
Analysts INTJ

Imaginative and strategic thinkers, with a plan for everything

im pregnant :| and i suspect that he knew it long before i peed on a stick this morning and somehow my subconscious knew that his subconscious knew it for the past month [judging by the amount of...

care to share? i feel unsettled most of the times :

|thank you :') I know I'm an INTJ when..I feel that I lack of knowledge about everything. and that happens on a daily basis.

months ago i posted here about the INTJ guy i was kinda dating. i was nervous and all but at least i know the field. well, we date now, officially, but then it turns out that he's an ISTJ, a whole...

:-O whaatt??! congratulations!!when is the wedding? :D

when you actually give 'how to ruin a perfect relationship' a serious thought and some alternatives to it. you know, the less obvious ones...

Why I feel I lack social skills? Well..I dont have many friends [or people I consider as friends], and most of the time, I dont feel really connected to anyone. I just dont know what to say, mostly....

hi, I'm sorry I've been busy and to post something regarding this topic actually requires some mental preparation. So I'm going to answer the questions one by one, and, thank you all in advance :) ...

hi, so apparently, the INTJ i've been dating for months isn't an INTJ ; but an ISTJ. it disturbs me, because i have to think about a whole lot new strategy on how to communicate and to know how he...

I'm not lazy. I'm just a well renowned procrastinator

this is sooo frustrating to watch :confused:

forgot to add the biological needs INTJ bf : 'you wanna try Fook Yew?' me : 'you did' INTJ bf : *long pause, staring* 'what..' me : 'you did. or i did? we did?' INTJ bf: 'we will,later'

- watching serials or movies; napping; reading. - idk. weird one?

INTJs' sexy time me : 'on 1 to 10 scale, how would you rate your sexual satisfaction [with me]?' INTJ bf : '9.5' me : 'how would you describe me in bed?' INTJ bf : 'diligent' -- INTJs...

these aren't funny *eyes twitching*

the Rorschach thing got me laughing and staring.at the same time.

16 Vintage Underwear Ads That Will Give You Nightmares

Loving someone gives you courage. Being loved by someone gives you strength. In and out of love gives you cancer or any incurable disease of your choice - Me *over dishes*

you know you're an INTJ (female) when... you're broken hearted, and you ranted to your confidant, an ENFP guy, who later informed your another confidant, an INTP guy.knowing that the INTP wont be...

* me and an ISTJ ex-bf, yesterday* Me : 'I dont get happy people' ISTJ : 'Don't bother. Nobody is happy' Me : '............what?' ISTJ : 'Nobodys is. People are just trying to be content. But...

I appreciate the time, effort and your attention to my post :) Philosophy isnt a bunch of nonsense, it's one of our mind's tool to comprehend the world. And to be noted, OBE is explained already...

luemb i am also a budget shopper, i love bargain values. and yes, comfort is the utmost importance for me. i dont wear heels on a daily basis. i wear slippers or flats. i happen to collect vintage...

i also wear what i like, and i like chino pants, cargo pants, canvas sneakers to peep toe heels. for the whole year, i've been wearing my vintage black/white polka dots with flats. and i got bored....

wow. it's been....4 months ago since my last post in this thread 0_0 well we still see each other. it's..just like that. i see it as just sex instead of relationship; meanwhile he's being all...

reading stuff like this makes me cry : The San Francisco Times or Lion King, or Hachiko.. anything animal-related. i cry. humans? :dry: face.

apparently i've been a fashion blind for the whole year....god i hate shopping -_-

tl;dr , rant. I'm having bad times. Ok so I've managed to block everything warm and fuzzy feelings I used to have towards you. Whatever this is, I'm good. You're hot enough and I really like the...

when your (also) INTJ partner said ; 'I love you' during sex, you replied with: 'It's your hormones talking'

Guu lilysocks Dabbling someone with japanese tidal wave avatar, whoever you are :) *ahem.well. im not good with words.so..*hugs*

https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/t1/p206x206/1656007_10201352524270534_129885532_n.jpg it's been a while :) it's us again, after few weeks.the type 7 INTJ on the right just...

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/t1/1654371_10201275463504063_865875011_n.jpg it's us again.yea...i just cried.

新選組 は 新選組, 狼 は狼,..然うして..人斬 は人斬,ね り抜刀斎? - Hajime Saito, Rurouni Kenshin

when it's just 2 weeks away from Valentine's day and you are so anxious to tell people that love is just a chemical reaction inside our brain and being *sigh* *sigh* *omgwhyy* seeing those...

Okay, you're an INTJ. so you wont joke about marriage/child *unless you are actually joking about it and you just want to go fishing, because I do too*, but repeating the same joke, that's a hint....

*over facebook* INTJ friend : i cant cook!bah! INTP : you should come to our place. INTJ : why? you cook? INTP : no, i just said it, and then an hour later..ta-da.food. me : i see what you did...

eavesdropping and giggling by myself because ppl say so much er..ahem..amusing things..

-INTP wanted some privacy for the weekend so he asked me to leave the house for 2 days to give him the privacy- *over whatsapp* INTP : where are you? me : somewhere INTP : you're with E (my on...

Supervisor, unknown type : 'why are you so antisocial?' Me : *pokerface* : people make me tired Supervisor : *srsly? face* Me : what? even seeing the guy i like twice in a week makes me tired...

when you want to have your meal in peaceful silence and you really want to poke someone in the eyes if they cant stop talking to you when you;re eating.

http://24.media.tumblr.com/079dfb99f3026df96f99f3994dbc7c99/tumblr_mzri34KdIj1tns4yio7_400.jpg it's okay to act like you're hipster, Asian teenagers. we're Asians after all. but not...

hahaha. i actually never thought that there are people reading my post , Results :)

thank you. im at loss of words , and i really dont know what to do. so i should pull myself together and do this *cos pulling the trigger like i did some time ago clearly doesnt work*. yes, we both...

well said :)

Uhm, guys... share your thoughts please.. So as all you know, i've been in an on again off again whatever thing with an INTJ guy for months.a while ago, i came to realization that i practically put...

uh..not really.. i always knew i've always been weird when i grew up.then some years ago, a psychiatrist, a friend of mine, asked me to fill up some questionnaire for her. i did. unknowing that that...

i gain 7kilograms :angry: in 5 months!! what sorcery is this!!!:angry: no wonder i look so round in every pictures lately!! goddamn roomie with his late night snacking!! got up to the scale and i...

sometimes i wonder, how those INTPs with their electronic-devices-attachment survive the dating pool.

now this is tricky question. first, i can recognize the signs if he has interest in me but if i have no interest, i dismiss that and friendzone him if he's good enough to keep. if not, just ignore...

i can perfectly relate to that. saying 'i dont know' to a certain, well-grounded question is just plain laziness or stupidity, or both.it's just insensible.

https://31.media.tumblr.com/a6528c1fef3c5b3f520421e5cdee8234/tumblr_inline_mz6dpoyQOZ1rckcnz.jpg it's us again