'The series' audience is kids in their school years, so lumping all the bullies together makes sense in a '90s/2000s movie kind of way. As you said being in Slytherin doesn't mean you're a bad guy per...
It froze.. says loading random text for a few minutes now.
Can I? Yes. Do I? No. They are useful at times, but it's not something that I regularly use. I just trust my head to hold all the information. If I miss something, it wasn't that important anyway :P
I don't need people to take their shoes off when they come into my house, and I hate it when I'm asked to take mine in someone else's. I have sweaty feet. For your sake, don't let me walk around in...
I haven't dealt with it myself, but there was a time when I seriously considered it, and I know of several people who changed their names so hopefully that'll help: - I know a few people who...
I'd be busy being awkward.
Studying from 7am to 8pm sounds awful, but you get pretty big breaks. When I was in 11th grade I studied a lot from 8am to 4 or 5pm with a cumulative 1 hour break (short break every two periods)....
You're wrong, because I'm the only one who's capable of understanding me. Oh wait, that's emo. Sorry, move on.
Freeflowingthoughts you constantly mix MBTI with socionics. They are not the same.
1. The cube is rather small, no higher than my knees. It is metallic and has a dark-blue hue. It is rather close to me. 2. The ladder is wooden, narrow, and reaches up into the sky. It's about 20-30...
Either way you might want to read about utilitarianism and the criticism on the subject.
You're relying on (twisted) typology for no apparent reason, and then doing the same things I asked you not to. This is going nowhere.. :rolleyes:
How and when did you say that? I never said that person has to oblige to reason. Even what is considered reasonable is ever-changing. If it's partially wrong, then show how.. seriously, I...
I agree that that's what I'm doing, but how does it make anything I said wrong? I also don't agree that it's a purely Fe-related subject.
Freeflowingthoughts Every function is important in its own natural context. It's not the issue here. You made a discussion about morality, an intellectual field by its own right, and then made a...
You raised a discussion. You were given several contradicting points of view. Instead of addressing them and showing how those views are incorrect, you surmised them as you say it because you are...
I don't think that having an elitist tree house is a good thing, and having an all INTJs discussion would be pretty boring IMO.
Couldn't disagree with you more. You underestimate how easy it is to change society's values. It happens as we speak with seemingly small and insignificant changes, and with bigger changes as more...
What's AP? :P
The problem is that I access threads from the main page more often than not, and if you hover the mouse over a title there it clearly says go to last unread post in ....
You need to grasp the idea of infinity. You can't be infinitely close to a number and not be that number. If we take the group (0;1), its supremum is 1, but if 0.999... is the closest to 1 (from...
I pick a room, usually the one I'm in, and start walking around in circles. I kid you not.
I find cognitive functions tests to be very inaccurate and misleading.. Did you try the what's my personality type sub-forum?
I would probably have a similar reaction. Not much to do in this kind of situation..
Can't wait for Windows 10.1 to come out.
Bump to the past. I would really like to know if there's a way to disable this feature and make it so that the first post in the thread is always shown, unless accessed through quote, mention etc.
Yes I got that you're talking about gender norms, that's why I mentioned I'm a guy, on whom those norms do not apply. As for MBTI, that's untrue. Type stereotypes are a byproduct of the...
I don't see how gender has anything to do with this. I'm an INTJ guy, emotional, bubbly, and friendly (for the most part). I'm also rational and inexpressive. The two sides don't contradict each...
People are missing a very fundamental idea. When part of a system, even the apparently most creative of professions can have their boring and tedious sides. Even if you take something such as...
Balanced Integrative. I'm using all the tools at my disposal.
hal0hal0 Salvation! many thanks, although now I wonder how I missed that... I also found the solution to my second problem in the same area :happy: (<--- it works!) Although I think I just...
I apologize, I haven't read most of you post. If I may suggest, however, since you're probably writing a classic villain, she may be in the grip of her inferior function (Ti). I found a page here,...
First of all, I would like to unsubscribe from all the threads I participated in. If not unsubscribe, then at least stopping PerC from sending me emails. My account is registered with my spam email,...
So.. the interview went well, he already decided to take you to the next step, and then you mixed up his name with a name that was mentioned a moment ago. For it to have any effect is hideously...
Well, if you take for example the part where you describe your adventurous spirit, while some might attribute it to Se, such spirit is something that can be easily attributed to ENFP, with their Si,...
And when you fill out that questionnaire, try to not be biased towards INxJ. Just look at the question, take a deep breath, and write how you really feel.
ExFP. As for the S/N I'm less sure about it. I can see why others called ESFP, but the details they are probably counting on seem to be misleading.. there can be many reasons for wanting and doing...
Isn't this a typing thread? what the hell happened to it and why are there 1206 pages?! o.o
Currently studying for a bachelor in computer science.
Family yes. As for others, as long as I know them long enough, then sure. In a world governed by small social nuances and implied statements, it's nice to have something that clearly states we're...
It will resolve itself on its own in 2028, when you stop being young.
Look into 9. Although 1 and 6 are also optional. In general I think that 15 is a bit early to deal with all this personality stuff, since it's still developing to an extent. 17-18 would be...
Waah.. Si? ISXJ? isn't this an Enneagram forum?
Eeehh.. usually thoughts about life.. the future (not in a general sense, more about my own).. stuff like that. Then I notice I just wasted half an hour on nothing and look for something for me to...
Test results aren't a good indicative of type, especially one's based on functions.
That's pretty disgusting, honestly. Talking like that, over time he can really change how you see you husband, and you might not even notice it. I don't want to know what he's thinking,...
So you're saying that the core defines the motivation with its fixes further refining it, while (dis)integration is purely behavioral. Did I get this right? But then, what about my second...
Hey, I'm trying to better understand the theory, and while doing so I came up with a few questions: 1. A tritype has (obviously) three types in it. A single type has a type it integrates and one...'