'Just picked this post to reply to, but ive read most of it Ok, first. You need to get something straight. Loving, respecting, and appreciating your sister will go a long way. Communicate with your...
I've followed every mbti/enfj blog I can find, so Im probably in that mix
Do you have trouble with commitment in your life? Would you consider that an overarching problem in your life?
If you have ever thought of ENFJs being social butterflies... It's a complication to discuss. On one hand, yes I can see myself fulfilling the position. On the other hand, I care too much about how I...
And can we all agree the esfp would be the siren and the isfp would get Pegasus, especially if infp got unicorn like -_- what are function orders to you madam
I personally see an introvert bias in this (this post turned into hate INFJs XD, which I did not plan for and don't hate INFJs, they're too much like us to hate) not to mention I have been obsessed...
Dominant/auxiliary Ni users, usually have a sense of elitism when comparing themselves to other people, so I wasn't surprised when I could relate to a lot of this
All of these could have the possibility of mistreating the self, and giving the self away for others benefit and outer harmony. We forget about ourselves and could have self esteem problems cause...
So I've been on tumblr and following some mbti blogs as of late. I see this one girl on there, something along the lines of readingontheroof or whatever. I see this girl makes a lot of if types...
And I'm not necessarily optimistic, I am in the sense I strongly believe everything is and will be ok, but when it comes to ideas or plans I'm extremely pessimistic. Blind optimism is a HUGE NO
That we're all lovey dovey care bears, just like esfjs, it makes me mad how on other forums and tumblr they take away out intuition and our Fe is literally the only thing about us.... I don't know...
I feel as if that's because of lower in function order ti along with being an intuitive
This guy is basically a god
Same, but I'm way more into telepathy/telekinesis rather than healing powers though
If that in itself was not depressing
Girlll just go with ENFP fr, so serious on this one, if that connected all of the dots for you don't let one guy on the internet make you think different. (or one guy sway you in the opposite...
Hell INTJs can be gods if I can at least get in on the profits, because who the hell wouldn't get fucking rich off of that, nah I'm too dictator-ish by myself.... Nvm chess would be everywhere.......
You're welcome for finding this btw
angelcat also think about all those things you said about all of your disagreements with your enfj friend,I feel as though infjs would have a better time with us and mostly agree with us rather the...
I used to do the exact same thing, that really sucks, it truly does... Words can't express. Honestly the thing that helped me was talking to a practitioner. Truly having someone else that has no...
This was pretty brutal I'm not gonna lie.... It's ok you can calm down now lol
angelcat I'd personally say go with your intuition. I went with mine, then all of this happened :/ I feel as if you felt attacked so don't, don't feel like you have to explain yourself because you...
I know this post is really old but can we just talk about the energy it takes for the Ni dom user to just wake up in the morning? I mean.... They would be sloths if any animal, smart sloths, but...
Technically a Theoretical Science such as Typology is made up of very strong opinions, however most of us here regard them as true, but still an unprovable science outside of itself. Pissing in...
Oh well XP, guess that won't work then
Feel bad for what? Absolute Nonsense, technically only the way you interpret something shows your understanding not the value of the information in itself. NFJs can empathize with the bad guy...
I really wouldn't see an ENTP mistyping as an INFJ, I would definitely however see an ENFP mistyping as an INFJ seeing that INFJs are mostly considered a perfect union of their internal struggle...
Big Determiner if you are an NFP or an NFJ ladies an gentlemen, can you empathize with the bad guy in a given situation Answer the Question first If yes you are an NFJ If no you are an NFP
Oh and ENTP couldn't care less in general so yeah
I would actually say an *NFP possibly leaning more towards ENFP but I would need more information, but most INFJs, no offense INFJs, would be wondering through the world in a *mystical trance* at...
Fellow ENFJs... If you're not the most organized person around, don't doubt that you are an ENFJ. If you're not the most outgoing person in the world, don't doubt you're an ENFJ. If you're...
As to comment on somewhere I don't belong :P, ENFJs feel like this too, although I'm trying to decide if it's more of a commonality for us or you guys, I've skimmed through but I've seen the internal...
Yes and no... Whenever I had to perform in front of a bunch of students in my high school class hella yes that was happening, but whenever I was in my school production of pippin having to perform...
I feel like I'm in this right now actually XD, in my idgaf mood which NEVER happens, but I kinda like it, not having anyone to try for makes me feel relaxed, but I do get lonely, but in these moments...
All the time Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
I was a very extraverted child who became more introverted as the years went on Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
I think if you infps just be yourself, you are enough to change perspectives, since you in yourselves are such beautiful people, don't think you have to do something just for you to have value in...
http://youtu.be/KuX_xwghhsw http://youtu.be/oKxuiw3iMBE
I try to fit into others expectations of me and change how I act around certain people, I'm not afraid of making decisions, quite the opposite, I won't force my will on people if someone else has...
Note these specific examples are theoretical extremes, but I see myself in this description
Hii, so I have been interested for the past week in dom-tertiary loops since I have seen mine a lot in my life. So do you guys have any information or experience regarding your dom-tertiary loops...
Haha I do that exact same thing Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
1 in 10 100%
Those can mean three different things XD
And accidentally post what other people have already posted XP
When you want to post something good, but youre afraid it won't be or people wont relate, and just sort of sit there anxiously watching others post'