I talked to her the more I realised she was an...

You first have to take care of the INFP's personal value needs, e.g. what ever they are complaining about, you need to emotionally support them, then you will be able to suggest an alternative to...

You're into necrophilia, me too!

your mom is hot

As an e5, I found it extremely difficult to approach women in general, especially when asking them out. I've done this twice in my life time. But once I did it, I did feel more encouraged to continue...

I was thinking ExxP for sure. Sounds like an interesting person to get to know. It's difficult to tell if she is ENTP based on I can't derive if that is Ti or Fi. Because she feels it is right...

So glad I can be part of the grapevine

I appreciate the response, because as a child for me, I thought by hiding my intellectual abilities as well, that it would make me more normal and fit in, with less expectations from people and...

I notice you are self critical, I do that too. I had to learn to stop doing that. So your sensitivities revolves around, worrying that people think you're not an intellectual. The funny thing to...

If you want to get my attention then you can do so by using your normal account to send me a PM :wink:

I wish for, for me to have been writing about a romantic interest online, asking questions, opinions. To find that at the same time the romantic interest was asking the same things about me and then...

So how does a relationship start out for you then. I was under the impression that most ESFPs prefer for it to start out as friends. So do you do you just approach the person and that's it then? Or...

Yeah I would say this part is the same for me, it's the fear of humiliation. I didn't grow up in a family that new how to be supportive and importantly emotionally supportive. So I never knew how to...

How long have you been together with your ENFP or INTJ? 3 months What were the primary reasons for breaking up? codependency What were the high and low points of your relations? when I...

So ESFPs, do you like being chased, or do you enjoy doing the chasing? If you do the chasing, how do you go about it? What has worked for you in the past? What have you tried that failed? ...

I think the question should be, where do accountants or engineers hang out?

Have you ever been surprised by someone showing interest in you, that you thought was being platonic/friendly?

*hides under table* :spacecraft-1:

from https://www.eclecticenergies.com/enneagram/type3

You're not an asshole, you're looking out for yourself. So do that then Just in case, FYI: Codependency For Dummies Cheat Sheet - dummies

What qualifies as judgement to you? Can you give an example?

Yeah, except nobody is the same, and the questions are tailored to the person. It's still going to be a lot.

Ok, I appreciate the response. I also get where you are coming at, for instance, if the person was to tell about what they want and then the other person adjusts accordingly. Yeah that could be a red...

I think the way you respond to me already speaks volumes and answers most of my questions about your type, so I'll continue to wait for the rest to respond and see what they make of it. Hopefully it...

Thanks, so the what do you want is a question that is big, overall, what do you want, when out on a coffee date context. I'm there sitting in front of you, do you know what you want? What your...

It's usually about the person, or what I think the person might end up deciding, or wanting and then I would ask about if the person would like that or how they handle the situation. Trying to get to...

Ok, so are you saying you can only ask question where I have answers for already? So that's all the small talk stuff then? But what if I want to know something unique about you, therefor I won't have...

hug times need to wait, because it is a special privilege.

Well, how does this compare to real world scenarios, this is first of all, anonymous online, where you can choose to even bother to read the question and take your time to answer. Where as...

So what am I suppose to make out of this?

How does the ENFP feel when asked a lot of questions by someone she barely knows?

Yeah exactly, you could see him mature, or is it relax and open up on TV. I think he probably did grow up with some form of codependency (based on his childhood description), but it seems like he...

I think Eric handled himself well, and Peter put his foot in his mouth when he said Rachel would have a mediocre life, he apologised for it, but Rachel then said: I don't think this show works for...

I really hope the next Bachelor is going to be Eric.

My attempt to flirt with ENFP does not work

Office romance is difficult.

I don't think I could, do long distance for 15 years.

Do you know anything about personality theory?

I think you should confront him and ask if he is in to you. Wouldn't that be a site to see.

Well the INTJ will just motivate and keep you focussed, that's all. If you want to jump off the bridge, we will make damn sure you will be the best jumper off that bridge. Even if it leads to your...

I find the responses funny though.

You know, if it was as easy as that. But I will quote from the book How everyday stress brings out our hidden personality by Noami L. Quenk, Page 76 Dominant Te-types Different planets, I...

So I couldn't find a thread, figured, lets create one. So INTJs, what do you wish for in your life?

Ooh, very interesting question, for me, it's both, because at first I find the person physically attractive, but that's where it stops, the rest is then taken over by Ni, in idealisation mode,...

It is what it is... Do your expectations, wants and needs match? If not, then you know what to do.

Now we're talking!

Wait, are you the one responsible for writing Hollywood movies?

I always feel like I'm walking on eggshells when I'm near an IxFP, that Fi is just killer, you never know when they start lashing out angrily at you for no (according to me) reason.

If you're an ENFP, and you're open to possibilities, then YOU would be the one asking him out. Why must the GUY always ask the GIRL out? That's social construct concepts don't fit in the INTJ's...'