'Religion is also my favorite topic for discussion, but I haven't found much stimulation in this area lately, so I'm on the prowl. While I'm happy to exchange ideas on any religion, I have a special...
Yes to the hermaphrodite thing. It happens on a nearly weekly basis for me as of recently. I've never (consciously) wanted a sex change.
I like your name.
You see yourself from the third-person? I don't see myself, except occasionally from the first-person. Sometimes I am a different gender, like you mentioned. It causes immense confusion but I am...
Buddhism, because it is the ultimate INTJ religion, if there should ever be one. As a religious practice, Buddhism deals with the causes of suffering and the means to put an end to suffering. It...
Type: INTJ. Religious beliefs: Buddhist. Reasons why: Mystical yet logical, transcendental yet practical, psychological yet paradoxical.
Dogen Zenji is a classic, but his era was the 1200s. If you mean modern teachers, I'd recommend Suzuki Roshi and Hsu Yun, but even they are no longer with us. Thich Nhat Hanh may be of interest to...
Stillness and serene clarity of mind accompanied by heightened awareness. In mental quietude and physical solitude, the entirety of one's being is imbued with such settledness.
Autocontrol as in self-control? Yes, I am very self-controlled. Perhaps too much, sometimes. Like you, I don't drink, smoke, or drug myself. And I am abstinent. My choices are mine alone. They...
Approximately 30 hours, perhaps a bit more. Because I was on a 13 hour flight, can't sleep sitting up, had a long layover, can't sleep in crowded airports, and so on. Very uncomfortable, but could...
I recently discovered that I am not a forgiving person. If it was sincerely an accident, then I can let it go, but repeat offenders and those who should know better irk me beyond belief. I happen...
I concern myself deeply with matters of morality. While I wouldn't argue with the tendency toward developing personal values and feelings independent from societal standards, I take issue with the...
Yes, I suppose that's a fair assessment. But I try hard (and I mean really hard) to resist the tendency to self-isolate. Not always am I successful at that...
22 I like to think I have a well-developed theory of mind.
Giao duyên
Meditation is my life. For the past nine years, I've been practicing meditation regularly, drawing primarily from the methods of shikantaza/zazen and satipatthana-vipassana. I'm also a devout...
Growing up, I always complained, Why can't I have a normal family...? but in retrospect, I am immensely grateful, for their unique way of living in the world influenced me for the better.
Almost all my friends (and definitely my closest friends) are INFJs. We seem to get along extraordinarily well. I love them.
Me (24): INTJ Younger Brother (22): INFJ Mother (55): INFJ Father (64): INFJ
Yes, I practice Zen/Chan Buddhism, which has a strong Sino-Japanese history.
Chinese has a long history and I am quite fond of its psychology, one could say... Not to mention the philosophy inherent to it. It plays a rather significant role in my spiritual practice, as...
How many languages can you speak/have you learned? Two with a degree of confidence (English, Chinese), but a few more with a degree of unconfidence (French, Portuguese, Korean, Japanese, Khmer,...
I'm so fed up with people's egos....
1) I am a Buddhist. 2) I am a Ph.D. student. 3) I am a Liberal, but based on my own criteria. Many of my personal choices - abstinence, no drug or alcohol use, etc. - may seem conservative, but I...
Neuroscience and Psychology (cognitive).
Religious INTJ here, but not of the God-believing variety. As a devout Buddhist, what originally drew me to Buddhism was that it's the most rational world religion I've encountered.
Zendos, libraries, and the roots/branches of trees.
Let's just say I want to go back, full-time.
1. Buddhist Chanting 2. No, No 3. Amongst White Clouds 4. IDK 5. Horse-Drawn Carriage 6. 3 of Diamonds 7. Spring because it symbolizes rebirth.
Sure, why not? It's among the only indicators of physicality, to remind me that I'm still in this corporeal world.
Me. Last summer, I traveled to Taiwan by myself, where I lived in a monastery for about a month.
I worked out between the ages of 10 and 12. I wanted to be a Super Saiyan.
Am I the only INTJ who cries over 13th century Japanese religious texts because they're so beautiful and touch something deep inside me?
I am selective with regard to my friendships. If someone annoys or drains me, then they probably are not actually a friend, but a close acquaintance, or perhaps in the buddy category. For me, true...
I would previously have said intellectual but I now lean strongly toward the spiritual. I think the only way I could ever truly come to love a person would be through an unfathomably deep spiritual...
How can I induce self-transcendence/a non-pathological dissociative episode in less than 10 minutes under controlled laboratory conditions without upsetting the IRB? Further, how can I measure...
Brand-spanking-new! Welcome!
I also would have thought ENTJ at first, but the above is a strong case for typing her an unhealthy ENFJ. Now, what about Vivian Darkbloom? I wonder if there's any difference there.
Am I the only INTJ who wishes the world was covered with glittery and/or sparkly rainbows?
Relatively active, and in each of them serving in some sort of leadership capacity. National Honor Society Secretary, Chair of Students for a Free Tibet, Co- or lead facilitator for several...
I'm a bit of a radical. 257506
Sure, ISTJs can be The Scientists as long as INTJs get promoted to The MAD Scientists.
Empiricism, as much as I was once a die-hard believer, is inherently flawed like any other epistemology.
I feel that I'm fairly accurate at reading into people. This could be since my feeling side is highly developed (I'm significantly closer to 50-50 feeling-thinking than I am for any other pair,...
As a rule, I don't procrastinate. Although there are times when I'm less than ideally productive due to loss of motivation, I never put off until later what I could realistically do sooner. My...
We're an endangered species.
I used to have an impenetrable personal bubble. Any violation of it sent shivers down my spine. Now, I don't mind being touchy-feely (provided it's with someone I'm comfortable around),...'