
Analysts INTJ

Imaginative and strategic thinkers, with a plan for everything

'I have a technical question: How long can I listen to my ipod through the speakers of my car with the engine turned off before it drains the battery? Will it drain more and more if I do it more than...

All the ladies like me. Like, seriously. If I ever want a harem, I could probably do it. If only I was attracted to girls...

You go Coco.

You need to post a picture of it. :D

I knew you'd love it!

I know a lot of you are cat lovers, so I just thought you might enjoy this... :D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sP4NMoJcFd4&feature=BFa&list=ULAgbUyWsybAc&index=60

I never have been. I always give up the crush eventually when I realize I'm never going to see the person in real life again. 1st time was a boy I was friends with when I was 4. I had a crush on him...

Tell your head you can't lose something you've never had. Your head should know that you need a mate just so you can stop looking for one and spend more time on thinking about stuff, so it needs to...

They only go to class M or K planets, so the mass would be pretty standard.

Why rob banks when you can steal 40 cakes??

I highly doubt the size of the image was what he was referring to.

Looks like a mad case of indigestion... might I interest you in some TUMs good sir?


For your convinience, I have an analogy Lily for you!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ewszd9n1CU See, we may not say we love you 15 times a day, but we'll be there for you in the ways that...

Didn't you know? Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit. You should try some racist jokes instead, you'd probably get a better reaction from your audience.

I knew I shouldn't have google mapped my running route. Did I really need to know that I was only making it a mile before I had to go home? Why am I so athletically challenged??? /mope

I always write to the professor. When I described my thought process as I put together essays to a friend he thought it was dishonest, but I don't think so. I usually pick the pet topic of the...

What genre?

No fair! It's of me!! It looks just like me. On Topic!!

That's probably it. I thought they reminded me of you, yet I wasn't sure they all looked like the same person...

antiant Are the avatars you use pictures of yourself? They're all quite lovely. @vis0 I'm rather proud of this painting http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f147/Weisenheimer14/IMG_0115.jpg I did...

So you're saying that Sora is also a poser?? Ah, now we've derailed the thread again... Whatever shall we do? I don't have anymore pictures of myself to re-orient the thread... I do have some...

Oh don't worry, you were plenty cute. I was just wondering at the unnecessary holding of the head. I didn't realize you were posing on purpose. :D

If you had read the whole thread you would have seen that there are several INTJs from NYC. Research is good for you, you should do it.

Was your neck feeling too tired to support your head anymore?

Today a girl I barely know was complaining about her lack of dating prospects. This is the second time I've ever spoken to her and she let me know all about the strange boys she always ends up with,...

volt Why would you have sex with someone you don't even know if you like? Also, your story sounds like a weird indie film...

Why is it that ridiculously low self esteem is socially acceptable? What is the point of all those raise your self esteem lessons if people wont take a non-depressed person seriously? Are we all...

When the porn thread is completely ignored by moderators, but the photo thread has been closed four times. :P (five if you count the commentary thread)

Except none of those books have words in them. Gasp!! Oh Noes!!!

Depends on where you live... There's tons of it in Rome, and most of it's a lot more juicy than that.

Well, you have to admit, he does the whole glasses and mild mannered disguise thing... The similarities amused me. :)...


I crochet because I'm too cheap to buy christmas presents. Thus, scarves. Ta Da!!!

That's my favorite thread. :( Now I must pout. http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f147/Weisenheimer14/moderator.png

No. And if you bring trolls to bed with you you will be punished.

But of course! Though a menage a trois would be more my style.

Splice together fauxmances?? Create beautiful drama a la daytime soaps? ::wiggles eyebrows::

Puts them in the recycle bin. They're of no use if they're broken. Might I suggest buying a new one on ebay? That seems... slightly ominous...

I'm sure it's just scanning to make sure you don't have any TTDs. Computers love me and want to keep me safe.

Sounds like a promising beginning to a beautiful romance ;)

Here, this might help. :D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oU8XGr9qPoY

You laugh, but my chemistry professor wears a hat like that (without the ears) whenever he does an experiment. Particularly of the blowing things up kind.

http://marielleleigh.files.wordpress.com/2009/11/wednesday-addams.jpg There ya go!

She's also in 'I Shall Wear Midnight' The last Tiffany Aching book. She's super old though. Also, I GOT THE JOB!!! Yay!!!!

Unbelievably sexy?

Where are the ladders? What's the point of having sexy bookshelves if you can't reach the books???

I have a lesbian crush on Audrey Hepburn's eyebrows... http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_HNy93yL1dI8/SBIJwZkaGNI/AAAAAAAAAVM/WBudDc-inrA/s400/Audrey-Hepburn.jpg

Actually, the nerves in your lips are super sensitive, and you get pretty tingly for a while. I would try gently rubbing sugar over your lips if you want to see what it's like. I had my first kiss...

But does it smell good? And I think you'd better watch out for the robot, we know how it feels about ipods... add that to its obsession with flowers? Whoo-ee.'